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1. Building an economy of knowledge and career opportunities for the young people in Bulgaria and Europe; 2. Integration, socialization and European perspective for the young people in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian communities from the historical diaspora; 3. Strengthening the perception for national identity among the youngest and preservation of the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage; 4. Taking measures against the demographic crisis in Bulgaria.
Her Equality Rights and Autonomy's (HERA) overall aims are: (1) to prevent trafficking and re-trafficking of young women; (2) to assist trafficked and other women survivors of violence, conflict, and exploitation build on the resilience they have demonstrated to achieve their ambitions for a better life; and (3) to engage the business community in countering trafficking and support women's entrepreneurship.
DTI's mission is to save millions of lives by advancing organ donations and transplantation training. ------ OUR COMMITMENT 1. Raise organ donations around the world 2. Improve society's quality of life 3. Support regenerative medicine ----- AT DTI, we advise and support public and private international entities of the health sector in the creation, development and strengthening of networks, programs, services and / or research in donation and transplantation of organs, tissues and human cells, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the people.
femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.
Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.
IGLYO - The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation is the world's largest LGBTQI youth and student network, counting more than 100 Member Organisations in over 40 countries across the Council of Europe Region. IGLYO's mission is to strengthen the rights of LGBTQI youth, fight for equality and inclusion, and empower LGBTQI youth voices. IGLYO represents the diverse rights and intersectional needs of LGBTQI young people and works hard to ensure that their futures are bright. We achieve our objectives through international training and events, targeted capacity building programmes, intercultural exchanges and peer learning, thematic research and advocacy actions, online tools and resources, digital story-telling and campaigning, networking activities, and more. Since our establishment in 1984, IGLYO has been growing steadily with new Members joining every year. Our Members are organisations who represent and/or support LGBTQI youth and/or students, work with LGBTQI youth or issues, comprise mainly of LGBTQI youth, or have a specific department working for/with youth.
Improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable groups of society (elderly, people with disabilities, women) through providing basic necessities and medical, social and spiritual assistance. Neoumanist Association provides residential care, home visits and day treatment to over one hundred elderly in the district of Straseni in the Republic of Moldova. Our beneficiaries are typically impoverished, vulnerable, and without family support and many of them are chronically ill and homebound. The Neoumanist Association serves the most vulnerable groups in the community (especialy the elderly and disabled) with the following goals: to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable groups in Moldova, to help the community respect and value humanity, to help people attain harmony and a decent standard of living. The "Neoumanist" Association for Education is a NGO (non-governmental organization) that was registered in the Republic of Moldova in November 2000 by the Ministry of Justice. Since 2003 AE Neoumanist has established four major projects: 1. Rasarit Day Care Centre in the rural town of Straseni, in 2003 2. Spectru Home for senior citizens in the rural town of Straseni, in 2005 3. Home Care serving the outlying villages of Straseni district, in 2007 4. Mobile Meals for the neediest elderly, in 2012. Each of these projects provides high quality services and assistance to socially vulnerable elderly people in Straseni and Straseni district. The basic features characterizing the target group are: 1. Compromised psychological health as a result of untreated depression, feelings of despair and hopelessness, and lack of social interaction and loneliness; gender and ethnic discrimination. 2. Malnutrition caused by insufficient income with the attendant inability to purchase nutritious, high-caloric foods, as well as the great difficulty of obtaining and preparing food because of physical disability or other deficiencies; 3. Unsanitary living conditions resulting, again, from insufficient income to purchase cleaning and hygiene supplies and the difficulty of obtaining and utilizing these supplies because of physical disability or other deficiencies. Neoumanist Association understands that, in order to truly help seniors live rich and full lives, we must assist them in satisfying their basic needs before they can attend to issues of justice, equality, and fairness. Through the provision of socio -medical services and supplementary social activities to disadvantaged seniors, Neoumanist strives to promote social and gender equity in Moldova. A person living in extreme poverty, without adequate food or shelter, cannot effectively participate in civil society. Through meeting those basic needs, we enable them to become, in time, more engaged and vocal participants within their communities.
We are an NGO that promotes and protects the rights of vulnerable and marginalised through community empowerment, action oriented research, policy dialogue, and legal aid in Uganda.
Seva Mandir's mission is to make real the idea of society consisting of free and equal citizens who are able to come together and solve the problems that affect them in their particular contexts. The commitment is to work for a paradigm of development and governance that is democratic and polyarchic. Seva Mandir seeks to institutionalise the idea that development and governance is not only to be left to the State and its formal bodies like the legislature and the bureaucracy, but that citizens and their associations should engage separately and jointly with the State. The mission briefly, is to construct the conditions in which citizens of plural backgrounds and perspectives can come together and deliberate on how they can work to benefit and empower the least advantaged in society.
We are a South African registered charity dedicated to encouraging disadvantaged individuals and communities to develop to their full potential in sport, education and health. We are committed to using sport as a tool to develop the disadvantaged and vulnerable youth. We do this by; 1. Using direct sports coaching - for its health benefits, improved emotional well being and increased life skills (teamwork, leadership, decision making, communication). 2. Using sport to discuss critical issues - by delivering curriculums on topics such as HIV / AIDS awareness in a fun and interactive manner on the sports field. 3. Using sport for improved education - by providing pathways to success for talented and dedicated individuals through scholarships to top local schools and tertiary education.
Earth Trust works to give tools to tribals and villagers to farm their land in a sustainable way, to develop responsibility for Primary Health solutions with traditional answers and to give rural children inspiration, skills & passion for revitalising their communities & land. Email:
ChildAid transforms the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged babies, children and young people in Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. In conjunction with local partners we provide direct services to those who are abandoned, abused, disabled, neglected or from the poorest of families. We provide free rehabilitative treatment, social and educational inclusion programmes, life and vocational skills training, foster parenting promotion & support network plus practical assistance.