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Displaying all 11 nonprofits

Greenlight for Girls, asbl

Mission To encourage girls of any age of any background to consider and pursue math and science-related studies and careers by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways Objectives To increase the number of women in math and science occupations (science, math, engineering & technology = STEM) To create a network of girls so that they meet one another and form future friendships that will encourage them to reach their potential To create a link between girls and real scientists and mathematicians so they can explore dreams and possibilities for the future To provide an outlet for professionals, with particular emphasis on females in math, science and technology fields, to work together, meet one another and contribute to this worthy mission To booster self-confidence of girls and women, especially those who may not have positive influences or economic advantages Vision We envision a balanced world where girls from any nation, any background and of any age know they have the possibility and choice to enter the world of math, science and technology and to realise that their future is full of possibilities


To empower and create a collective culture of caring with farm workers and local communities from the Kruger to Canyons Area with respect to Health, Social and Educational issues. Formerly Hoedspruit Training Trust.

Open Dreams

To assist high achieving low income students pursue an education through enhancing access to scholarships, mentorship, and career guidance.

Global Vision International Charitable Trust

Working with local grassroots charities and NGOs in 13 countries across the globe, the Global Vision International (GVI) Charitable Trust manages and raises funds for numerous long-term programs. These funds are used to support our local partners with the aims of alleviating poverty, illiteracy, environmental degradation and climate change. We do this through education, nutrition, conservation and capacity building. Our work focuses upon 3 key objectives: awareness, impact and empowerment. The aim is to create awareness of global issues, have a direct impact on those issues locally and empower our alumni, be they volunteers, donors, staff or community members, to continue impacting local issues on a global level.

Youth Foundation For Development, Education and Leadership

Our Mission is to equip and celebrate new generation of African thinkers, leaders and innovators.

Green Shoots Education Services

Vision: -For all children in Africa to be able to experience quality education. Mission: To enhance the quality of education through the use of ICT Our overall Mission statement can be broken down into our key objectives: 1. For ICT to contribute to the quality of teaching 2. To improve the learning experience of children 3. To raise the attainment of children 4. To impact on Education Department practice with regards to the integration of ICT & data analysis 5. To provide a work readiness programme for post school young people GSES was formed in May 2012 from a group of education and technology consultants who are passionate to facilitate change in South African schools. Programme Components In order to achieve maximum affect for our objectives , Green Shoots offers four key programme components. Each programme component is characterised by innovative strategies, measurable outcomes and an ongoing monitoring and evaluation plan. A programme component can be implemented individually as a Project or components can combined to form a multifaceted Project. 1. Curriculum & Pedagogy - Teacher training, professional development, Science & Maths focus 2. Technology assisted learning - Digital curriculum & integration, learner tracking & data analysis, after school programmes 3. Technical Support - Educational IT programmes design & implementation, technical issue resolution 4. Youth Development Programmes

African Conservation Trust

We strive to contribute to a world where urban and rural communities take responsible care of their environment, work consciously to conserve and protect natural resources in sustainable ways, and preserve historical assets and heritage for the benefit of future generations. Our mission is three-pronged. Conservation: Create significant and sustainable environmental change, specifically focusing on climate change, water conservation, food security, waste recycling, sustainable energy, preservation of endangered fauna and flora and greening projects that incorporate poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods. Education: Increase capacity and expertise of the southern African environment community, by transferring skills, providing mentorship and building supportive networks for the development and sustainability of the environment sector. Innovation: Use modern technology (e.g. GIS) capacity to enhance conservation efforts and to pioneer socio-ecological approaches to protected area management.


IkamvaYouth seeks to enable disadvantaged youth to pull themselves and each other out of poverty and into tertiary education and/or employment. Our Values are: A culture of responsibility for self and others Collaboration and peer-to-peer support Commitment to impact through democratic processes Integrity and openness Paying-it-forward Our Vision is: Our culture of responsibility is creating a ripple effect of thriving individuals and communities. Our intergenerational ikamvanites provide access to quality education in inspirational spaces everywhere. We are an integrated network driving change by paying it forward.


EIFL's mission is to enable access to knowledge through libraries in developing and transition countries in order to contribute to sustainable economic and social development.

The African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA

To empower the library and information community to actively promote the African development agenda through dynamic services that transform livelihoods.

Waqful Waqifin Foundation (Gift of the Givers Foundation)

To promote, encourage and project these principles in all its dimensions, within and beyond South Africa's borders. To benefit all of creation, in keeping with these principles, including service to plant, animal , environment and all of humanity irrespective of race, religion, colour, culture, political affiliation or geographical boundary. This service to be conducted in a non-judgemental manner. To uphold the dignity and honour of man, striving to make him self-sufficient and independent at the time of crisis or otherwise; (man refers to both genders where appropriate). To be gender sensitive and to take a special interest in the care of children , orphans , women , physically and mentally challenged individuals and the elderly . Without derogating from the generality of the aforegoing the activities of the Foundation , inter alia , include: Disaster management and humanitarian aid delivery in crises whether natural or man-made including floods, cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes , tornado, accidents and war; Establishment of medical facilities , clinics and hospitals; Delivery of medicines and medical equipment; Establishment of feeding schemes, food parcel delivery and poverty relief programmes including assistance with burial and funeral arrangements, provision of new and used clothing, blankets and baby milk powder; Provision of boreholes, waterwells and water purification tablets; Provision of free telephonic and face-face counselling services in matters of depression, drug abuse, relationship problems, HIV/AIDS, marital discord, parenting, learning difficulties, teenage problems, child abuse, domestic violence, maintenance grants, etc. ; Establishment of Drug Rehab Centres and Havens for the abused; women and children in particular; Establishment of orphanages and old age homes; Provision of wheelchairs, hearing aids, braille machines and any such equipment and aids to assist physically and mentally challenged individuals; Provision of Life Skills training; empowerment counselling and skills in counselling; Establishment of skills development programmes, entrepreneul skills and job creation projects; Promoting South Africa as a means to encourage tourism, investment and further job creation initiatives; Provision of agricultural implements and Farmer's Packs (seeds, fertiliser , LAN, etc.) to promote food security and self sustainability; Establishment of educational institutions whether religious or secular; Provision of bursaries, textbooks, stationery, computers, technology workshops and other educational support; Establishment of places of worship including a tekke (meeting place for dervishes or disciples); Promotion of peace, tolerance, understanding, love, mercy and inter-faith dialopue between people, communities, cultures and religions; Promotion of faith, spirituality and religious awareness ; Establishment of community radio, television and media to assist with all the above principles; Support of artists who can promote all the above principles through song , writings, etc.