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IsraAID's mission is to effectively support and meet the changing needs of populations as they move from crisis to reconstruction, rehabilitation, and eventually, to sustainable living. This commitment is expressed in emergency relief and sustainable development, with an emphasis on the transition between them.

Fundacion Paraguaya

To develop and implement practical, innovative and sustainable solutions which eliminate poverty and create decent living conditions for every family.


HANDS AROUND THE WORLD seeks to help vulnerable children around the world, encouraging enthusiastic and well-prepared volunteers to offer practical help, skill-sharing, support and friendship.

COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale

Through the commitment, motivation, determination and professionalism of its staff, COOPI aims to contribute to the process of fighting poverty and developing the communities with which it cooperates all over the world, intervening in situations of emergency, reconstruction and development, in order to achieve a better balance between the Global North and the Global South, between developed areas and deprived or developing areas.

Kagumu Development Organization

To improve the lives of communities by empowering them to participate in Social, and Economic development initiatives.

Kids Club Kampala

Kids Club Kampala (KCK) is a children's charity working to bring hope and love to vulnerable children and to transform poor communities in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. Founded in 2009, Kids Club Kampala was set up to overcome the lack of hope and self-esteem of children living in situations of extreme poverty, and works to empower children, women and whole communities to bring about sustainable changes through different development projects and supporting their basic needs. The vision is to see lives transformed, children and communities empowered and poverty reduced throughout the areas that we work in and further afield. Kids Club Kampala works with some of the most vulnerable and poor communities in the urban slums in and surrounding Kampala, Uganda, reaching over 4000 children and their families every week. We currently provide 250,000 meals each year for malnourished children, access to education for 700 children, sustainable income generation projects for 250 women, and children's activities and social support for up to 4000 children across 18 disadvantaged communities in Uganda. The objectives of Kids Club Kampala are: The prevention and/or relief of poverty in the slums of Kampala, Uganda through providing education, training, recreational activities and income generation projects To bring hope and love to vulnerable children To transform poor communities in Uganda To advance in life and relieve the needs of young people providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. To be community led and community driven To uphold the rights of the child Kampala's slums are notorious for drug and alcohol abuse and violent crime, poor sanitation and abject poverty. Many families often survive on just one meal per day and cannot afford to send their children to school. Out-of-school children are left unsupervised during the day whilst their parents try to make a living, and without a daily purpose or safe space to go these children become even more at risk. Many of the children that Kids Club Kampala work with have been abused, neglected, orphaned, street workers or simply abandoned. Kids Club Kampala has a proven track record of having a large impact in the communities that we work in. We are making a big difference by bringing hope and love into the lives of many vulnerable children in Kampala, and through changing the situations in which they live. The vision of Kids Club Kampala is to see lives transformed, children and communities empowered and poverty reduced throughout the areas we work in and further afield, and we are passionate about empowering these children and communities, letting them know they are loved and are worth something, and helping them to overcome their situations and poverty.

Joy for Children-Uganda

JFCU advocates for and supports the rights and needs of children affected by all forms of violence and/or whose right to education has been denied. Special attention is given to children heading households and those affected by child marriage and armed conflict.


To build structures to support the education of critically vulnerable children/ school dropout youth in the affected community.

Sadhguru Schools

Our mission is to invigorate a new generation of rural African youth to become changemakers, dedicated to improving the communities and world they inhabit.

Terre Des Hommes Netherlands

Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TDH NL) prevents child exploitation by removing children from exploitative situations and ensuring they can develop themselves in a safe environment.

Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa Foundation

Vision "To love and enable youth through hope and opportunity" * Mission To enable youths through holistic youth development programs where education and access to finances converge to enable sustainable independence To implement an inclusive and innovative approach that brings clear results and measurable impact. To inspire and enable other like-minded organisations by fostering public - private partnership

Impact Metrics and Stories
Share Child Opportunity Eastern and Northen Uganda (SCOEN)

To attain gender equality in a Ugandan local community through promoting the social, political, educational and economic participation of women and children in community development programs. SCOEN strives to create a future in which all Ugandan women will be viewed and treated equally as men in all aspects of life; political, economic, social, educational and culturally. We will also seek to continue our role as advocates of children and women's rights, promoter of their capacities and driving force of social change, promoting their participation in the decisions that affect their lives, and amplifying their voices for peace and security at the regional, national and global levels.