Pledge to make a difference, together.
The organization performs an important educational work to break the superstition in Nigeria. Due to the high superstition many children and teens are accused of being witches which often leads to inhumane treatments of torture, dehumanization and banishment by the family and the local community, many of these children die due to unhealed wounds and malnutrition. Anja and her team tries to rescue as many of these unfortunate souls and house them at the orphanage in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria.
The children receive plenty of care, medical treatment, food / lodging and education, which enables a stable life for the children so they can become viable in the society. We are an association that are fighting for children's rights.
At DINNoedhjaelpwe work with our hearts as well as our minds, and our primary purpose is to support one of the world's poorest children to obtain a more dignified life.
Fundraising for an organization will help them help the world.