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Turistichesko druzhestvo Boeritsa

Turistichesko druzhestvo Boeritsa was founded in 2011 in Vladaya - a village near Sofia by local mountain rescuers and tourists. Our mission is to aid the local community by continuously engaging people in outdoor activities, voluntary work and charity. Our purpose is to help develop Vitosha mountain in many aspects and create longterm, sustainable connection between the people of Sofia and their home mountain. We aim to popularize, promote and develop various forms of mountain practice, hiking, skiing, bike tourism, water sports, speleology, orientation and mountaineering. We want to provide opportunities for young people to acquaint themselves nature and build habits for environmentally friendly and ecological communication with the mountain.


Raising awareness about preterm birth and possible complication. Partnering with government in terms of improving the situation of mothers and newborn babies in Bulgaria as well as initiating constructive dialog with political leaders. Establishing a network of experts, international and private sector organizations, officials, celebrities, medias, business partners and parents united by the idea of ensuring best start in life for all premature and sick babies. Providing easy-to-understand information and make sure that all families have access to it so that we help them better understand the situation that they are dealing with. Facilitating medical and psychological support for affected families. Face to face or online consultation with psychologists. Direct support from psychologist in the NICUs Charity events and fund-raise donations so that we can ensure best medical equipment for NICUs in Bulgaria Organize conferences, workshops, lectures and other events that gather professionals, experts, NGO representatives, parent organisations, government representatives and other stakeholders work together for constantly improving the care for premature babies.

Essence Foundation Bulgaria

Our mission is to provide courses, workshops, individual, family and group consulting/ therapy as well as long term programs for children, teenagers and adults from differet social groups in Bulgaria. We believe that by making psychological work (which is still stygmatised in Bulgaria) more popular and accessible, we encourage young people and adults to explore themselves, their inner world, their emotions and fears, to understand their behavior and attitudes for success and failure better, to learn about relationships, to gain self awareness and relational awareness by being part of a community. We believe that understanding and acceptance of all differences will create a positive attitude and active citizenship and will influence our environment, our country and our lives in a in a very positive way.

Evrika Foundation

EVRIKA Foundation is a classical type foundation. It is a non-governmental, non-religious and non-political organization, legal entity according to the Bulgarian legislation. It is registered in the Central Register of the Ministry of Justice for the performance to the benefit of society. EVRIKA Foundation was established in 1990 by a number of state and public organizations with the aim to support talented children and young people in the implementation of projects in the field of science, engineering and management; to support young innovators and entrepreneurs; to disseminate scientific and engineering knowledge and knowledge in the field of economics; to help for the improvement of the material base for scientific and engineering work; to render support in education and specialization, as well as to promote international cooperation in the fields of science and engineering etc.

Bulgarian Memory Foundation

1. Building an economy of knowledge and career opportunities for the young people in Bulgaria and Europe; 2. Integration, socialization and European perspective for the young people in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian communities from the historical diaspora; 3. Strengthening the perception for national identity among the youngest and preservation of the Bulgarian cultural and historical heritage; 4. Taking measures against the demographic crisis in Bulgaria.

A place for everyone Foundation

Support, counseling, education and upbringing of adults, children and their families. nsuring equal access to education and culture.

Bulgarian Foosball Federation

The main goal of the BDF is to promote and develop table soccer (or also known as foosball) thus to increase the number of foosball players on different levels - from amateurs to professionals and to create conditions for achieving high level sport results both in national and international aspect. It aims to assist in the promotion and development of the table soccer sport among all age groups of the population of the Republic of Bulgaria and to enable the expression of personality through the sport. Also, to promote the development of foosball among people in wheelchairs, disabled and the ones in disadvantage thus helping them in overcoming their negative health trends and promoting their social integration.


Autistic individuals are characterized by disorders of varying degrees of communication skills, social interactions and limited, stereotyped patterns of behavior. They are a "mosaic" of strengths, deficits and deviations. Sociocommunicative problematic is often combined with intellectual deficit, with delay in language development, with deficit of control on impulses and hyperactivity. Parents are also different resources (emotional, family, support systems) to cope with the social trauma inflicted on them. That's why we chose for ours: Mission: Especially important for people with developmental disabilities is, to have equal opportunities for development, equal chances for a dignified and independent life. Main goal: Bridging deficits through services, developing personal potential, consistent with the individual needs of everyone. A bit of our history: In 2011, parents of autistic individuals, friends and like-minded people, we established the Developmental Disabilities Foundation to improve the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities. Everything we do is to overcome the consequences of social trauma for persons with developmental problems and their relatives. By providing social services in the community, we aim to build self-reliance skills that promote social inclusion. We hold licenses for: therapy and rehabilitation; community work; training for the acquisition of work skills; support for the acquisition of work skills; informing and consulting; advocacy and mediation and day care. Each person is unique and has the right to happiness, equal opportunities to achieve it, equal chances for a dignified and independent life. That is why we created and are developing the Center for inclusive and non-formal education "Art and Jump". In the informal space of the Workshop, children and young people learn through experiences while working and having fun in the Wool and Textiles workshop, the Ceramics workshop and the Digital Competences workshop. We implement an innovative program of creative educational modules that develops cognitive skills, promotes personal development and increases motivation to face everyday challenges. As a team, we are clearly aware of social dignity and responsibility. Therefore, we strive for the formation of empathy, tolerance and acceptance of one's own and others' "differences" in the spirit of respect for human dignity and value in society. "Being different is a privilege" Autistic individuals need a variety of appropriate forms of support throughout their lives. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement individual projects for independent living for each of them. Our foundation pays the necessary attention to the group dynamics in order to build an interpersonal relationship and at the same time relationships in the social environment. We all know that in Bulgaria there is no network organization of services for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at all ages. Therefore, one of the guiding principles in the management of our organization is to ensure the continuity of services for children, youth and adults. We are currently working with the Autism - Education, Future and Opportunities Association. Combining ideas, resources and tools, we have found an appropriate solution to the problem of the "child with autism in secondary school" challenge. We support the Association in their activities for the introduction of the Competent Learner (CLM) model. In the House we will further develop and upgrade the model "Workshop for the development of cognitive skills and increase the capacity for autonomy", as well as Dance-Motor Therapy for Psychosomatic Development, which we are currently implementing under the Program of Sofia Municipality for Social Innovations. We will apply innovative management, continuously and long-term, so that we can simultaneously meet social needs and create new social relationships and cooperation. Working with parents and siblings is another key moment in our planned activities. The effect of therapies and rehabilitation for people with developmental problems is insufficient if it is not integrated with psycho-social interventions with the whole family. Another important goal of ours is the creation of supported employment, employment support, and social enterprise for our users. We already have a working creative studio in ceramics, Art and Jump Workshop. We plan to develop resilience and create work skills in the field of applied arts for young people with disabilities.


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Association Podkrepi BG

To contribute to the growth and development of the donation culture in Bulgaria by creating transparent and accessible online donation platform, that doesn't take any commission from the campaigns.

Creators Association

Creators Association is an organization of professionals dedicated to using art for personal growth and social change. It works with children, youth, adults, professional artists, people with disabilities and marginalized groups. Association of Creators creates an author's system for teaching emotional culture and leadership skills through the arts. Association of Creators is a non-profit organization aimed at people who develop in the arts and artistic psycho-social activities, practice them as a profession or hobby, want to develop as individuals and professionals and pass on knowledge to others.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation

IGLYO - The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation is the world's largest LGBTQI youth and student network, counting more than 100 Member Organisations in over 40 countries across the Council of Europe Region. IGLYO's mission is to strengthen the rights of LGBTQI youth, fight for equality and inclusion, and empower LGBTQI youth voices. IGLYO represents the diverse rights and intersectional needs of LGBTQI young people and works hard to ensure that their futures are bright. We achieve our objectives through international training and events, targeted capacity building programmes, intercultural exchanges and peer learning, thematic research and advocacy actions, online tools and resources, digital story-telling and campaigning, networking activities, and more. Since our establishment in 1984, IGLYO has been growing steadily with new Members joining every year. Our Members are organisations who represent and/or support LGBTQI youth and/or students, work with LGBTQI youth or issues, comprise mainly of LGBTQI youth, or have a specific department working for/with youth.