2024 National Scouting Combine

Helping athletes chase the dream of continuing their careers!

Welcome to the 2024 National Scouting Combine fundraiser page, supporting the Beyond Sports Network Foundation! Join us in our mission to provide an awesome athletic testing experience for athletes of all sports, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

At the Beyond Sports Network Foundation, we believe in utilizing modern technology to accurately measure an athlete's true abilities. Our proprietary grading system provides detailed insights into an athlete's performance level, enabling them to showcase their potential to coaches at the "Next Level". Our testing events are provided completely free of charge, ensuring that all athletes have an equal opportunity to succeed.

By participating in the 2024 National Scouting Combine fundraiser, you'll not only support our foundation but also contribute towards leveling the playing field for athletes from various socioeconomic levels. Your generous donations will enable us to continue providing exceptional athletic testing experiences and empowering athletes to reach their fullest potential.

Join us today in supporting the Beyond Sports Network Foundation and the aspiring athletes who are working hard to make their dreams come true. Your contribution will make a significant impact in paving the way for their success. Together, let's make a difference and shape the future of sports!


The fundraiser organizer hasn't posted any updates.