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WE BUILD FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN IN NEED We work for children who are orphaned, abandoned or whose families are unable to care for them. We give these children the opportunity to build lasting relationships within a family. Our family approach in the SOS Children's Village is based on four principles: Each child needs a mother, and grows up most naturally with brothers and sisters, in their own house, within a supportive village environment. WE HELP THEM SHAPE THEIR OWN FUTURES We enable children to live according to their own culture and religion, and to be active members of the community. We help children to recognise and express their individual abilities, interests and talents. We ensure that children receive the education and skills training they need to be successful and contributing members of society. WE SHARE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR COMMUNITIES We share in community life and respond to the social development needs of society's most vulnerable children and young people. We establish facilities and programmes that aim to strengthen families and prevent the abandonment of children. We join hands with community members to provide education and health care, and respond to emergencies.

UK Online Giving Foundation

Our objective is to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the charity sector by maximising donor contributions to eligible charities, through a Donor Advised Fund. By operating with minimal administrative overheads, we can make it easier and more efficient for a broad demographic of donors to give, and worthy organisations to receive donations.

Alliance Publishing Trust

Alliance aims to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among philanthropists, social investors and others working for social change worldwide in order to maximize the impact of funding for social development.


cette association a pour objet, tant en France qu'a l'etranger : -ameliorer la qualite de vie a l'hopital afin d'eviter et de lutter contre les problemes inherents a l'hospitalisation des enfants et adolescents : desocialisation et marginalation. -La rencontre avec des personnalites du monde des arts et du spectacle comme autant d'ouverture sur l'exterieur et possibilites de restaurer les outils de la communication entre les adultes et les enfants et adolescents hospitalises. -L'association permet de creer un lien entre les jeunes patients et l' etablissement hospitalier lieu souvent traumatisant lie a la maladie et/ou a la souffrance