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Displaying all 8 nonprofits

Changing Tides Foundation

CTF was born from the idea that the world would be a better place if we were all given the opportunity to give back. Established by a group of water women, we feel it is our calling to help others by teaming up with local organizations globally to raise awareness and address social, environmental, health and safety concerns in the places we visit. We aim to bridge the gap between the traveler and our projects enabling travelers to add a life-changing experience to their journeys and add purpose to travel.

DARE Network (Drug and Alcohol Recovery and Education Network)

DARE (Drug & Alcohol Recovery & Education) Network is a grassroots national NGO. DARE Network provides culturally appropriate non-medical treatment & prevention education to reduce substance abuse & associated social issues within the communities of displaced ethnic people from Burma, along the Thai/Burma border. DARE Network envisions the strength of ethnic people from Burma to use the power of recovery from addiction as a non-violent means to resist oppression. A Free Mind Cannot Be Destroyed.

Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI)

CFVI was created to serve both donors and nonprofit organizations of the Virgin Islands that want to ensure the highest quality of life for present and future generations. Its primary goal is to build a collection of permanent funds, which will be used to enhance the educational, physical, social, cultural and environmental well-being of the children, youth, and families of the Virgin Islands. Our programs, operating cost, and much of CFVI's community outreach are provided each year through generous donations from CFVI Angels. The Angel gifts support all we do in the community. The Foundation's immediate primary focus is to assist Virgin Islanders and VI community-serving organizations with relief and recovery associated with the devastation of hurricanes Irma and Maria.

St. Croix Environmental Association

To promote the conservation of environmental resources, provide education and advocate for environmentally responsible actions that benefit St. Croix.

Virgin Islands Good Food Coalition

The mission of Virgin Islands Good Food Coalition, Inc. is to bridge the gap between different sectors of the Virgin Islands Food system through education, advocacy and support services.