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Displaying all 6 nonprofits
The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.
ABSWP supports projects based on self-reliance, which are compatible with the principles and goals of the organization, with start-up financing until independence is ensured. Self-reliance, self-responsibility and personal development are our core principles.Sustainability, Self-reliance, Trust, Transparency, Tolerance, Promotion of Women.
Seva Mandir's mission is to make real the idea of society consisting of free and equal citizens who are able to come together and solve the problems that affect them in their particular contexts. The commitment is to work for a paradigm of development and governance that is democratic and polyarchic. Seva Mandir seeks to institutionalise the idea that development and governance is not only to be left to the State and its formal bodies like the legislature and the bureaucracy, but that citizens and their associations should engage separately and jointly with the State. The mission briefly, is to construct the conditions in which citizens of plural backgrounds and perspectives can come together and deliberate on how they can work to benefit and empower the least advantaged in society.
Global Changemakers works to an unshakable mission of supporting young people to create a positive change towards a more just, fair and sustainable world. We do this through skills development, capacity building, mentoring and grants.
HIMALAYAN LIFE is an international not-for-profit / charity with offices in Switzerland, Canada, Nepal, and India, seeking to protect, nurture and educate the children in the Himalayas. We run homes, shelters, and educational programs both in Nepal and North India for street-kids, slave-kids, and abandoned kids. Our 40 local staff are all committed to be agents of change, and work for the comprehensive and lasting transformation in the Children's lives and their families. For further details, please see
Zahana in Madagascar is dedicated to participatory rural development, education, revitalization of traditional Malagasy medicine, reforestation, and sustainable agriculture. It is Zahana's philosophy that participatory development must be based on local needs and solutions proposed by local people. It means asking communities what they need and working with them collaboratively so they can achieve their goals. Each community's own needs are unique and require a tailor -made response