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Healthy ecosystems underpin everything that humanity needs, but 75% of our Earth is degraded. Climate Disruption, the biodiversity crisis, desertification, flooding, loss of livelihoods, poverty and hunger are directly linked to collapsing ecosystems. Humanity is degrading and depleting its most important resource: functioning natural systems. The need for addressing these crises and for a change to a resilient, regenerative and sustainable co-existence with our natural world is understood. Yet, worldwide, people feel powerless to turn the tide. In response, we are catalyzing a global movement to restore and rehabilitate our degraded ecosystems and change the way we live with nature through introducing regenerative productive systems. Ecosystem Restoration Camps ("ERC") is a global, inclusive, bottom-up movement. We catalyse action towards restoring and rehabilitating natural systems to maintain the web of life. We do this by facilitating the emergence of Camps around the world. Camps are living labs where local communities, lay people, experts and scientists come together to restore and rehabilitate degraded ecosystems. Camps empower local communities to restore their environments and livelihoods by providing them with the tools, skills, and knowledge to bring back abundance and increase their resilience. OUR VISION: We envision a fully-functional, peaceful, abundant, biologically diverse Earth brought about through cooperative efforts for the ecological restoration of degraded lands. OUR MISSION: To work together to restore ecological functionality, to build Research, Training and Innovation Centers for Ecological Restoration, to engage people in inquiry into ecological restoration, and train people in how to restore degraded lands in perpetuity. OBJECTIVES - To train people in techniques for restoring land and provide practical opportunities for people to practice new approaches to landscape restoration. - To build research, training and innovation centers to engage people in ecosystem restoration. - To manage a flow of volunteers of all ages to restore agricultural and natural ecosystems. - To increase the organic matter, carbon content and water retention capacity of the soil to stimulate large scale carbon sequestration. - To improve the livelihoods of farmers, landowners and local communities around the camps. OUR VALUES Restoring Earth positively impacts both livelihoods and communities. To ensure that our contribution to humanity is ethically sound, we have embraced a set of core values that guide the work of the Foundation: - We believe that all beings are equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights; - We recognise that without thriving ecosystems we are nothing and feel a profound obligation to preserve and restore degraded land where it may be found; - We are not self-seeking but rather committed to working together towards a collective outcome that is bigger than any individual, that benefits us all, and that benefits future generations; - We voluntarily, joyfully and with peaceful intent wish to restore basic ecological function so that all people and other living things can live together in harmony; - We willingly share our knowledge, our time, our expertise and our labour, making it as accessible as possible, knowing that we are doing the right thing; - We treat one another with respect and as equals in our shared endeavour, no matter how much or how little each of us may be able to give; - We believe in collaboration, and therefore work with organisations, experts, and local communities in partnership; - We work as a bottom-up movement, each Camp is an independent entity designed and organised according to its own local context, ensuring that the benefits are really felt by the local population; - We communicate openly and honestly celebrating our diversity, and embracing our differences without allowing these to impede progress towards our shared goal; - We act with open minds and hearts, prepared to learn new skills and methods for land restoration from those with knowledge and expertise in this area; - We strive to communicate the essence of our work to others such that together we can build a movement that restores resilient abundance to land and ecosystems that we have degraded. ERC Foundation works with an executive Board of Directors, a volunteer and financially responsible Supervisory Board and a strategic Advisory Council made by the world's leading experts in agroforestry, permaculture, regenerative farming, and ecosystem restoration. ERC is a supporting partner to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
We believe that each one deserves to be happy and that is why every day we stand beside children, adolescents, young people and the elderly so that they are protagonists of the transformation of life and society. Our mission is to provide shelter for children, adolescents, young people and the elderly, which aims to enable a safer, happier future with more opportunities
Instituto da Crianca is a SOCIAL MANAGER to promote human development. The organization works as a way to bring together people and companies that are able and willing to contribute, but don't know how to make this investment reach those who really need it. With 28 years of history, the Instituto connects and articulates these two groups, advising companies, and directing financial, human, material, and technical knowledge resources.
UmRio works to end intergenerational poverty in Morro do Castro, and support other vulnerable communities around the world do the same UmRio is an evidence-based development programme that supports children and youth at every stage of their learning, from the cradle to graduation. Through a 5-pillar development model centred around rugby, education, job-readiness, healthcare and social support, UmRio provides children, young people and their families with the conditions they need to take charge of their futures, rather than have them defined by the circumstance they were born into.
I - Enable the integral promotion of the human person, promoting education and cultural development through action and socio-community education, in activities inherent to the interest of agriculture, especially regarding the sustainable development and social elevation of the family farmer from the spiritual-ethical-ecological, intellectual, technical, health and economic point of view; II - Encourage, through education, entrepreneurial attitudes of rural youth, their families and communities, contributing to the access to the generation of work and income, as well as providing continuous formation processes of Alternation Educators / Monitors of Agricultural and Family Schools and several publics, with a view to contributing to mobilization of popular empowerment and emancipation in the complex sociocultural reality of the Brazilian countryside; III - Ensure that the formation and animation activities of the EFAs are articulated and integrated with the promotion and sustainable development projects in which they are inserted; IV - To promote, as its predominant activity, a contextualized and differentiated education, serving as a maintaining institution to regulate, manage, raise funds, represent and manage the operation of the Santa Cruz do Sul Family Farm School - EFASC, which may offer teaching courses High School and Vocational High School, as well as initial and continuing education, complementary and technical specializations of Rural Professional Learning, following the principles of the CEFFAs Network - Family Centers for Alternating Training in Brazil, with universality of service, scholarships and benefits related to school transportation, uniforms, teaching materials, housing and food; V - Providing, conducting, executing and encouraging initial and ongoing processes of training for Alternating Educators / Family School Teachers and EFA association members; VI - Promote a quality education, contextualized, differentiated and focused on the rural environment, in accordance with the foundations and principles of the CEFFAs Network, with a Pedagogy of Alternation methodology and appropriate to the Law of Guidelines and bases of National Education (LDB No. 9,394) / 1996) and the National Plan of Current Education (PNE), as well as Decree No. 7352, of November 4, 2010 and other normative instruments of field education and relevant legislation; VII - Recognize the knowledge of family farmers and the community, recognize their role as alternative educator, seek and promote the construction of theoretical / practical knowledge from the local reality of youth and the harmful and sustainable development in activities related to agriculture, currently the education and training of young people, families and the community; VIII - Encourage, carry out and promote the organization and mobilization of farmers and the youth of Family Farming in order to gain their rights and access to public policies; IX - Promote moral and ethical values, valuing the spirit of solidarity, respecting the environment, promoting gender equity and analysis, ethnicity and patterns of group types, valuing cultural diversity and any nature; X - Develop the attendance and evaluation of the beneficiaries of the Organic Law of Social Assistance - LAAS, their defense and guarantee of their rights. Promote social assistance - serving all stakeholders, including: children, adolescents, young people, adults, men, women, the elderly, people with disabilities and all minorities in society; XI - Educational institution service to create, integrate, regulate, accredit, administer, covenant, fundraise, use, organize, maintain and use education resources at any level, including higher education - both undergraduate and postgraduate - University graduate. It may be offered or in partnership or cooperation with other universities;
To ensure the effectiveness of rights for the population of the 16 favelas of Mare.
Futebol da forca [football gives strength] is an independent international foundation, educational platform and community for purpose-driven football coaches. The organisation was founded in Mozambique in 2012 to work within football to empower girls with agency to make informed decisions and live a life they value. Futebol da forca engages, trains and supports voluntary football coaches to empower girls within football, while changing attitudes and norms that today prevent girls from reaching their full potential, in order for girls to thrive far outside the football field.
MISSION: Multiply the attitudes that transform people, businesses, and society through Entrepreneurial Education.
+1Code is a non-profit organization that transforms low-income young people aged 18 to 30 into problem solvers, through technology, providing quality technological education for the social and economic development of young people on the periphery. Our proposal is to recode the favelas of Brazil, socially and economically, by teaching 100% free programming and creating technological solutions, making them protagonists of their own journey, seeking to solve lack of tech talents, diversity in the world of technology companies and unemployment that with the pandemic has only worsened for people from the outskirts.
Sauva is a non-profit association that works in networks, promoting sustainability, autonomy, projects and business circularity; it is motivated by the environment's regeneration in its entireness; by reducing social inequalities; by knowledge exchanges with Brazil's indigenous peoples and traditional cultures; by the practice of auto education and by the cocreation of other kinds of economic relations.
We are reference in Technology, Innovation and Education. We act as an institution that promotes industry locally and nationally, offering infrastructure, highly qualified human resources, an entrepreneurial culture and an integration of competencies. We work alongside a network of partners, clients and suppliers that include institutions from all over the world.
GRAACC's mission is to guarantee that children and adolescents with cancer have the right to all the possibilities of cure with quality of life, using the most advanced scientific standard and minimum impact to the childhood experience.