Pledge to make a difference, together.

Yayasan Asar Humanity

Jl. Raya Tapos No.17 A, Tapos,
West Java 16517,

| ID: 30-0108263-5332

Our Mission

1. Developing and optimizing networks of humanitarian actions based on national and global volunteerism.

2. Developing and optimizing networks of philantrophy on national and global scale.

3. Expanding the reach of our service throught branch offices anf volunteer networks.

4. Utilizing masterpiece programs to contribute and bring solutions to the society problems.

5. Optimizing the philanthropic fundraising and fund management in a trustworthy, transparent and professional manner.

6. Building and optimizing organizational resources and capacity effectively and efficiently.

Our Impact

What Can You Do to Help?

Fundraising for an organization will help them help the world.

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