Founded by Taraji P. Henson, The Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation’s (BLHF) mission is to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black community by offering barrier free services at no cost. BLHF and other nonprofit community partners rely on funding from various sources including grants, donations, and partnerships.
We know that where you find poverty, substance abuse, and health disparities, our mental health suffers. We also know that our wellness directly affects the fiscal health of the economy at large.
Join us in ensuring that our communities continue to get the much needed free services they need, feel the safety, belonging, and dignity they deserve, and continue to contribute to the financial stability of our nation, however divisive it may be. DONATE TODAY!
We are of one heart and one mind. We intend to spread the love to other service-based BIPOC nonprofit partners who may be need.❤️
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
“The attacks on DEI efforts are, however, having a chilling effect on some funders, said Mae Hong, vice president of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, which advises foundations, families and individual donors. She said some foundations already have removed language about commitments or programs related to racial equity from their website and applications.”