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Fundacion Paraguaya

To develop and implement practical, innovative and sustainable solutions which eliminate poverty and create decent living conditions for every family.


Act4Africa aims to change five million lives. Improving health/well-being, gender justice, and income generation for women in Africa's poorest communities We plan to do this through education which can encourage independence.

TAHUDE Foundation

TANZANIA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION (TAHUDE Foundation) under the Reg. No. ooNGO/00005851 is a non-profit making organization founded by Tanzanian individuals whose ambition is to utilize different talents of men and women who wish to effect positive changes in the lives of people. We serve as a BRIDGE between our partners and the needy community. For detailed information please kindly visit various pages of our website:

Tanzania Development Trust

The Trust Deed of 1975 says "The objects of the Trust shall be to relieve poverty and sickness among the people of Tanzania by means of the development of education, health and other social services, the improvement of water supplies and other communal facilities and the promotion of self- help activities." Interpreting the Trust Deed for the needs of the 21st Century we add: "In making grants, the Trust tries to promote equal opportunities and projects which improve the environment".

Africa Nature Organization

Who We Are: The need for a grassroots organization that would galvanize communities across Africa to positively contribute towards sustainable management of natural resources was an idea born out of a discussion by a group of environment and natural resource management practitioners gathered in Arusha Tanzania in 2010. The idea was subsequently shared with other like-minded individuals and culminated in the formation and subsequent registration of Africa Nature Organization as Non-Governmental Organization on the World Wetlands Day 2nd February 2012 in Kenya. Our focus has been to promote sustainable environmental and natural resource management best practices among grassroots communities working closely with civil society organizations, private sector actors and Government. Our Vision: A well-managed environment and natural resource base benefiting People and Wildlife. Our Mission: To enhance sustainable management of environment and natural resources by empowering grassroots communities, supporting development of effective natural resource management instruments, promotion of green innovations and the advancement of wise-use practices. Programmes: Our work is organized around three themes. These are conservation, people's organizations and livelihoods. 1. Environmental Education and Awareness Sustained environmental education and awareness campaigns have been known to change the behavior and attitudes of stakeholders towards environment and natural resources. Africa Nature Organization environmental education and awareness campaigns target both the young and the old through targeted campaigns such as the Young People4Nature Initiative, environmental demonstrations, environmental days, cross-site visits, workshops and seminars are some of the activities in this category. 2. Conservation of Species and Habitats With the threat of species extinction and habitat loss aggravated by climate change, Africa Nature Organization has taken a special interest in the conservation of species and habitats through rehabilitation, restoration and protection. Afforestation on terrestrial areas, coral transplant in marine ecosystems, dyke construction, development of management plans, support for community guards to protect and monitor species and habitats are some of the activities undertaken to reduce species and habitat loss. 3. Enterprise-led Conservation (ECO) Communities for ages have depended on natural resources for their livelihoods. However, with dwindling natural resource base due to extraction of natural resources for commercial purposes, population increase and climate changes, communities have trapped in a vicious cycle of destroying environment and natural resources for survival. To stem this downward spiral, Africa Nature Organization works with grassroots communities to empower them with business skills and knowledge to initiate nature-friendly enterprises and link them with markets. 4. Research and Innovation for Conservation (RI-Conserve): Relevant information to undertake important decisions regarding natural resources has been an impediment to sustainable management of environment and natural resources. This has been more profound with grassroots communities and organizations, including government, working to empower them to sustainably manage environment and natural resources. To bridge the information gap, Africa Nature Organization undertakes research and develops innovative ways of overcoming environmental challenges facing communities, civil society organizations, private organizations and governments. Baseline surveys, environmental impact assessments, documentation of indigenous knowledge on biological resources, and innovative mobile technology for conservation are some of the activities undertaken in this category. 5. Conservation Communication (COCO): Communicating conservation information to relevant stakeholders is key in to their engagement and involvement in our conservation effort. Conservation Communication maintains stakeholder interest through: Newsletter, Development and distribution of environmental documentaries, Production of other education, information and communication materials.

Terre Des Hommes Netherlands

Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TDH NL) prevents child exploitation by removing children from exploitative situations and ensuring they can develop themselves in a safe environment.

The Toa Nafasi Project

Each student is an individual who has diverse aptitudes and different learning styles. Building on this fundamental concept, The Toa Nafasi Project addresses the needs of primary students in Tanzania to assess their abilities, cultivate strengths, and resolve weaknesses. We work with teachers, parents, and the community at large to enrich the classroom experience and devise innovative and inspiring teaching methodologies that encourage participation and critical thinking. The goal of The Toa Nafasi Project is to elicit creativity and distinction in academic performance, extracurricular activities, and to provide each student with a chance to excel.


femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.

International Centre for Research in Agroforestry

To harness the multiple benefits trees provide for agriculture, livelihoods, resilience and the future of our planet, from farmers' fields through to continental scales.

Young Scientists for Africa

Young Scientists for Africa (YoSA) is a registered charity supporting young African science students by: - Awarding scholarships to attend the annual London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). - Creating a student network in Africa to enable and encourage careers in science. This is necessary because: - Extensive analysis has demonstrated that Africa needs science, not just aid, to address the socio-economic and public health challenges it faces. - Africa needs young African scientists to lead the charge on reshaping the continent and improving and saving African lives. What YoSA offers: YoSA was established to support young African science students who don't typically have access to the same opportunities as those in other parts of the world. A central component of YoSA is a scholarship programme to sponsor African science students to attend the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). Proper representation of African students at this international forum is hugely important and before the creation of YoSA there was no representation of students from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa; a continent that constitutes approximately 20% of the world's youth population. YoSA works with leading scientists and scientific initiatives in Africa to identify the best young African scientific talent. These students are then sponsored to attend the London International Youth Science Forum - an annual event which attracts over 500 of the world's best science students from more than 70 countries, many of whom have won national science competitions - and are given the chance to engage with world leading scientists in a two week programme of lectures, debates and visits to research institutions. At LIYSF, YoSA students have the opportunity to share their perspectives and create lasting relationships with an audience of other young scientists from all over the world. They also raise the profile of African science by introducing other students to the challenges and opportunities for science in Africa. YoSA operates through a network of facilitators and has established links with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (, The Wellcome Trust (, The Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) (, Projekt Inspire ( and the Next Einstein Forum ( Through the support of its network of facilitators YoSA sponsors open and fair selection processes to identify talented young African scientists, for whom other financial support would not be available, and who are committed to pursuing science careers in Africa. The facilitators also support scholarship students locally with their visa and passport requirements as they have typically never travelled outside their own country before. Our ambition is to support young African scientists, not just in attending LIYSF, but also in creating a network that can link into other African science initiatives such as Next Einstein Forum ( and Africa Research Excellence Fund ( as they progress in their education and careers. We have directly facilitated introductions for our students with these and other leading science organisations in Africa and we actively monitor and encourage the progress of their scientific development through these connections. Each of our scholarship students has returned to Africa with a determination to succeed in science. They have been very proactive in communicating their experiences at LIYSF within their schools and local communities and inspire others pursue careers in science. They are each required to write a report of their experiences as part of the scholarship we provide and this forms the basis of these presentations. Our students are fantastic ambassadors for science in Africa and it's no exaggeration to say that YoSA and LIYSF have had a life changing effect on them and their ambitions for their future careers as African scientists. What is LIYSF: The London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) is a two week residential event held at Imperial College London, with lectures and demonstrations from leading scientists, visits to industrial sites, research centres, scientific institutions and organisations, including world class laboratories and universities. LIYSF attracts over 500 of the world's leading young scientists, aged 16-21 years, from more than 70 countries. This year was the 60th LIYSF and further details can be found at


MISSION: The mission of IFRD is to develop a global friendly association of Rotarian Doctors and Allied Professionals who will support and promote Rotary International and its goals in their respective roles as physicians, scientists, and healers, to bring about world peace and understanding through high ethical standards in Service and Fellowship OBJECTIVES To encourage fellowship among Doctors and other health workers by arranging regular meetings in each area/district/region, and a get-together at International Conventions an Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). To encourage participation in large scale health programs by volunteering, giving advice or service in other countries; also visiting and offering training, as well as, experiencing practice in other countries. To maintain contact with other members of the Fellowship in adjacent or distant areas by visits, exchange programs or telemedicine and related activities. To recognize individuals who have provided exceptionally unique service to their profession and to Rotary.

Smart Villages Foundation

Can remote villages have the same opportunities as urban centres? Can rural residents have access to careers, clean water, healthcare, education, productive agriculture and communication-without leaving their villages? Smart Villages believes that people in remote villages deserve the same opportunities as everyone else. Remote villages are often "off the grid" and do not have a reliable supply of energy for lighting homes, cooking, charging mobile phones, or powering businesses. The energy sources they do have, such as kerosene lamps, are often harmful to their health. The national grid may never reach many of these remote villages, but other solutions exist. We believe that energy access in off-grid communities is one of the services that can change lives-but only if it is implemented for the long-term and includes community involvement and training. And for development to happen sustainably, energy and other technologies must be harnessed for productive use, and for the innovative provision of community-level services (for example health and education), so that community residents are able to access all the basic services they need, despite their physical remoteness. Every village can be a "smart village." Smart Villages has provided policy makers, donors and development agencies concerned with rural energy access with new insights on the real barriers to energy access and innovation-driven rural development in villages in developing countries - technological, financial and political - and how they can be overcome. We are focusing more on remote off-grid villages, where local solutions (home- or institution-based systems, and mini-grids) are both more realistic and cheaper than national grid extension. But our approach is equally valid in other situations. Our concern is to ensure that energy access goes hand in hand with smarter, more integrated thinking about rural communities, and results in development and the creation of 'smart villages' in which many of the benefits of life in modern societies are available. In our ongoing work, we aim to demonstrate how Smart Villages and integrated rural development initiatives can be created in a sustainable and community-driven manner, and to evidence how this new holistic rural development paradigm can yield superior, lasting development impacts. We are also committed to investigating innovative technologies that can help deliver some of these integrated development objectives - for example innovative agricultural technology, cold storage, ICT access, remote education and telemedicine. We aim to win grant funding, and raise charitable funding, to implement projects to help catalyse sustainable community-led and focussed rural development worldwide, but particularly in Africa, where we already have a number of active projects.