Pledge to make a difference, together.

Fejer Megyei Esely Gyermekvedelmi es Gyermeksegito Alapitvany

Tuzer utca 6,

| ID: 30-0108263-1013

Our Mission

Fejer Megyei Esely Gyermekvedelmi es Gyermeksegito Alapitvany (Esely Child Protecting and Child Supporting Foundation of Fejer County) mission is to support those children who live in child's home in state custody. These children are in multiple disadvantageous situation. We would like to decrease their disadvantages, close to them to the normal society by ability caring, training to independent life, organizing of cultural and free time programs, drug prevention, training of professionals, constructing communities, supporting learning and healthy lifestyle.

Our Impact

What Can You Do to Help?

Fundraising for an organization will help them help the world.

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