Every Child Deserves A Playful Life


About This Fundraiser

At Every Ability Plays Project we believe every child deserves a playful life. We want children and young adults with mobility impairments, hearing and vision impairments, autism spectrum disorders, and all other disabilities to be given the opportunity to develop alongside their peers and experience all the joy and benefits of play.

Every Ability Plays Project’s mission is to remove barriers and expand the world of play for children and young adults with disabilities by providing adaptive equipment which supports play in their neighborhood playgrounds and communities, as well as their own backyards.

Our main project will be redoing the school playground at Colinas del Norte Elementary School in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. They want their playground to be accessible for their side by side students. Every Ability Plays Project has offered to purchase a wheelchair swing, 2 adaptive swings, a slide and putting them a playground ground so that it can be easier to push their students who are in wheelchairs. This school playground project will cost $157,000.   Every Ability Plays Project has agreed to raise $50,000 for this specific project. 



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