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Free the Fee*

100% of donations reach nonprofits: Pledge pays the card fees on all gifts up to $1,000 each, which means maximum impact

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Key Benefits

Pledge pays the credit card fees

Raise 3% more on every donation as Pledge is the first fundraising platform to pay the card fees on all donations up to $1,000

Donor Trust

Strengthen donor trust by enabling their donations to go further using Pledge

No set-up fees, monthly fees, or migration fees

Invest more in your mission and less on your fundraising tech by switching to Pledge

Switching to Pledge was a no-brainer. We now have more resources and feel like VIPs working with their wonderful team. By covering credit card fees, Pledge enables us to serve more refugee resettling families and fulfill our mission.

Miry Whitehill
CEO & Founder, Miry’s List

Check Out Other Features of the Pledge Platform

By creating a free Pledge account, you gain instant access to our full suite of award-winning fundraising features designed to increase your impact, including:

Donor Data & Management

Access to real-time donor data & notifications


Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Raise more together and reach more donors


Tax Receipts

Automatic receipts for tax-deductible donations


Livestream Fundraising

Transform a livestream into a fundraising event


Zoom App

Raise funds for any cause directly through Zoom


Payment Methods

10 convenient ways to donate, all in one form


Donation Matching

Boost donations by offering a donation match


Donor Engagement

Raise more together and reach more donors


Revenue Share

Create a new revenue stream & do good


Donation Disbursement

Transparent tracking of donations through delivery


Recurring Donations

Offer recurring giving options at any frequency


Live Event Displays

Engage donors easily at in-person events


Why People Love Pledge

Discover the features that make Pledge a favorite among users in 100+ countries:

  • Zero Credit Card Fees*

  • No Contracts Required

  • CRM Integrations & Donor Data

  • Get Started in Minutes

  • Award-Winning Products

Get Started

*Donations over $1,000 incur a 2.9% + 30¢ card processing fee