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Displaying 1–12 of 52

Champions Factory

Champions Factory mission is to empower individuals to reach their full potential through the transformative power of sports. We firmly believe that every person has the ability to become a champion in their own right, and we are dedicated to equipping them with the necessary tools, resources, and support to achieve their goals and aspirations.


Our mission is to create a world which enables underprivileged girls and boys living in the slums in India to become role models within their communities. The OSCAR Foundation uses the power of football to teach the importance of education and all OSCAR children must attend school. Education transforms disadvantaged communities and provides young people with the tools they need to fight poverty for the next generation.

Street Soccer (Scotland)

Founded in 2009, Street Soccer Scotland is a social enterprise which uses football inspired training and personal development as a medium to empower people who are affected by social exclusion, to make positive changes in their lives. Our aim is to create purpose, hope and relationships using football to support people on their journey to security and happiness.

Futebol da Forca Foundation

Futebol da forca [football gives strength] is an independent international foundation, educational platform and community for purpose-driven football coaches. The organisation was founded in Mozambique in 2012 to work within football to empower girls with agency to make informed decisions and live a life they value. Futebol da forca engages, trains and supports voluntary football coaches to empower girls within football, while changing attitudes and norms that today prevent girls from reaching their full potential, in order for girls to thrive far outside the football field.

Disability Sports Coach

We will use the unique power of physical activity and sport to transform the lives of disabled people and help them feel connected with their local communities.

Darlington Assistance for Refugees

The objects of the DAR(CIO) are i.The promotion of social inclusion for the public benefit among people who are refugees and asylum seekers living in Darlington who are socially excluded on the grounds of their social and economic position, by providing A education and training in the English Language B volunteer befriender / mentors who will assist them with their integration into the community of Darlington, by the provision of information, advice and support. ii.. The relief of poverty for refugees and asylum seekers displaced from, in particular, but not limited to, Syria and other war zones who are or have been resident in any refugee camps in Europe by the provision of essential equipment, furniture and other items as may be necessary

Berkshire Community Foundation

The Berkshire Community Foundation is committed to helping organisations and individuals make a lasting impact in the local community and to raising funds to build a permanent source of funding for the small voluntary groups that tackle need at the grass roots of the local community.

Minds United Football Club CIC

To use the power of football to improve the mental health and overall well-being of its members. This includes providing a platform at our clubhouse for social interaction, peer support, and the opportunity to improve physical fitness and develop new skills . To create a welcoming and inclusive community where individuals can come together through their shared love of football, and use the sport as a means to improve their mental health and wellbeing. The club's primary focus would be on promoting positive mental health and reducing isolation, by providing a safe and supportive environment where people can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. The club also works towards breaking down barriers and reducing stigma surrounding mental health issues by promoting awareness and understanding of mental health within the wider community. This can be achieved through education and outreach programmes, as well as working with local organisations and businesses to raise awareness and support for mental health initiatives. Ultimately, the mission of Minds United Football Club is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the community, by fostering a sense of connection and belonging, promoting physical activity and healthy lifestyles, and providing opportunities for personal growth and development.

Stichting Women Win

Women Win's vision is that of a world in which every adolescent girl and young woman fully exercises her rights. Our mission is to advance the playing field that empowers girls through sport and play. Women Win is the global leader in girls and women's empowerment through sport. We leverage the power of play to help adolescent girls and young women build leadership skills and become better equipped to exercise their rights. Since 2007, we have impacted the lives of 2,822,400 adolescent girls and young women directly and indirectly in over 100 countries. This is possible thanks to collaborations with a wide variety of grassroots women's organisations, companies, development organisations, sports bodies and government agencies. Women Win currently supports initiatives in Asia, Africa, Middle East, North and South America. Our work is focused on empowering girls and young women through sport, emphasising the prevention of gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and economic empowerment. In practice this involves developing high quality specialised tools and curricula; delivering training and capacity building workshops; monitoring and evaluation tools and systems development; and providing strategic and programmatic support. Women Win invests in and manages a diverse portfolio of global partners with approximately 1.5 million euros of direct funding granted annually.

Nature Nurture CIC

Nature Nurture is a social enterprise whose mission is to engage communities with nature to enhance health & wellbeing, support resilient communities and foster custodians of nature. We deliver nature-based interventions including green social prescribing, education & conservation programmes, community events, horticultural therapy & community gardening. We enable urban communities to engage with the nature on their doorstep & co-create places where wildlife & people thrive. We draw from a variety of approaches, including Forest School, Earth Education & the creative arts. These serve as conduits to nature connection, social cohesion, conservation, climate awareness & action. Please Note: Nature Nurture is a Community Interest Company Limited by guarantee. This legal form is 'not-for-profit' and is for organisations who pursue a social and/ or environmental purpose. If it is dissolved the residual assets will be preserved for the community rather than distributed to members.

Hope Health Action

Hope Health Action is a Christian charity passionate about facilitating sustainable, life-saving health and disability care to the world's most vulnerable, without any discrimination. We seek to put the call of Jesus into reality, loving others, as we would wish to be loved ourselves; bringing hope, health and action to the world's poorest. We equip local health systems in the most fragile states, empowering national staff and facilities to fulfill their vision, ensuring the world's poorest receive accessible, dignified and compassionate healthcare.

Mustard Seed Project (Kenya)

We aim to help the people out of poverty by giving them the confidence, education and skills to solve their own problems.