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The University of Valencia, as a public service, is responsible for providing students with the teachings needed for their education, their preparation for professional practice or artistic activities and their obtaining, if appropriate, of the relevant academic qualifications, and for updating the knowledge and skills of its staff and lecturers at all levels of education. The University of Valencia encourages research, both basic and applied, and the scientific and technological development. Likewise, with its own guarantees of rationality and universality, it is an institution that spreads culture within society. The University of Valencia offers, stimulates and hosts intellectual and critical activities in all fields of culture and knowledge. In carrying out these functions, the University of Valencia will bear in mind the harmony of knowledge arising from the development of human thought and aimed at improving people and their coexistence in a plural and democratic society.

Fundacion El Hogar Animal Sanctuary

The Hogar Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organization that rescues and recovers animals victims of exploitation, educates in veganism and fights for Animal Rights and against specism. After more than twelve years of activity, our sanctuary project has allowed the rescue, and subsequent accommodation in its facilities, of more than 200 animals facing a safe death in slaughterhouses or other extermination centers. The Hogar Animal Sanctuary also develops an important informative and awareness social work, carrying out educational actions, aimed at children and adults, that promote the values of respect, justice and equality, extending them to all individuals without distinction of species. To do this, we use specific instruments designed for this purpose such as lectures in educational or occupational centers, street-level campaigns or the edition of own teaching material. Our space: Create a space free of specism, within whose physical limits products of animal origin are not consumed or advertised. Maintain adequate facilities based on the needs and interests of each individual and according to their personal characteristics. Our actions: Develop educational projects aimed at children and adults in order to eliminate the barrier of ignorance towards other species. Generate didactic and awareness material. Rescue animals victims of situations of exploitation, aggressions or abandonment, offering them the possibility of a dignified and pleasant life. Investigate about the care and needs of each of the inhabitants of the sanctuary, from the point of view of their own well-being and health, not from the intention of exploitation. Our aim: Maintain a place safe from specism, that is, where there is no discrimination based on the species and all animals are respected equally and considered as unique and unrepeatable individuals with their own personality and interests. Give a home and ensure a long and satisfying life to as many animals as possible. Promote veganism, a lifestyle free of animal exploitation.

Fundacion Pasqual Maragall

At the Pasqual Maragall Foundation for research into Alzheimer's disease, we are working to beat this disease and to achieve a future in which ageing is associated with positive experiences.

Fundacion Street Child Espana

Street Child is dedicated to breaking the barriers that prevent the most vulnerable children and teenagers in the world from accessing quality education through a holistic and cross-cuttting approach. Our organization promotes this access through accelerated solutions led by our local partners on the ground. In addition, Street Child promotes Human Rights of children, according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Transform the lives of prison inmates for their social and labor integration, through the practice of rugby, spirituality and education.

Fundacion Rafa Nadal

Our mission is based upon the belief that every child and youth should have access to equal opportunities now and in the future. Through our projects in Spain and India, we work alongside with them to make the most of their abilities, empowering them and fostering values such as self-improvement, respect and effort.

Grandes Amigos en Accion

Prevenimos y abordamos la soledad de las personas mayores mediante la creacion de vinculos de vecindad, apoyo mutuo y amistad, mientras que sensibilizamos a la sociedad sobre la importancia de un envejecimiento digno.

ChangemakerXchange gGmbH

ChangemakerXchange is a global community providing safe, supportive, fun, and empowering spaces for changemakers. We foster profound and lasting connections, nurture wellbeing, and enable peer-learning and meaningful collaborations so that changemakers may create, sustain and scale positive change.

Dravet Syndrome Foundation (Delegacion En Espana)

Dravet Syndrome Foundation Spain (or Fundacion Sindrome de Dravet) is a non-profit organisation created and managed by a group of parents who do not resign themselves to the course of Dravet syndrome, a rare, catastrophic, lifelong form of epilepsy that begins in the first year of life. This group of parents fight against the disease through research, and to support other families affected.


We have a beautiful mission: we want to cure every child's cancer. Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children's cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back!


Plan International Espana is an international development and humanitarian organisation which strives for a just world that advances children's rights and equality for girls. We focus our action to: - empower women, young and communities to make vital changes that tackle root causes of discrimination, poverty, exclusion and vulnerability; - drive change in practice and policy at local, national and global levels through our experience. - Work with young to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity; - support the safe progression of children from birth to adulthood. Plan International is committed to safeguarding of women and young people. We are an organization that works to defend, promote and protect children's rights in order to achieve societies that respect the rights of all children and enable them to have a life of dignity and a future full of opportunities. We are currently present in 77 countries around the world and we aim to ensure that our work provides lasting benefits to children, their families and communities. One of our main areas of work is the economic empowerment of youth, especially the most vulnerable adolescents and young people, so that they become resilient, acquire knowledge and skills for employment, have access to job opportunities and actively participate in the development of their professional careers. We develop programs aimed at economic security, through training in employability and entrepreneurship skills. o To this end, we seek the commitment of citizens and institutions, and build partnerships to: o Empower children, young people and their communities to generate lasting change that addresses the causes of discrimination against girls, exclusion and vulnerability. o Drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and international levels through our outreach, experience and knowledge of the realities that children experience. o Support children and their communities in adapting and responding to crises and adversity. o Ensuring the safe and positive development of children from birth to adulthood. For 83 years, its work based on social responsibility and transparency has cemented its reputation for ethical, effective and committed humanitarian aid in each of its projects. Plan International is a Foundation that has been working in Spain since 2010 on programs in Spain aimed at raising awareness and empowering Spanish girls and young women about their rights. In 2012, and as a result of the economic crisis and the transformation it brought to the labor market, Plan International started to implement insertion programs for groups at risk of exclusion.

Fundacio Catalunya La Pedrera

The Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation's mission can be summed up in two words: People and Opportunities. The Foundation focuses on people with a view to generating opportunities for action that positively transform society. Commit to and accompany vulnerable people, people who are passionate about bettering themselves, who combine knowledge and vocation, and who, to sum up, want to help everyone who is looking for an opportunity... with a view to building a more humane world.