Pledge to make a difference, together.
IN THE LORD'S HANDS Our basic mission: We desire to be "the Lord's Hands" in helping the poor and the needy.
The following materials are from In the Lord's Hands website Photos are on the website.
The Lord's Hands NGO WHO ARE WE? ________________________________________ The Lord's Hands is a charitable and humanitarian NGO founded on human and Christian values centered on the true love of neighbor. It has been said: 'Too often we notice the needs around us, hoping that someone from far away will magically appear to meet those needs. Perhaps we wait for experts with specialized knowledge to solve specific problems. When we do this, we deprive our neighbor of the service we could render, and we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to serve. While there is nothing wrong with experts, let us face it: there will never be enough of them to solve all the problems.' We are not experts, nor rich or famous, but we have a reverence for life and a desire to be 'the Lord's Hands' in helping the poor and the needy. Please add greater meaning to your life today and join us in creating a better tomorrow! Our resources consist of financial contributions from active members, donations and volunteer's hours of service.
PROJECTS IN PROGRESS Food Security Education Communiity Projects
Food Security ________________________________________
No Food, no hope. No hope, no dream for a better life. Join us to fight Famine Mission Famine is one of the most common evils in our communities because of natural disasters, conflicts, unstable economic situations, and the lack of fundamentals in management and self-reliance principles. The goal is to support communities by training them on small projects in the processing, production, and conservation of food products. Strategies Food for All Program
Based on local realities, we identify communities of different strata of our populations in the grip of hunger, living in rural areas and some in urban areas and help them to take charge of themselves by efficiently exploiting natural resources at their disposal. With our partners who are experts in the field, we provide basic training, provide production tools such as watering cans, seeds, etc. Beneficiaries commit to perpetuate this culture in their families and commit to contributing with resources such as land for gardening, time, and availability to learn and share knowledge on agricultural techniques they receive from our program.
Education ________________________________________
Mission We help people from disadvantaged social strata to acquire basic and practical trainings for their personal, collective development, and Self-reliance.
Strategies Professional Training: In partnership with Local professional training centers, we provide short-terms practical trainings in the following areas: - Sewing Skills - Masonry & Construction Skills - Plumbing Skills - Cooking Skills - Agriculture & Farming Skills - Welding Skills Literacy: With proven technicians and partners working in the field of education, we organize French literacy classes for women and children first. Adults in need are also considered. Scholarship: In partnership with local orphan's supporting structures, we help pay school fees for orphans and other children in real need. 'Computer for BYU Pathway Connect' With the support of our donors, we are providing Laptops to purposeful BYU Pathway Connect students who meet qualifying criteria and demonstrate a real need. Are you a BYU Pathway Connect student? Are you in a real need of computer? Check your eligibility by submitting your application. Check your eligibility and submit your application Submit your application
Community Projects ________________________________________
Make your community benefit from your precious time by participating in community projects. Understanding that we are the main responsible for the environment in which we live. The Lord's Hands NGO with its vast network of volunteers recognize the impact that each community participant can make in improving conditions and environment of their community. The Lord's Hands NGO initiates projects and partners with institutions or groups working in community & environmental improvement. Without any form of race, color, ethnicity, or religious discrimination we participate in a various range of Community projects including: Strategies - Food delivery to the elderly people and orphans. - Orphanage, Elderly Houses or a public hospital Cleaning or Rehabilitation. - Game activities for disadvantaged children. - Collect baby clothes and supplies to donate to new parents. - Free Art Courses, (Music & Dance). - Cleaning or unblocking of road of general interest. - Participating in a tree planting and awareness campaign on environment protection. Projects will be made public on The Lord's Hands NGO website, and on its social media pages.
PROJECTS IN DEVELOPMENT Emergency Responses NGO Partnerships
Emergency Responses
Becoming inevitable, natural disasters are more and more frequent in our communities, creating enormous damage. Our mission is that whenever one occurs within our reach, that we provide assistance and relief to the victims. It has been reported that on average, humanitarian crises are more complex than at any time in the last 15 years, and last nearly three years longer than they used to. Conflict, migration, climate change and now the unexpected pandemic (COVID-19) are the key trends driving these crises.
Critical Emergency Responses to Address: - Providing the basics (Soap, Sanitizers, masks etc.) - Reinforce Sanitation to minimize infection As they arise in our area of activities, Emergency responses will be posted and best approaches shared on our website and social media pages Strategies In partnership with local institutions, we identify and quantify needs to find a more effective approach to addressing the emergency. We mobilize volunteers, collect donations in kind and in cash depending on the type of disaster and work closely with the competent structures to relieve the affected communities.
NGO Partnerships
Recognizing the contribution that other charitable structures and institutions make to our communities, it will always be an honor for us to partner with NGO's and other charitable structures operating in the Humanitarian and environmental sector. We also recognize the challenge being faced by International organizations in implementing projects in our region. We are committed to engaging with them in an ethical and professional way to carry and assist with projects implementation and impact evaluation.
Are you a humanitarian organization or institution working in environment protection or community development? Tell us about your plans and Projects for a possible partnership with The Lords Hands NGO.
Clean Water In development
Fundraising for an organization will help them help the world.