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Friends of Humanity

Friends of Humanity SA is a Geneva-based non-profit organization supporting initiatives and projects in five essential areas: - Human rights and dignity - Education and training - Healthcare and medicine (including alternative medicine) - Environmental protection and conservation - Microfinance

Waqful Waqifin Foundation (Gift of the Givers Foundation)

To promote, encourage and project these principles in all its dimensions, within and beyond South Africa's borders. To benefit all of creation, in keeping with these principles, including service to plant, animal , environment and all of humanity irrespective of race, religion, colour, culture, political affiliation or geographical boundary. This service to be conducted in a non-judgemental manner. To uphold the dignity and honour of man, striving to make him self-sufficient and independent at the time of crisis or otherwise; (man refers to both genders where appropriate). To be gender sensitive and to take a special interest in the care of children , orphans , women , physically and mentally challenged individuals and the elderly . Without derogating from the generality of the aforegoing the activities of the Foundation , inter alia , include: Disaster management and humanitarian aid delivery in crises whether natural or man-made including floods, cyclones, hurricanes, earthquakes , tornado, accidents and war; Establishment of medical facilities , clinics and hospitals; Delivery of medicines and medical equipment; Establishment of feeding schemes, food parcel delivery and poverty relief programmes including assistance with burial and funeral arrangements, provision of new and used clothing, blankets and baby milk powder; Provision of boreholes, waterwells and water purification tablets; Provision of free telephonic and face-face counselling services in matters of depression, drug abuse, relationship problems, HIV/AIDS, marital discord, parenting, learning difficulties, teenage problems, child abuse, domestic violence, maintenance grants, etc. ; Establishment of Drug Rehab Centres and Havens for the abused; women and children in particular; Establishment of orphanages and old age homes; Provision of wheelchairs, hearing aids, braille machines and any such equipment and aids to assist physically and mentally challenged individuals; Provision of Life Skills training; empowerment counselling and skills in counselling; Establishment of skills development programmes, entrepreneul skills and job creation projects; Promoting South Africa as a means to encourage tourism, investment and further job creation initiatives; Provision of agricultural implements and Farmer's Packs (seeds, fertiliser , LAN, etc.) to promote food security and self sustainability; Establishment of educational institutions whether religious or secular; Provision of bursaries, textbooks, stationery, computers, technology workshops and other educational support; Establishment of places of worship including a tekke (meeting place for dervishes or disciples); Promotion of peace, tolerance, understanding, love, mercy and inter-faith dialopue between people, communities, cultures and religions; Promotion of faith, spirituality and religious awareness ; Establishment of community radio, television and media to assist with all the above principles; Support of artists who can promote all the above principles through song , writings, etc.

Wild Welfare

Our mission is to unite the world's leading zoos and animal welfare organisations to improve the welfare of captive wild animals around the world. Zoos and aquariums can play an integral role in all our lives with the power to shape the way we feel and care for animals, while influencing change in attitudes and action towards the protection of our global fauna and flora. Unfortunately, not all zoos are equal and as a result of poor care, real animal suffering is prevalent around the world. It is likely only a small percentage of the estimated more than 10,000 zoos and aquariums that exist globally fall under country-wide animal welfare legislation and/or guiding principles from a zoo association. A much more significant number fall outside any such protection, so despite significant advances in animal welfare science, poor animal welfare is still widely observed in many zoos around the world. Every year Wild Welfare's projects support welfare improvements for thousands of wild animals living in captivity in zoos and aquariums around the world. Our work is helping a whole range of species from large mammals including carnivores, primates and monkeys to reptiles and exotic birds by encouraging improvements in animal care practices to bringing in new facility, regional and national welfare policies and regulations. Through support, training and positive partnerships, we help improve animal welfare where it is needed the most. Our aim is to achieve what we all want to see: a world where every zoo and aquarium promotes the highest standards of animal care and welfare. From rehoming bears in Japan to training veterinarians in Indonesia, our work is varied and vast but we have one focus: improving care and welfare for wild animals living in captivity around the world. Our History Wild Welfare was established in 2012 and has rapidly established itself as an internationally recognised hub of expertise in zoo animal welfare reform, forming effective collaborative relationships with a number of zoos, regional zoo associations, animal welfare NGOs, reputable universities and professional bodies. It is the first project-led captive wild animal welfare initiative that is solely focused on improving welfare standards by uniting zoos and animal welfare NGOs around the world. We play a pivotal role in the on-going improvement of animal welfare in zoos as well as providing critical support to other institutions that want to end unacceptable wild animal welfare practices. We help facilitate positive dialogue between zoo professionals, zoo associations and global animal welfare NGOs, creating a positive international captive animal welfare movement through an informed expert approach and the establishment of strong partnerships between key stakeholders. We strongly believe in a creative and compassionate approach to captive wild animal welfare, and our up to date, scientific-led materials and resources encompass the ethics, ethology, and husbandry pertaining to captive wild animals. The issue of poor wild animal welfare and abuse cannot be resolved single-handedly. However, together we can make a real effort to improve the welfare for many wild animals around the world, and collectively help change minds, attitudes and practices. The Global Challenge The exact number of zoos and zoological type exhibits and collections around the world is actually unknown. It is however believed that only a small percentage of these fall within some form of organised ethical and welfare framework. Sadly, poor captive animal welfare is often widely prevalent within the institutions that fall outside of recognised welfare standards, resulting in the suffering of thousands of animals. As more developing countries try and attain animals and collections that western society has previously dictated, our efforts to ensure animal welfare concepts and high standards of care are provided, is needed even more now than ever. From a conservation perspective, globally, zoos significantly contribute to a diverse conservation effort, uniting to address the decline of a vast number of species and habitats. However, under-developed zoos, often found in countries struggling to manage regional declines in biodiversity, have limited expertise and resources to contribute to these programmes, limiting the value of the global effort. Captive wild animal collections around the world with poor standards of animal welfare can also be participants and recipients in the burgeoning, illicit wildlife trade. The Welfare Problem In this modern media world, now more than ever, zoos are under the spotlight when it comes to their animal care. Societal and zoo community interest in the welfare of animals in zoos is at an all-time high and rightly or wrongly, accessible information means that zoos are more easily criticised on their animal care, education and conservation conduct. Some very poor zoos where extreme welfare concerns exist are increasingly being highlighted within the national media and targeted by international and a growing national animal welfare community. And the welfare problem is real and vast. A lack of coherent and relevant institutional and national regulations can result in poorly managed facilities, exacerbated by poor basic care and a lack of visitor respect or awareness. Keepers within many zoos have basic or no animal management backgrounds, and veterinary expertise and care is extremely limited for the specialist care sometimes required within an exotic captive collection. The result is the continued suffering of animals, frustration and limited training for zoo staff and inadequate protection legislation, monitoring and evaluation of animal welfare management. To address these issues Wild Welfare has identified and developed the following aims and objectives to deliver on our mission and vision to improve the welfare of wild animals living in captivity around the world. Our Aims and Objectives 1). To support a wide and diverse range of zoos and aquariums around the world to improve their animal welfare through on-going training and capacity development. We develop skills in animal husbandry and assessment teaching and sharing knowledge and information of all aspects of captive management while building relationships which can lead to further academic, government and research collaboration. 2). To encourage a global reduction in poor welfare practices and improvements in animal welfare understanding in all the facilities we work directly and indirectly with, and a reduction in acute, detrimental welfare practices such as circuses, and animal abuse. 3). To develop Animal Welfare competency programmes within countries where they currently don't exist, based on international standards that can be used to evaluate, monitor and ensure compliance to high standards of animal care 4). To develop and disperse novel and accessible educational tools and smart software technology that encourages participation in engaging learning programmes on animal care. 5). To develop technical and legislative zoo welfare standards adopted where there currently are none by national legislators and implemented in a nationwide programme. 6). To empower professional and public communities and support globally accredited welfare initiatives that provide long-term solutions, not just quick fixes.

The African Library and Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA

To empower the library and information community to actively promote the African development agenda through dynamic services that transform livelihoods.

German Red Cross / Deutsches Rotes Kreuz

The German Red Cross co-operates with other national Red Cross/ Red Crescent societies, the International Federation of Red Cross/ Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross in numerous missions concerning: - Emergency Response (including quick assignment of pre-trained personnel and pre-packaged material, provision of relief materials, donations and contributions in cash and in kind to partner organizations) - Rehabilitation after disasters (Reconstruction of houses, medical facilities, and livelihood after disasters) - Development projects with focus on Disaster Risk Reduction / Climate Change Adaptation, Water and Sanitation, Basic Health Care, Livelihood and Capacity Building within Partner Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies and communities.

Halt Poverty

Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty with tourism-based activities

Youth Foundation For Development, Education and Leadership

Our Mission is to equip and celebrate new generation of African thinkers, leaders and innovators.

The Earth Trust

Earth Trust works to give tools to tribals and villagers to farm their land in a sustainable way, to develop responsibility for Primary Health solutions with traditional answers and to give rural children inspiration, skills & passion for revitalising their communities & land. Email:

Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia)

The BKFA works with organisations and communities to provide a clean birthing environment for women in developing countries in order to reduce the incidence of infant and maternal mortality. We respect peoples' dignity and values and work according to principles of basic human rights. We raise awareness, provide support and resources and act as a catalyst for the creation of birth attendant training programmes and community development projects.

Platform for Labour Action (PLA)

We are an NGO that promotes and protects the rights of vulnerable and marginalised through community empowerment, action oriented research, policy dialogue, and legal aid in Uganda.

Seva Mandir

Seva Mandir's mission is to make real the idea of society consisting of free and equal citizens who are able to come together and solve the problems that affect them in their particular contexts. The commitment is to work for a paradigm of development and governance that is democratic and polyarchic. Seva Mandir seeks to institutionalise the idea that development and governance is not only to be left to the State and its formal bodies like the legislature and the bureaucracy, but that citizens and their associations should engage separately and jointly with the State. The mission briefly, is to construct the conditions in which citizens of plural backgrounds and perspectives can come together and deliberate on how they can work to benefit and empower the least advantaged in society.

United Through Sport SA

We are a South African registered charity dedicated to encouraging disadvantaged individuals and communities to develop to their full potential in sport, education and health. We are committed to using sport as a tool to develop the disadvantaged and vulnerable youth. We do this by; 1. Using direct sports coaching - for its health benefits, improved emotional well being and increased life skills (teamwork, leadership, decision making, communication). 2. Using sport to discuss critical issues - by delivering curriculums on topics such as HIV / AIDS awareness in a fun and interactive manner on the sports field. 3. Using sport for improved education - by providing pathways to success for talented and dedicated individuals through scholarships to top local schools and tertiary education.