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HERA (Her Equality Rights and Autonomy)

Her Equality Rights and Autonomy's (HERA) overall aims are: (1) to prevent trafficking and re-trafficking of young women; (2) to assist trafficked and other women survivors of violence, conflict, and exploitation build on the resilience they have demonstrated to achieve their ambitions for a better life; and (3) to engage the business community in countering trafficking and support women's entrepreneurship.


to favour access to education and vocational training in developing countries, with local communities' involvement and particiaption. to develop a social awareness of the young through experiences of condivision, work in favour of the needy. our goals are: make families aware of the importance of their children's school education; set up infrastructions to satisfy primary needs and facilitate school attendance; provide adequate training for teachers; favour local employement through vocational courses; favour the participation to experiences of voluntary work; build network of volunteers' groups.