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Displaying 13–24 of 49

Habitat International Coalition

The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.

Mercy Beyond Borders

"Forging ways for women and girls in extreme poverty to learn, connect and lead."

Healing The Children

Healing the Children provides critical medical care to children all around the world. We envision a world where every child has access to medical care, regardless of ability to pay, insurance status, or physical location.

Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, AC (NPH)

Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, inspired by Christian values, nurtures orphaned and vulnerable children in a loving, stable, secure family environment. We keep brothers and sisters together and provide quality education, healthcare, and spiritual formation. We model our values by serving the communities in which we live.

Haiti Orphanage Project Espwa Ltd

Our mission is to help ordinary people in crisis. Our experiences of visiting orphanages in Haiti convinced us that we could make a difference and at the very least we should try. Utilizing the wide range of skills of our volunteers in focused and efficient project delivery allows us to directly improve life for Haiti's vulnerable children. We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. All the work carried out is on a voluntary basis, with the team giving freely of their time and expertise. Fundraising is channeled into project costs including materials, labour costs and equipment. All volunteers pay their own flight and accommodation costs. There are no salaries or administration costs and as a result, 100% of all donations go directly to our projects in Haiti. From August 2011 to Easter 2015 we had been working on an island off the south coast of Haiti called Ill A Vache at the l'Oeuvre St. Francois D'Assises Orphanage. The orphanage is home to 70 children, thirty of whom are severely disabled and upwards of twenty need daily physiotherapy treatment. During our time there, ESPWA planned and completed a number of different projects at the orphanage including an extension to the physiotherapy room, a medical room extension, a washroom, showers and toilets, wheelchair access paths and ramps, and general building works. We also shipped a restored tractor and trailer, plough, harrow and concrete mixer to the island and donated it to the orphanage. All of our projects employ local men and women to help with the work, with the intention of training and also creating employment and income for the local village and surrounding areas. Great friendships have been forged over the years, through broken English, Haitian Creole and French. Since Easter 2015 ,our volunteers have travelled at least twice a year to another Orphanage in Kenscoff, high up in the mountains over Port au Prince, run by Gena Heraty, a Mayo native, and improved the infrastructure within by putting in place 100s of cubic metres of wheelchair access paths and ramps. There are over 300 children and young adults living in the orphanage with more than 40 children with severe disabilities. We have a huge programme of work ongoing for this orphanage and will have for years to come. As part of this programme , as of October 2022, we have sent 40 container loads of much needed humanitarian aid , medical supplies and a wide range of vital equipment to our friends in Haiti and when emptied the containers have been converted into a house, classroom, outreach centre, clinic and storage lockup. The total cost of buying , filling and transporting a container is approximately 10,000 and any help you can give us either as an individual ,employee matching scheme or Corporate support would be most appreciated. Please remember we are all Volunteers , we have no employees , Volunteers pay ALL of their own expenses such as flights and accommodation so every cent you donate goes to those who need it most. For more information on the work we do, and how YOU can help, please visit Facebook page : Project ESPWA (Haiti Orphanage Project Espwa )or (

Ensemble Pour TECHO (TECHO en Europa)

TECHO (teh-choh) is a youth-led non-profit organization that works in informal settlements to create a just society without poverty. Today over 200 million people live in poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. No proper home, no potable water, sewage, or electricity access. Our mission is to change that reality, working to create system-changing solutions to end poverty and shape a future we all want to live in. From Europe, we mobilise young European volunteers and raise funds to support our local projects in Latin America and the Caribbean through monthly contributions, responses to calls for projects, fundraising events and partnerships with companies.


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Agriculteurs Francais Et Developpement International

entreprendre toute action susceptible d'ameliorer les conditions de vie des paysans les plus pauvres des pays en developpement et pour cela : contribuer a la securite alimentaire des zones les plus defavorisees ; accompagner les organisations paysannes, acteurs strategiques dans la lutte contre la pauvrete, pour le developpement durable et le respect du droit a l'alimentation ; informer les agriculteurs et les ruraux francais sur la situation et les attentes des agriculteurs des pays en developpement afin d'assurer la mobilisation des moyens humains et financiers necessaire a la reduction de la pauvrete dans ces pays


soutenir, accompagner, participer, et developper des projets de developpement a l'etranger portes par des acteurs locaux, ces projets d'aide seront prioritairement orientes vers les enfants et adolescents en grande precarite et difficulte sociale ; privilegier des actions s'inscrivant dans une logique de perennite des projets soutenus et d'autonomisation des acteurs locaux afin de permettre aux structures locales de prendre en charge durablement leur propre developpement.


Established in 1980, SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI) has been delivering frontline humanitarian aid for 40 years. Operating in many of the mostdifficult to access, complex, and hostile environments in the world, SI responds to humanitarian crises as a result of conflicts, violence, natural hazards, infectious disease outbreaks, and poverty. SI strives to save lives and change lives, responding to emergencies, strengthening resilience to risks and threats, and creating opportunities to pursue their life prospects, by delivering evidence-based dynamic programmes that provide relevant, effective, efficient and timely humanitarian assistance to vulnerable and marginalised people, and people who have been severely affected by crises. We work in 23 countries across the globe providing access to safe water, sanitation services and facilities, hygiene and shelter assistance, and food security, livelihoods, protection, and cash-based support for over 4.6 million people.

I Wish STEM company

I Wish is a volunteer led global initiative to inspire young females (aged 14-17) to explore a career in STEM. I Wish has evolved since its inception in 2015 from being a once a year Showcase to an all year-round showcase of opportunities in STEM. I Wish is now multi-faceted. It comprises of Showcase Events both in person and streamed virtually in addition to providing a STEM information resource for students and teachers campus weeks with 5 Higher Education Institutes, an alumni circle building stem bridges from primary to secondary and on to Higher Education and through our Survey a policy driver for government and stakeholders in STEM. The Showcase Events comprise: 1. a Conference Zone where the students hear from women and men forging careers in STEM, from groundbreaking researchers to entrepreneurs, data scientists and engineers; and 2. an interactive Exhibition Zone where the students can engage with STEM industries and higher education from leaders in their field like Dell, Trinity, ARUP, Aer Lingus, DIT to entrepreneurs and creatives working in STEM; 3. a Teach IT Zone designed as a resource for teachers; 4. a Create IT Zone demonstrating the creative side of STEM; 5. a Build IT Zone promoting female entrepreneurs in STEM. Since 2015 the I Wish Showcase Events have turned the heads of over 50,000 girls towards STEM and empowered them to become the next generation of thought leaders, innovators and game changers in our ever changing world.

International Institute for Environment and Development

3. The objects for which the Company is established are: 3.1 To advance the education of the public by all charitable means; 3.2 To promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by: 3.2.1 The preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources; 3.2.2 The relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities; and 3.2.3 The promotion of sustainable means for achieving economic growth and regeneration. In this context 'sustainable development' means development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.