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Displaying all 12 nonprofits
To transform and heal the lives of people through education, health, clean water, empowerment, religious, disability, refugee's relief, children and food security and disaster relief. Thereby continue having a healthier society free of illiteracy, Inhuman rights, drugs, poverty, hunger and HIV and AIDS by providing free, relevant, inclusive education and empowerment to a girl child, orphans, streetkids, women, disabled and other needful services to inopportune people.
Support the marginalised communities in Africa to over come the draw backs in health, education and socioeconomic status they are suffering from, through a community-based and human-centred approach. Depending mainly on income-generating projects from local resources, community members will be capable in the future to solve their own problems. That ensures the sustainability of development. We also raise Awareness about volunteering and create a sense of social responsibility throughout volunteering programs
The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is an adaptable and flexible, non-bureaucratic organisation responding promptly to conservation threats by supporting trusted, reputable individuals and organisations operating in the field. Lean on administration but generous on funding, the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation supports a range of innovative, vital and far-reaching projects throughout Africa and Asia, achieving real results for wildlife survival by: - sending undercover agents into the field to investigate illegal wildlife crime, training and supplying anti-poaching patrols - establishing nature reserves and other protected areas - working with governments to establish conservation laws and regulations - educating wildlife consumers about the plight of the animals they 'use' - teaching young people about endangered wildlife through art and school projects
femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.
Sisterhood Agenda is an award-winning, tax-exempt nonprofit organization that creates and implements activities for women and girls around the globe for education, support and empowerment. Sisterhood Agenda promotes positive social change and has over 6,000 global partners in 36 countries. Global partners create an extensive sisterhood network to increase local organization capacity and unite women and girls. Sisterhood Agenda's SEA (Sisterhood Empowerment Academy), based in the U.S. Virgin Islands, attracts international participants. On global and local levels, Sisterhood Agenda addresses social, health, economic and cultural issues facing women and girls to promote positive life outcomes. Sisterhood Agenda's social impact is expanded through partnerships with agencies, individuals and businesses throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, India, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, and other geographic regions. Sisterhood Agenda maintains its social networking sites and blog at
RIJ is an independent non-profit organization that funds projects for people displaced by conflict around the world. RIJ supports projects that provide opportunities for people to lead an independent normal life while staying near to home and their loved ones; projects that enable people to give back to the community and make valuable contributions to the local economy as well as rebuilding their own future.
Tiko is a non-profit, non-political, inter-denominational organization. Our mission is to fight poverty in Katete through better education, health and entrepreneurship; helping people help themselves while maintaining their traditional culture and values
BRINGING TOGETHER PRIVATE, PUBLIC & COMMUNITY SECTORS Destination Livingstone was established with a desire to make Livingstone a more attractive and competitive tourist destination and increase the long-term social and economic benefits that tourism can bring to its people, businesses and local economy. Our approach is innovative in that private, public and community sectors are all represented on the Destination Livingstone Board and Working Groups which is a new business model in the City. Our mission is to make Livingstone a better place for those who live, work and visit the City. Our Vision is to develop sustainable business models in tourism that create prosperity in Livingstone and sustain livelihoods for all. Our values are:- PROFESSIONAL - We are dedicated to utilising every resource in executing tasks to the best standard possible. ECO-FRIENDLY - We will encourage the implementation of sustainable activities to limit our impact on the environment. INCLUSIVE - We are a diverse organisation that wants to provide equitable opportunities for all. TRANSPARENT - We will execute our duties openly and hold ourselves accountable to the community in which we operate.
To empower the library and information community to actively promote the African development agenda through dynamic services that transform livelihoods.
to mobilise its members to reintroduce sustainable Sport for All and physical activity practices into everyday lives, using the Designed to Move physical activity platform.