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Displaying all 10 nonprofits

International Association for Human Values

The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) offers programs to reduce stress and develop leaders so that human values can flourish in people and communities. We foster the daily practice of human values - a sense of connectedness and respect for all people and the natural environment, an attitude of non-violence, and an ethic of social service. Our programs enhance clarity of mind, shift attitudes and behaviours, and develop leaders and communities that are resilient, responsible, and inspired.

COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale

Through the commitment, motivation, determination and professionalism of its staff, COOPI aims to contribute to the process of fighting poverty and developing the communities with which it cooperates all over the world, intervening in situations of emergency, reconstruction and development, in order to achieve a better balance between the Global North and the Global South, between developed areas and deprived or developing areas.

Mission Bambini

Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.


PEN PAPER PEACE is dedicated to education. Through pen and paper we work to improve the living conditions of youth who live in poverty. We believe education creates opportunities, fosters empowerment, and is required to take control of building a future for oneself. By building and maintaining schools in one of the poorest regions of the world, we provide children who otherwise would not have access to education with regular schooling and a place they can always come to and count on. PEN PAPER PEACE also aims to raise awareness of social responsibility, and promotes the active involvement of young people in Germany. The project SCHOOLS FOR HAITI aims further to engage children and teenagers in Germany in the lives of Haiti's children. By taking part in a school partnership and by organizing fundraisers, young German people learn methods to help students in one of the poorest countries in the world. Doing such encourages German youth to reflect on their own privileged position in the globalized world, and to develop skills that can be used to foster democratic participation in local and global communities.

Caritas Austria

CARITAS AUSTRIA is an internationally operating non-profit organisation (donations are tax-deductible Reg. Nr. SO1126; equivalent 501(c)(3) US organization) under the mission of the Austrian Catholic church and pursues solely and directly charitable and benevolent objectives. CARITAS AUSTRIA relief work addresses the needy in their entirety, taking also into consideration their physical, psychological and spiritual-religious backgrounds. CARITAS AUSTRIA commits itself to providing assistance to people in need which is done without regard to creed, ethnicity or ideology of those seeking help. In its operations CARITAS AUSTRIA is guided by respect for the dignity and self-determination of the people it serves. There are more than 1,000 places throughout Austria where CARITAS AUSTRIA helps people in need. In the areas of caregiving, supporting people with disabilities, hospices, in the social counseling centers, on assignment for families in need or for older people who cannot afford heating. CARITAS AUSTRIA - this comprises its fulltime staff, but above all, also the roughly 50.000 volunteers and each and every one of you who supports our work. CARITAS AUSTRIA's main activities are aiming at social support and advocacy for those in need. These activities are taking place in Austria and abroad, whereas the main focus is lying on national work in Austria. Inside and outside of Austria, CARITAS AUSTRIA always aims at addressing the basic needs of the vulnerable taking also into consideration their social and cultural background.

Kito Onlus

KITO ONLUS is a nonprofit organization with exclusively purposed of social solidarity, most in the field of education and primary school in developing countries or emergency. KITO ONLUS considers school as the best tool to get children back to ordinary life and help them overcome traumas a conflict or natural disaster might provoke in each of them. Therefore, it recognizes the importance of the right to education, especially in emergency contexts. The organization is aimed to pursue the following goals: Financing, development and building of basic structures in developing countries or in countries affected by famines, natural disasters and armed conflicts; Assistance to people victims of wars, famines, natural disasters, violence and violation of human rights; Designing of basic structures for scholastic employment; Relization of expandable, aggregatable and transportable schoolhouses (or health centers); Developing of participatory processes with the beneficiaries in the structures installation; Increasing wealth of students, teachers and scholastic staff, through policies aimed to improve their living conditions, namely health, nutrition, social services and security of children.

Global Changemakers Association

Global Changemakers works to an unshakable mission of supporting young people to create a positive change towards a more just, fair and sustainable world. We do this through skills development, capacity building, mentoring and grants.


To improve the life conditions of children in the communities where they live, through direct and indirect projects designed to support their wellbeing, education, and development.

Italian Red Cross

Protection and promotion of health and life; social inclusion; Prevention and emergency response; Promotion of International Humanitarian Law and International Cooperation; Youth development and culture of active citizenship.