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Boys Mentoring Advocacy Network (BMAN) is an international Non-Governmental Organization incorporated in Nigeria and the USA. BMAN was established to cultivate boys and young adult males with the tools to help them navigate the process of becoming positive and empowered adult males who will Love, Inspire, Value and Educate others in their society. The mission of BMAN is to develop boys to standout by standing up, equip boys to be excellent and nonviolent communicators, teach boys ethical literacy, and to train boys to learn and appreciate their own self-worth on their journey to healthy, caring, respectful and responsible manhood.

Radio News Network Limited

A democratic and stable society in which free flow of information supports the participation of all people in development processes

Raamos Development Forum - RDF

Our mission is to empower community people with skills, as a way of eradicating rural poverty.

World Educare Network

World Educare Network (WENET) is Not-for-profit Non-governmental Organization engaged with the underlying communities in Eastern & Northern Uganda. WENET is the Transformation Agency; Creating Empowered Communities that spontaneously participate in Education, practice basic Health, embraces Technology & Sports; sensitive to Equality, Environment & Climate! Involved across Six rural Districts of Uganda since 2020, WENET is enhancing the sustainability of Education Quality by promoting ICT, multifunction Skills including Sports as empowerment tools; collaborating towards integrated community Health & Nutrition; inputs to Water, Sanitation & Hygiene; advocating for Environmental Health & Climate Action; Agriculture & rural Livelihood; community driven Empowerment of Child, Youth & Woman, And; Research activities for informed decision making! WENET has a Team of 26 dedicated Staff & Volunteers, 25 of whom are Ugandans, 18 Youths, 8 Women and 9 teenage Youths! WENET works in many thematic areas to ensure diversified comprehensive approaches to the target Mission; and we employ low-cost but high impact approaches, generate community-driven solutions to local challenges aligned to global Needs, and do take Affordable, Achievable & Sustainable transformative actions!

Childfund Korea

ChildFund Korea creates a world where children grow up upright and enjoy happy life.

Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda

Thriving Youth Farmers Uganda (TYoFU) uplifts the community's greatest resources - youth, innovative thinking, and rich farmland - to address widespread unemployment among young people, poverty, and food insecurity. TYoFU operates as an NGO and a social enterprise to enhance food security, youth empowerment and employment, and the local economy of Masulita, Uganda and beyond. On fertile ground, TYoFU employs youth from the local community to practice subsistence and commercial farming and offers creative, empowering programs for younger youth, with the goal of becoming a multi-discipline vocational training and mentorship center for youth from all regions of Uganda.

Sufaraa Mirembe Charity Organisation Limited

Support the marginalised communities in Africa to over come the draw backs in health, education and socioeconomic status they are suffering from, through a community-based and human-centred approach. Depending mainly on income-generating projects from local resources, community members will be capable in the future to solve their own problems. That ensures the sustainability of development. We also raise Awareness about volunteering and create a sense of social responsibility throughout volunteering programs

Development Path For Community Transformation

Vision: "An empowered society with improved and decent quality of life for all". Mission: "To promote reduction of community vulnerabilities (poverty, depression, trauma etc.) through capacity building and holistic support of persons, families and communities in the areas of education and skills, psychosocial support, livelihoods and environment, health, culture, human rights and peace building".

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

Help resource-deficient poor communities enhance their capacity for self- sustainability; Upgrade basic production conditions and primary social service levels; Mitigate social suffering while promoting social harmony. Vision: Be the best trusted, the best expected and the best respected international philanthropy platform Mission: Disseminate good and reduce poverty, help others to achieve their aims, and make the good more powerful Values: Service, Innovation, Transparency, Tenacity Slogan: Persistence Brings Change

Joy for Children-Uganda

JFCU advocates for and supports the rights and needs of children affected by all forms of violence and/or whose right to education has been denied. Special attention is given to children heading households and those affected by child marriage and armed conflict.


To build structures to support the education of critically vulnerable children/ school dropout youth in the affected community.

Sadhguru Schools

Our mission is to invigorate a new generation of rural African youth to become changemakers, dedicated to improving the communities and world they inhabit.