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IsraAID's mission is to effectively support and meet the changing needs of populations as they move from crisis to reconstruction, rehabilitation, and eventually, to sustainable living. This commitment is expressed in emergency relief and sustainable development, with an emphasis on the transition between them.
Childline Kenya's mission is to promote children's rights and enhance child protection in Kenya by delivering quality services through harnessing the power of ICT innovations. The organisation was established in 2004 with a remit to provide a 24-hour toll-free helpline for counselling and referral services to children, young persons and their families. We have since added chat and email counselling to our services and have developed a broad portfolio of outreach and educational projects. By offering a communication channel to children in distress, Childline Kenya aspires to become an organisation that not only extends support and sanctuary to victims of abuse, but one that adds weight to the message that crimes against children will not go unchallenged. To this end, we work with a network of members and partners from across the child welfare and children's rights community to offer the full spectrum of support and advice. Our vision is a society where every child is heard and children's rights and dignity are upheld at all times. The work of Childline Kenya is based on our core values of commitment, courage of conviction, integrity, competence, reliability and action.
CEDI's mission is to build successful women- and youth-led enterprises in Kenya that effectively contribute to development and sustainable livelihoods through financial capability and entreprenuership training and business research that naturally leverage on innovation and technology.
The Tumaini Center seeks to engage vulnerable youth in a revolutionary new educational model that breaks down educational barriers faced by street youth and other vulnerable youth in a changing society, leverage their inherent resourcefulness, resilience and independence, and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to not only get off the streets but to have successful and productive careers in their community. The program empowers them with hope, knowledge, skills, opportunities and resources necessary for them to earn a positive livelihood off the streets. These livelihood opportunities include learning vocational skills like motor vehicle mechanics, metalwork and fabrication, carpentry, masonry, solar power installation, wind power installation, recycling, entrepreneurship skills, enabling them to access employment, or start a business, reunite with their families, live communally or independently. Tumaini Center supports and empowers them towards their chosen future.
Working with local grassroots charities and NGOs in 13 countries across the globe, the Global Vision International (GVI) Charitable Trust manages and raises funds for numerous long-term programs. These funds are used to support our local partners with the aims of alleviating poverty, illiteracy, environmental degradation and climate change. We do this through education, nutrition, conservation and capacity building. Our work focuses upon 3 key objectives: awareness, impact and empowerment. The aim is to create awareness of global issues, have a direct impact on those issues locally and empower our alumni, be they volunteers, donors, staff or community members, to continue impacting local issues on a global level.
Our Mission is to equip and celebrate new generation of African thinkers, leaders and innovators.
We founded Rafiki Ya Maisha to provide vocational training to unemployed young people & women in need, who have no secondary education nor access to trade schools in rural Western Kenya. This forgotten group of youths gets material assistance for acquiring life skills through our small college in Chepkanga. This village empowerment endeavor has components in conservation, health, culture, micro-finance, counseling, brick making. We are building a larger polytechnic center to serve Sergoit area.
Providing a safe space for young girls and young women to envision and pursue the future they want for themselves and their communities through life-skills and reproductive health training and awareness, Arts and Sports, professional development and scholarship program me.
Our mission is to connect youth globally through correspondence and service for the purpose of promoting deep cultural exchange and understanding. We hope to ignite youth worldwide through person-to-person connections to understand local community needs and practices in a first-hand, meaningful way. Kenya Connect is working to make significant and lasting changes that contribute to peaceful productive globalization. We believe that the experience Kenya Connect provides to children are precisely those that inspire them to be "world citizens." Our goal is to create peaceful and global citizens who have great respect for the lives of others around the world.
EIFL's mission is to enable access to knowledge through libraries in developing and transition countries in order to contribute to sustainable economic and social development.
To empower the library and information community to actively promote the African development agenda through dynamic services that transform livelihoods.
Access to quality education for every child living in informal settlements.