Pledge to make a difference, together.

Oceanites, Inc.

PO BOX 15259,
CHEVY CHASE MD 20825-0000,

| EIN: 52-1530218

Our Mission

Oceanites is the only NGO championing science-based conservation for the 53 signatory countries of the Antarctic Treaty system and international awareness of climate change through the lens of Antarctic penguins. Our institutional memory, scientific expertise, and unique ability to translate complicated science into easily digested take-home messages uniquely position us to positively shape public awareness of climate change. The message Oceanites and its principals take forward is that our future depends on whether we, like penguins, will adapt and still have a decent home, food to eat, and good health, and continue to produce children for generations to come.

Our Impact

What Can You Do to Help?

Fundraising for an organization will help them help the world.

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