Anyone, Anywhere: OneSky's Global Hike

đź’• A Message from the organizer, Kerri:

I'm happy to support the good work of One Sky.

Support a OneSky Hiker and Help Children Thrive

From first time hikers to seasoned trekkers, everyone can feel great knowing they are taking steps to raise funds to help marginalized children in OneSky’s programs in Asia by joining Anyone, Anywhere: OneSky’s Global Hike. At OneSky, we believe that all children should have the opportunity to reach their full potential, and by hiking for OneSky, you’re hiking to ensure that the vulnerable children of Asia have that opportunity.

Wherever in the world you're participating, you can use this page to raise funds for your hike.  (Note, if you haven’t already registered for the hike, please use the link below to do so.)

Suggestions for Raising Awareness and Support for OneSky:

1.  It’s easy to have people pledge support for your hike. Using the “share” button above (arrow, upper lefthand corner) send your hike to people who might want to pledge support of your hike.  

2.  Identify friends to hike with.  Identify a group of hikers who might join you on your hike and invite them to register, too.  As hikers, they’ll be supporting OneSky’s mission when they sign up.  Plus, all hikers get an Anyone, Anywhere hike t-shirt.

3.  Use Social Media and Email to spread the word. Using the “share” button above (arrow, upper lefthand corner), tell everyone in your community that you are hiking for the children!

Don’t forget to take photos of your event and post them on both your fundraising page as an update and on social media using the hashtag #OneSkyGlobalHike and #AnyoneAnywhereHike.

Get ready to hike! Thank you again for joining us as we continue to support years of transforming young children’s lives through access to nurturing childcare and safe spaces to play and learn and to help us reach 1,000,000 children by 2028.

Links to Register for Hike, Hike Toolkit and General Information:

**By registering for this hike, I am voluntarily participating in the Hike with complete knowledge of the associated risks and I agree to accept responsibility for all risks of injury.

Campaign Fundraisers

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