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Displaying 13–24 of 29

Donation & Transplantation Institute

DTI's mission is to save millions of lives by advancing organ donations and transplantation training. ------ OUR COMMITMENT 1. Raise organ donations around the world 2. Improve society's quality of life 3. Support regenerative medicine ----- AT DTI, we advise and support public and private international entities of the health sector in the creation, development and strengthening of networks, programs, services and / or research in donation and transplantation of organs, tissues and human cells, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the people.


femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.

Fundacion Omar Dengo

Contribute to the improvement of the quality and equity of learning opportunities of the population to enhance their human development, through innovative educational proposals and models focused on people and the use of digital technologies.

Habitat International Coalition

The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.

Mano Amiga

Transform the future of Venezuelan children and youth at risk, nurturing and educating them as integral, ethical and thoughtful leaders so that they are the ones who transform their community and their own family.

Mission Bambini

Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.

Save the Children

To Relieve The Distress And To Promote The Welfare Of Children In Any Country Or Countries, Without Differentiation On The Ground Of Race, Colour, Nationality, Creed Or Sex To Educate The Public Concerning The Nature, Causes And Effects Of Distress, And Want Of Welfare As Aforesaid, And To Conduct And Procure Research Concerning The Same And To Make Available The Useful Results Thereof.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

International Judo Federation

To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans

Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR)

We are a Global South network of local civil society organisations reinventing Aid through innovative ideas, knowledge sharing, and influencing.

Fundacion para el Emprendimiento Entrepreneur

At Fundacion Entrepreneur, we work every day to "be the social actor that leads Learning by Playing in Latin America". "We seek to develop the competencies in our children and young people, that will become the best version of themselves and develop in the 21st century" Eight years ago there were three troublesome problems that were in our heads: What would happen if all people learned to undertake and be an entrepreneur?, What would happen if we were all financially literate, balancing our well-being and money?, What if we had fewer social myths and a mayor sense of citizenship and belonging? Common problems, which are in everyone's life, but which are not all carrying burden. Thus, in 2012, the chilean company Momento Cero (Mo.0), who has spent 15 years making learning and innovating always entertaining, through the creation of various tools to carry out the Learning by Playing methodology, saw the need to generate social impact initiatives, thus giving rise to our Entrepreneur Foundation, an independent, non-profit organization. We felt in love with the challenges linked to this specific problems, because we believe they are the individual mobilizing motors of freedom and necessary to create, finance and implement dreams and projects that are a contribution to the common good. How do we put this into practice? We develop, implement and evaluate school programs that promote the use of educational board games in the classroom, focusing on students between 12 and 18 years old. We address relevant topics for current challenges: entrepreneurial talent, financial literacy, social sense and citizenship. Along with this, we co-developed the book "Playful mindset: to create, educate, undertake and innovate", where we share our know-how. Why Learn by Playing? Because if there are emotions, there is learning. And if that learning has an educational intention to provide tools to our young people, even better! We know that the Learning by Playing methodology generates emotions, fosters self-confidence, develops divergent thinking and reduces stress, which increases learning, thus developing in children and young people the skills that will allow them to become the best version of themselves in this century. We know that our challenge is not easy and we have a long way to go, but we are committed to enhancing the talent of each person, contributing to the formation of integral human beings, according to the challenges of the 21st century.