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To empower the library and information community to actively promote the African development agenda through dynamic services that transform livelihoods.
The main objective of the ASOCIACIÓN MENSAJEROS DE LA PAZ is the care, attention, support, rehabilitation, treatment for human and social promotion of the most disadvantaged and needy groups in Spain and in several countries all over the world in order to promote their full integration: minors, young people living under social risk conditions, abused women, physical and psychical handicapped people, drug addicts, and old people who live alone, in abandon or poverty conditions.
The GFCF is a grassroots grantmaker working to promote and support institutions of community philanthropy around the world
Medicins sans frontieres is an international humanitarian aid organisation. We offer medical assistance to population in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflicts, without discrimination and irrespective of race, religion or political affiliation.
The mission is to support social and economic initiaves for high-risk populations (women, children, young people, men and the elderly ) to combat the causes of vulnerability they face(hunger, extreme pauverty, disease,...) and environnemental problems. The global objectif is to sustainably reduce vulnerability of population and communities, including ethnic minorities in the Great Lakes sub-region, through sustainabe development, peace-building, democratization, environnemental protection and inclusive management of naturel resources. The specifics objectives are : 1. Tackling hunger, malnutrition and extrem poverty ; 2) Making it easier for people to acces essential water, hygiene and sanitation services ; 3) Protect the environment, biodiversity and combat global warming; 4) Consolding good local governance, human rights ; 5) consolidate democracy and democratic values in the self-promotional organizations and networks ; 6)Supporting the prevevtion and transformation of conflicts for inter-communal peace ; 7) Sttrenthening actions to combat gender-based violence ; 8) Integrating ethnic minorities into all actions without a spirit of marginalization ; 9) Support education, adult training, literacy and professional leaning ; 10) Supporting women's and youth's economic empowerment initiatives ; 11) Improving the health of mothers and children (mental health, reproductive health,...); 12) Supporting investisment in promotion of small entreprises ;13) Renove social and economic infrastructures of communities in the DRC.
The association's sole and immediate purpose is to provide development aid and to help combat poverty and need in developing countries. The affected people should be given a dignified life and a sustainable improvement in their living conditions should be achieved. The activities of the association expressly exclude making a profit.
Elman Peace is a non-profit organization, founded in 1990 and is dedicated to building and promoting peace, cultivating leadership and empowering the marginalized brackets of society to be decision makers in the processes that ensure their wellbeing. We provide innovative, life-saving support to those in need and strive to create more enabling and progressive environments through our work for our communities to reach their true potential.
We work responsibly and effectively to harness the power of innovation and technology to save lives, alleviate suffering and empower communities to live the kind of life they value.
Habari DRC's mission is to bring together and make heard the various voices of Congolese youth. Through online and offline platforms, we help young people to exchange views and debate on subjects that directly affect their daily lives. The platforms that we create for young people are made secure and reassuring through a moderation strategy. Our moderation strategy does not seek to censor but to facilitate discussion and to ban violent and discriminatory language that attacks women and vulnerable people. Our slogan "toute la diversite des opinions " (all the diversity of opinions) defines our vision of a society where people accept contradiction and decide to build a better future together. Habari DRC has also given itself the mission of fighting against fake news by developing a digital education program for young people. This program is called Habari Decrypt.
To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans
We are a Global South network of local civil society organisations reinventing Aid through innovative ideas, knowledge sharing, and influencing.
The Girls First Fund imagines a world where girls and women can live in safety, dignity, and freedom, with meaningful choices about their lives, including if, when, and whom they marry. We know that without CBOs and community driven strategies, this vision will not be realized, so a primary aim of the Girls First Fund (GFF) is to radically expand resources to community-based organizations to deliver locally relevant, girl-led and/or -centered, gender-transformative strategies.