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Displaying 49–60 of 29,459

Italian Red Cross

Protection and promotion of health and life; social inclusion; Prevention and emergency response; Promotion of International Humanitarian Law and International Cooperation; Youth development and culture of active citizenship.

Holy Cross School

Holy Cross School is an independent, Catholic, college preparatory school founded in 1849 by the Congregation of Holy Cross to educate young men in the greater New Orleans community. Holy Cross is fully approved by the Louisiana State Department of Education and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools as a college preparatory school for boys in grades PK-12. Crux Spes Unica "One Family United by the Cross, Our Only Hope."

Holy Cross College

The mission of Holy Cross College is to educate and form global citizens with the competence to see and the courage to act Holy Cross is a Catholic college that advances the apostolic mission of the Brothers of Holy Cross Our practical, experiential, liberal arts curriculum applies timeless truths to contemporary life and leads people to wholeness in the image of Christ

Carolina Cross Connection

Carolina Cross Connection is a Christian mission connecting churches to communities while making space for Jesus Christ to transform lives. We provide weeklong camp experiences for students and adults to connect with their neighbors throughout North Carolina and Honduras. We partner with local agencies to build relationships and provide services for the community.

Wayside Cross Ministries

Lifespring Ministry Center is the women's division of Wayside Cross Ministries. Our transitional program addresses homeless women and their children who have lost their way due to financial loss, addiction, incarceration, deteriorating relationships, or a combination of these factors. Our program helps to educate, counsel and support women to prepare them for their future.

International Blue Cross

The International Blue Cross is one of the world's leading non-governmental organisations, caring for people harmed by or at risk from alcohol or illicit drug use. Our project work in prevention, treatment & counselling and aftercare focuses primarily on young and vulnerable people, and on those in extreme poverty. Through carefully researched and targeted interventions we advocate for evidence-based alcohol policies at the national and international level. In doing so, we seek to draw positive and dignified attention to the issues faced by dependent people and their families. Our Vision: We see a world where all people can knowingly choose and live a life free of harmful addiction; a world where all people harmed by addiction have access to and can benefit from high quality and holistic treatment. Our Mission: We provide healthcare development support and promote holistic well-being; We prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs and help mitigate the associated negative health, social, and economic consequences; We advocate for evidence and best practice-based alcohol policy formulation and implementation on the national and international levels. Alcohol and illicit drug misuse afflicts innumerous individuals and families. It also costs societies around the world billions of dollars in health and socio-economic costs. This growing burden is worthy of everyone's attention. The International Blue Cross constitutes a credible and renowned organisation driven by the values, the sort of professionalism, governance, and local community connections needed to effectively address this global challenge.

Cross Catholic Outreach

Cross Catholic Outreach is a ministry that serves the poorest of the poor internationally by channeling aid through dioceses, parishes, and Catholic missionaries, cost-effectively helping the poor break the cycle of poverty while advancing Catholic evangelization. True change comes from within. Physical change is not complete without sharing the Gospel. In order to break the cycle of poverty, we must first start with the heart. This refers to the active combination of word and deed; “holistic ministry". We must share the hope and good news of the Gospel alongside our social work in order to see the Holy Spirit's transformative power. Neither side of our ministry is complete without the other. We must address both to see a true transformation and to end the plague of extreme poverty

Holy Cross Academy

"Our mission is to educate the whole person and impart the truths of the Catholic Faith, helping students develop academically, spiritually and physically in order to succeed in life, cooperate with grace, and to achieve the ultimate goal: perfect happiness in heaven."

Holy Cross Church

"We thank God for the gift of our faith and the opportunity to share it."

Cross Training Ministries

Founded in 2005, the mission of CrossTraining is to provide appropriate spiritual and emotional care and support through a developed network of bi-vocational and avocational chaplains and counselors that focus on providing holistic care among those individuals — athletes, coaches, staff, alumni, fans, and families — involved in sport.


Canada needs Christ. We praise God for overseas missionaries! But as you look across your own community and country, there is also much work to be done locally for the Lord right here at home. Maybe you are not physically able to step out into the field with us, but are willing to support us by praying and donating to our mission of sharing the Gospel each week – in talk and walk – and training churches to do the same. We thank you for one-time donations. However, please also prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor. TCC is home and church based, so even a gift of just $25/month will keep giving the Gospel over and over again – right here in Canada! To get started, just click on the DONATE button of your choice above and follow the simple instructions provided. All donations are tax receipted. We pray that God will richly bless you for your generosity and we humbly ask that you pray for His blessing on our local missions work for Him…because Canada needs Christ.

Cross Roads House

OUR MISSION:We protect men, women and children of the Greater Seacoast area experiencing homelessness from exposure and hunger.We provide secure, transitional shelter for those seeking to break the cycle of homelessness.We support individuals and families by providing them with the opportunity to move with dignity and purpose to stable and decent housing.