Pledge to make a difference, together.

Thirst Project

5482 WILSHIRE BLVD 1903,
LOS ANGELES CA 90036-4218,

| EIN: 35-2339840

Our Mission

Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water, vital to health and sanitation.

The Thirst Project seeks to provide health and sanitation. As waterborne diseases kill more children every single year than HIV, Malaria, and all world violence combined. And small children are at significant risk, as they typically do not have strong enough immune systems to fight diseases like cholera, dysentery, or schistosomiasis. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%- overnight!

Likewise, the time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting an education. Women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The Thirst Project makes clean water accessible, lowers health risks and empowers children's education.

How Your Donations Help

  • $100 gives 1 entire family of four access to safe, clean drinking water for life
  • $12,000 funds 1 well and change a whole village forever, giving women hope, children health, and the entire community a future!
  • $50 gives 2 people safe, clean drinking water for life as they start their family and build their lives together in their community
  • $25 gives 1 person safe, clean drinking water for life
  • $8.58 prevents 1 tonne of carbon from entering the atmosphere

Our Impact

Causes We Support

Countries We Serve

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

What Can You Do to Help?

Fundraising for an organization will help them help the world.

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