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Healthy ecosystems underpin everything that humanity needs, but 75% of our Earth is degraded. Climate Disruption, the biodiversity crisis, desertification, flooding, loss of livelihoods, poverty and hunger are directly linked to collapsing ecosystems. Humanity is degrading and depleting its most important resource: functioning natural systems. The need for addressing these crises and for a change to a resilient, regenerative and sustainable co-existence with our natural world is understood. Yet, worldwide, people feel powerless to turn the tide. In response, we are catalyzing a global movement to restore and rehabilitate our degraded ecosystems and change the way we live with nature through introducing regenerative productive systems. Ecosystem Restoration Camps ("ERC") is a global, inclusive, bottom-up movement. We catalyse action towards restoring and rehabilitating natural systems to maintain the web of life. We do this by facilitating the emergence of Camps around the world. Camps are living labs where local communities, lay people, experts and scientists come together to restore and rehabilitate degraded ecosystems. Camps empower local communities to restore their environments and livelihoods by providing them with the tools, skills, and knowledge to bring back abundance and increase their resilience. OUR VISION: We envision a fully-functional, peaceful, abundant, biologically diverse Earth brought about through cooperative efforts for the ecological restoration of degraded lands. OUR MISSION: To work together to restore ecological functionality, to build Research, Training and Innovation Centers for Ecological Restoration, to engage people in inquiry into ecological restoration, and train people in how to restore degraded lands in perpetuity. OBJECTIVES - To train people in techniques for restoring land and provide practical opportunities for people to practice new approaches to landscape restoration. - To build research, training and innovation centers to engage people in ecosystem restoration. - To manage a flow of volunteers of all ages to restore agricultural and natural ecosystems. - To increase the organic matter, carbon content and water retention capacity of the soil to stimulate large scale carbon sequestration. - To improve the livelihoods of farmers, landowners and local communities around the camps. OUR VALUES Restoring Earth positively impacts both livelihoods and communities. To ensure that our contribution to humanity is ethically sound, we have embraced a set of core values that guide the work of the Foundation: - We believe that all beings are equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights; - We recognise that without thriving ecosystems we are nothing and feel a profound obligation to preserve and restore degraded land where it may be found; - We are not self-seeking but rather committed to working together towards a collective outcome that is bigger than any individual, that benefits us all, and that benefits future generations; - We voluntarily, joyfully and with peaceful intent wish to restore basic ecological function so that all people and other living things can live together in harmony; - We willingly share our knowledge, our time, our expertise and our labour, making it as accessible as possible, knowing that we are doing the right thing; - We treat one another with respect and as equals in our shared endeavour, no matter how much or how little each of us may be able to give; - We believe in collaboration, and therefore work with organisations, experts, and local communities in partnership; - We work as a bottom-up movement, each Camp is an independent entity designed and organised according to its own local context, ensuring that the benefits are really felt by the local population; - We communicate openly and honestly celebrating our diversity, and embracing our differences without allowing these to impede progress towards our shared goal; - We act with open minds and hearts, prepared to learn new skills and methods for land restoration from those with knowledge and expertise in this area; - We strive to communicate the essence of our work to others such that together we can build a movement that restores resilient abundance to land and ecosystems that we have degraded. ERC Foundation works with an executive Board of Directors, a volunteer and financially responsible Supervisory Board and a strategic Advisory Council made by the world's leading experts in agroforestry, permaculture, regenerative farming, and ecosystem restoration. ERC is a supporting partner to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
At The Educational Equality Institute, we are driven by the belief that every girl has the right to a quality education and the opportunity to reach her full potential. We are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of the girls we serve and in the communities where they live.
Vision: We want 100% of the homeless girls on the streets of India, especially those affected by HIV, to have a Life Mission: We work so that these girls have a Home, a Family, Medical attention, and an Education... a Future
Mission: Co-Create a society free from violence against women. Vision: Women survivors acting as social change-maker. Values: Empathy, Sisterhood, co-creation, love, empowerment and positive testimonies . Ana Bella Foundation's objective is to represent, defend and support women victims and survivors of gender violence and their sons and daughters, to achieve their personal empowerment towards a dignified life in equality.
The University of Valencia, as a public service, is responsible for providing students with the teachings needed for their education, their preparation for professional practice or artistic activities and their obtaining, if appropriate, of the relevant academic qualifications, and for updating the knowledge and skills of its staff and lecturers at all levels of education. The University of Valencia encourages research, both basic and applied, and the scientific and technological development. Likewise, with its own guarantees of rationality and universality, it is an institution that spreads culture within society. The University of Valencia offers, stimulates and hosts intellectual and critical activities in all fields of culture and knowledge. In carrying out these functions, the University of Valencia will bear in mind the harmony of knowledge arising from the development of human thought and aimed at improving people and their coexistence in a plural and democratic society.
At the Pasqual Maragall Foundation for research into Alzheimer's disease, we are working to beat this disease and to achieve a future in which ageing is associated with positive experiences.
Transform the lives of prison inmates for their social and labor integration, through the practice of rugby, spirituality and education.
Our mission is based upon the belief that every child and youth should have access to equal opportunities now and in the future. Through our projects in Spain and India, we work alongside with them to make the most of their abilities, empowering them and fostering values such as self-improvement, respect and effort.
promote actions that favor the recognition and application of what is established in the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" (UN, November 20, 1989), and the well-being of all children and adolescents in the world, making special and particular incidence in the promotion of child health and preferably in populations affected by poverty and with unsatisfied basic needs, from a pediatric-social perspective.
YFU Bulgaria's mission and aims can be enlisted as follows (non-extensive list): - promoting the development and affirmation of spiritual values, education, and culture; - supporting social integration and personal fulfilment - nurturing the traits for a new system of values and consciousness of world citizens in young people; - providing assistance in overcoming barriers to communication and helping quality professional realization; - expanding the opportunity for young people to rediscover the importance of family and homeland and its spiritual values and national traditions; - developing in young people the ability for initiative, civic and social responsibility; - promoting the development of a sense of belonging.
Superaccio ('overcoming' in English) is a non-profit initiative that was born in Barcelona in early 2013 and is made up of professionals from a variety of fields, who are selflessly involved in enabling this project to be carried out. His mission is the improvement and personal development of young people at risk of social exclusion for their subsequent social and labour insertion. Specifically, the work and training of the triathlon serves as a vehicle for collaborating with young people who, for various reasons, have been abused by the 'system' or have not had the opportunity to learn or develop the tools needed to adapt to it. And it's much more than just the Triathlon! Through a broad and constant programme of physical, artistic and expressive activities, we can help to break stereotypes and for these young people to participate in, grow and adapt to different conditions and cultures. Superaccio has the sponsorship and collaboration of both public institutions and private entities. Thanks to their support it is possible to make this project become reality. Currently, Superaccio is extending its scope at a national and international level, with active programs in Tenerife and Tunisia. Look at the success achieved in spreading the Superaccio values to people who are the target of our activity. This is what motivates us to push the project forward every day!
Fundacion Lukas is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2009 with the aim of improving the quality of life of the families and people with severe multiple disabilities. What is Severe Multiple Disability? Severe Multiple Disability (hereinafter DMS) is considered to be the condition of children, youth and adults who present different types of disability: physical, intellectual and / or sensory, simultaneously, with a high degree of or total dependence of their basic activities on a daily basis. The DMS implies a series of "challenges" and needs in the daily life of the person who has it and that of his/her family and / or caregivers:Physical and emotional dependence: food, health, hygiene, emotional and social relationships, etc. - Difficulty in communication due to limited or non-existent language. - Difficulty in movement / displacement due to not being able to walk. - Need for adaptations and technical aids in the home and in the vehicle. - Special needs in food, hygiene, health, etc. - Medical complications: risk of epilepsy, malnutrition, degenerative diseases and medical complications that reduce their quality of life. - Daily physical and emotional effort. - Family fracture due to the difficult handling of the situation and due to not receiving psychological attention. - Feelings of loneliness, fear, uncertainty, exhaustion, etc. - Complete dedication. - Social rejection. - Economic impact. Short life expectancy.Faced with this daily struggle, the most important thing for a person with DMS is to achieve a good quality of life and a decent existence. For this, we have to go beyond the mere satisfaction of their basic needs. In 2014 we opened the doors of the FLK Center for young people with disabilities in Alicante, and in October 2016 the overnight stays began at the House-Home of the FLK Center. The Therapy Center offers an innovative and fully adapted resource that responds to the rehabilitation and therapy needs of people with functional diversity. It works at developing and enhancing the motor, cognitive and sensitive abilities of people with functional diversity. We include the family as an essential element to achieve maximum therapeutic benefit. In the three years of operation of the Therapy Center, we have carried out more than 2,000 therapies, including hydrotherapy, physiotherapy in the specially designed rooms and occupational therapy.