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Displaying all 4 nonprofits
The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is an adaptable and flexible, non-bureaucratic organisation responding promptly to conservation threats by supporting trusted, reputable individuals and organisations operating in the field. Lean on administration but generous on funding, the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation supports a range of innovative, vital and far-reaching projects throughout Africa and Asia, achieving real results for wildlife survival by: - sending undercover agents into the field to investigate illegal wildlife crime, training and supplying anti-poaching patrols - establishing nature reserves and other protected areas - working with governments to establish conservation laws and regulations - educating wildlife consumers about the plight of the animals they 'use' - teaching young people about endangered wildlife through art and school projects
The African Impact Foundation works to implement long-term, positive change in the lives of individuals, families and communities in Africa. Our commitment to 'Educate, Enrich and Empower' points to our main areas of focus: Education and Enrichment, Health and Nutrition, Empowering Families, The Girl Impact and Conservation. We also pride ourselves on our knowledge of sustainable and responsible development.
The African Lion & Environmental Research Trust is dedicated to a multi-disciplinary approach for the facilitation and promotion of sound conservation and management plans for the African Lion (Panthera leo) and the ecosystems on which the species relies. Through responsible development we aim to realise the species' potential to provide substantial social, cultural, ecological and economic benefits, which are distributed equitably amongst stakeholders to promote sustainable motivation in them for the protection of Africa's natural heritage.
FZS-US protects wildlife and ecosystems focusing on protected areas and outstanding wild places in Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, and Europe.