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Displaying all 7 nonprofits

The ATLAS Foundation

To support people around the world through the power of Rugby

Shaar Shivion

Shaar Shivion (The Equalizer Group) is an Israeli non-profit NGO, which aspires to bridge educational, economic and social gaps in the Israeli society, by providing sportive-educational after-school programs to youth in the social periphery, minority areas and areas of need. These programs use the power of sport to increase the educational level of participants, and to instill critical life skills and values such as tolerance, co-existence, mutual responsibility and more. Our programs operate in areas where children and youth do not have (or have a very limited range of) a positive after-school activity. By providing a high level of an after school activity, not only we take the youth out of the streets, but also we are developing critical life skills and providing positive role models (coach, volunteers). Moreover, the schools, who know the children well, are choosing the participants of the teams based on personal needs of each participant (i.e. children with financial, social or behavioral difficulties). We operate three successful soccer programs and one basketball program across Israel: THE EQUALIZER: a social-educational-sportive program for boys and girls, which combines soccer practices and tournaments with academic assistance and value-based activities, aiming to promote equal opportunities, co-existence, empowerment and social mobility. Participants have weekly soccer training sessions with a professional coach and regional tournaments where they get to meet and play against children from other communities. More important, the participants, who are passionate about playing soccer, are required to participate in weekly sessions of study centers, ran by our volunteers, who deliver an ongoing educational program and support in school studies. Furthermore, they are required to behave at school otherwise they will not be allowed to participate in the soccer activities, and on the other hand, those who behave well at school will be rewarded in the soccer activities. BOATOT: a social-educational-sportive program based on the model of "The Equalizer", but with a focus on girls' participation. The program was established 2 years ago due to a low participation rate of girls in "The Equalizer" program. The program operates soccer teams for girls only, combined with an educational program which is adjusted for females and include: female empowerment, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, body image, sense of belonging, self-image, and more. The program has a wide impact on gender equality progress both directly on participants and indirectly on their family and the community around. In 2019-20 season we will operate over 370 teams in these two programs, giving an equal opportunity for sports and quality education to more than 5,500 boys and girls, aged 9-16. Furthermore this year we will have over 800 volunteers, usually local students who receive their scholarships by volunteering with our teams. We are proud of offer a platform to volunteer in these communities and to the local students meaningful scholarships to support them during their studies. 48ERS: a social-educational-sportive project based on the same model, but for basketball teams. The program combines basketball training sessions and tournaments with educational activities with the goal to instill core values and to develop leadership skills amongst youth from disadvantaged communities. The program operates mainly in areas with a large Ethiopian-Israeli community aiming to use the team-platform to promote successful integration of their youth with the general society of Israel. Being part of the basketball team gives the opportunity to immerse themselves into a high quality after school program with other communities in a sport they usually do not take part of.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)

1. To act as a leading organisation and a global voice for the rights of those who face discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics (SOGIESC). 2. To work towards achieving equality, freedom and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people through advocacy, collaborative actions, and by educating and informing relevant international and regional institutions as well as governments, media and civil society. 3. To empower our members and other human rights organisations in promoting and protecting human rights, irrespective of people's sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics and to facilitate cooperation and solidarity among ILGA regions and members. 4. To promote the diversity and strengths of persons of diverse SOGIESC around the world.

International Federation for Intellectual Impairment Sport (INAS)

That Athletes With An Intellectual Impairment Across The World Have The Opportunity To Achieve Excellence In Sport And High-Level Competition

Eitan everybody can

our first mission is, Empowering People Through Holistic Professional Training. Eitan is a registered NGO set out to help people with special needs achieve goals they never thought possible, through our network of professional personal trainers.

International Judo Federation

To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans