Climate Coalition Holiday Food Drive Online Donation Site


Please donate online for a good cause!

Hi Menlo!

The Middle School Climate Coalition is organizing a food drive throughout campus to collect canned goods and non-perishable food items to help families in need of food and housing through LifeMoves.

LifeMoves is committed to helping homeless people return to stable housing and provides them with clothing, food, shelter, and services every night. 

The Food Drive will take place from December 6-10th, and this online food drive fundraising page will be open all week until December 12th. Please donate here or text MENLOCLIMATE21 to 707070 to help serve a good cause. There is a bonus fun reward too (info below)!

We will be having collection bins throughout campus. Locations include:

- The Middle School Quad

- The Cafeteria

- The Loop

Some examples of food items you can donate in the bins are: 

- Canned Meats

- Canned Stews and Chili

- Tea Bags

- Coffee (ground no beans)

- Hot and Cold Cereals

- Rice

- Packaged Pasta (Macaroni & Cheese, etc.)

- Juice Boxes

- Canned Beans

- Granola Bars

- Cereal Bars

If we reach a good amount of donations, then we will be hosting a middle school surprise party, so keep on the lookout for that, and donate!  

If you have any questions, please contact and

Thank you for your support. Happy donating and start of the holidays!

If you want extra information, check out our slideshow here: Holiday Food Drive Slideshow



The fundraiser organizer hasn't posted any updates.