DWDC Essential Workers Need Self-Care

Our Essential Workers Bring Light to Our Community

Join me this holiday season to raise funds to support the essential workers at the Dominican Women's Development Center (DWDC) 

About the Dominican Women’s Development Center (DWDC) 

The Dominican Women’s Development Center (DWDC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1988 and today is the largest independent Dominican founded organization in the United States. Its mission is to empower all women and communities to advance gender equality and social justice by providing essential programs such as education, daycare, domestic violence, health promotion, and home-based services that support families prenatally and up to five years.

Their programs and services are bilingual, culturally competent and provide a holistic approach to the needs of women by providing them with access to basic education, health promotion activities, child care, domestic violence services, and opportunities for personal growth and community advocacy.  These programs include:

  • Educational Development: Provides English as a Second Language class, an annual book fair, and literacy skills-building to approximately 100 students per year. 
  • Mamá Tingó Early Childhood Educational Center: Provides Early Head Start Program for 12 pregnant mothers and 60 families with children ages 0-3. 
  • Health Promotion: Provides HIV prevention services for teens and adults women and men such as healthy sexuality workshops, support groups, condom distribution, conferences, and advocacy.
  • Healthy Families Washington Heights: This program provides home visiting services about parenting to 56 families in child development, health care, and local community resources by trained family support workers. 
  • Mama Tingo Child Care and Learning Center: a licensed dual-language child care center caring for 110 children from 2-5 years old to prepare them to succeed in school and life in a safe, affordable, quality, and comfortable early learning environment. 
  • Nuevo Amanecer/New Dawn: Established in 1998, Nuevo Amanecer/New Dawn is a comprehensive anti-domestic violence program created to empower Latina women who are victims of domestic violence to gain control of and make informed decisions about their lives. 

The Problem They Face: There is a lack of funding for staff self-care activities, in which essential workers can learn tools on how to cope with COVID-19 fears and work directly with families at all times, especially during the Pandemic.

The Solution: $2,000 can help DWDC host a full day of workshops for self-care, in which over 70 employees will benefit. 

Donate Now!

Join me to help this program and to do something special for our essential employees. 

Today, your donation of $25, $50, $100 $250  will support this organization to continue empowering all women and their families.  

If you want to get involved with the program, email pcruz@dwdc.org or generatingresultsllc@gmail.com


Nathalie Tejada posted an update
about 3 years ago
Thank you!

Dear Community,

It has been a delight to see your incredible support for our campaign. We have been able to raise $1,075 with your help. For that, we'd like to say thank you.

Thank you for supporting the DWDC Essential Workers Need Self-Care campaign, but more than that, thank you for believing in our vision of bringing healing, recovery, and acknowledgment to our amazing staff. We are grateful and humbled for the wonderful responses we have received, and, more than ever before, we are motivated to raise all the funds to bring what we promise. 

We are getting closer to the end of our campaign, but you still have time to donate. So join us by donating today. 

Four easy ways to support: 

  1. Donate $5, $10, $15, $25, $50 others
  2. Share this post
  3. Ask others to donate
  4. Send us words of encouragement 

We will update you as soon as we get to the $1,500. Let's keep donating. 

With gratitude,
