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To connect volunteers from different nationalities to work together on responsible volunteer placements that support both the development of the local communities and the personal development of the volunteers. Moreover, by creating positive volunteering experiences we aim to popularise volunteering in Romanian society and thus support the growth of an active and civil society.

ProDogRomania e.V.

The association was founded in order to represent and promote the idea of animal welfare within Germany and Europe and to fight against the misery of dogs in Romania. In a country like Romania, where animal welfare is still in its infancy or is absent, we have set ourselves the goal of countering these abuses. ProDogRomania is a registered association dedicated to protecting the lives and quality of life of dogs in Baile Herculane and Ploiesti. We hope to have brought you closer to our work on these pages. Since the projects of ProDogRomania finance only through donations, we rely on every penny. Our club lives exclusively by a lot of personal commitment, donations and donations, so that distressed dogs are sometimes dependent on our cash position. Your donation will benefit one to one for each project. ProDogRomania e.V. works exclusively with volunteers.

Deutschland sagt Nein zum Tiermorden e. V.

jede einzelne Seele hat es verdient, dass wir DsN e.V. uns für die Straßenhunde Rumäniens einsetzen. Darum unsere Bitte, helft, um ihre Welt ein Stückchen besser zu machen, nur mit Eurer Hilfe ist uns das möglich. Danke!

Frankfurt Zoological Society U.S.

FZS-US protects wildlife and ecosystems focusing on protected areas and outstanding wild places in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and Europe.

Fundatia ROLDA

ROLDA is an international charity operating in Romania to solve humanely, efficiently and responsibly the strays' population, estimated to 2.5 millions. Our keys focuses are rescue, rehabilitation, rehoming, spay/neuter, social programs, education. We treat animals in places where no one else will and every day, we make a difference on the front line of animal welfare. We work to demand justice for the forgotten, for those who have no voice to speak up with. This dream is possible, but not without your support.