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African Technology Innovation Hubs Initiative - AFRILABS

To support innovation hubs and their communities to raise high potential entrepreneurs that will stimulate economic growth and social development in Africa. We achieve this through capacity building, financing, networking, policy advocacy, and providing insightful, reliable data.

PC Coup d'Pouce

PC Coup d'Pouce (PCCP), an association under the 1901 law, aims to set up development aid projects local, national or international level, in this case in recent years in Benin, Togo and Senegal. Its aim is to provide sustainable aid adapted to the needs of a population. We ensure that the project is monitored and runs smoothly, while promoting the community's development of the community. The projects are integrated into the development policy of the development policy of the host country. They are carried out by the local association in conjunction with its local partners and concern various fields of action, namely education, nutrition, women's empowerment and water and sanitation. The association supervises the entire project, is responsible for fundraisin, and carries out reconnaissance and monitoring missions in the field, which are necessary for the the project. The association refrains from taking political, religious or ethnic positions and/or demonstrations.

Bien Etre et Developpement Durable

We advocate for children, young people and women in vulnerable situations to protection and promotion of their rights, development and well-being socio-economic and work tirelessly to this effect for the reduction of poverty and the protection of biodiversity


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.

Agriculteurs Francais Et Developpement International

entreprendre toute action susceptible d'ameliorer les conditions de vie des paysans les plus pauvres des pays en developpement et pour cela : contribuer a la securite alimentaire des zones les plus defavorisees ; accompagner les organisations paysannes, acteurs strategiques dans la lutte contre la pauvrete, pour le developpement durable et le respect du droit a l'alimentation ; informer les agriculteurs et les ruraux francais sur la situation et les attentes des agriculteurs des pays en developpement afin d'assurer la mobilisation des moyens humains et financiers necessaire a la reduction de la pauvrete dans ces pays

Collectif des Femmes, Nonprofit

Created in 1979, the Collectif des Femmes is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the emancipation of women and men, particularly women from immigration and/or precarious women. We are work mainly in Belgium, but we have extended collaborations with women's organizations in the Developing countries in order to share experience in the field of Equality between women and men and to promote inclusive development. The association aims to empower its target audience and reinforce their autonomy of thought and action. The involvement of women and men at all levels of the association creates an upward dynamic that promotes their ability to take their destiny into their own hands, and free themselves from their multiple shackles. The social purpose of the association is therefore the social and professional integration of women migrants in Belgium (although some of our target beneficiaries are unemployed men in search of work). The association's vision is to promote equal opportunities, fight against discrimination, combat gender inequalities and promote access to employment for women and men, migrants and of foreign origin. Article 3 of the Statute of the "Collective des Femmes" stipulates that the purpose of the Association is: - Training and supervision of migrant, refugees and asylum seekers, and immigrant women, with a view to better socio-professional (re)integration,... - Facilitate the adaptation of foreign women and that of their families in Belgium, particularly in the field of the practice of the French language, health, food, the education of children and their personal autonomy. - Reflection on the role and status of women, in relation to development issues; - Etc. The Association is approved by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation to fight against Intimate partners and all forms of Gender-Based (Violence against women and girls). The achievements of this first period are the foundation of professional relations between migrants and respond to the concern to give back to women the power over their own history. It was also in those years that the fruitful encounter between these women from elsewhere took place, some progressives in search of professional prospects and new conceptual tools to improve their status. Although we began in 1979, the 1990s constitute an important period in the life of Collectif des Femmes as it laid "the first stones" with regard to structured professional integration, psychomedico-social support for an allochthonous or indigenous public, the strengthening of the capacities of women in the countries of the South... Hence, in 1997 the Collectif des Femmes obtained its official agreement in the Wallon Region and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. Alongside the desire to promote the development of our center, our objectives are to promote the evolution of factors influencing the wellbeing of this precarious population and participation in any action aimed at favorably modifying these factors. And finally, in the longer term, we participate in the development of an equal opportunities policy based on our experiences and in the promotion of gender mainstreaming. It is since that time that we have been subsidized in a more structural way and that we have been approved for a certain number of our missions; a real public-private partnership. Our growing center demonstrates the relevance of all our goals even more today than in the past. The paths to success in terms of emancipation, socio-professional integration, lifelong education are a demonstration of this that is both relevant and convincing. Today, in the position that the Women Collective occupies, everyone benefits from this mixing of ideas which leads each of us towards the path of individual progress. Over the past 40 years, the thinking of the Collective has deepened and broadened in several directions. First of all, it was necessary to understand and take into account the profound changes in society. We have developed over time a more complex and more complete vision of the situation of migrants, of front-line proximity work, of poverty, of emancipatory pedagogy, of work in popular education, of socio-professional integration. The question of gender equality, civic and permanent education is the common thread of our various approaches. Another opening given to our horizon, we have sought and built bridges between the fields of integration, training, education, social action and we have given the issue of empowerment a transversal dimension. In terms of pedagogy, we have promoted pedagogy by project, our toolbox is currently more extensive, we have produced several publications, including a cultural imagery tool. It is a real militant journey, a social commitment of each one, of each one which has enabled various political questions during our international conferences: whether in the field of plural violence, female entrepreneurship, poverty, situation of women in the labour market, in relation to new information technologies, in relation to HIV/AIDS, in the face of radicalization always by crossing gazes South/North North/South South/South. Since 1979, several thousand adults have passed through the Centre. This means that every year since 1979, more than 22,000 people have knocked on our door and started training or requested intervention, psychosocial support, or even participated in our focus groups. As a result, several thousands agents of change scattered here in Belgium or in the countries of the South are in non-profit or international organizations in the sectors of continuing education, education, health, social work or community. Over the past 3 years, evaluation work has been carried out, which combines several interests. First, an interest in more refined knowledge of our public, its origins, its trajectories, its motivations, its commitments, the effects of the intervention of the Collective, whether in terms of social or professional integration. A second interest was to compare the aims, objectives and values of the Centre. Confrontation which, managed with a view to constructive criticism of work, has made it possible to strengthen our dynamism. Let us cite for example the professional integration rate of more than 90%. A relevant analysis of the pedagogical procedures, of the observations and evaluations of the people... has made it possible to identify practices and objectives that must be modified or pursued in another way. This has stimulated collective work in several essential directions for an organization like ours, namely the development of the culture of evaluation and constructive criticism. A rigorous analysis, still in progress, of our corporate culture, was also essential for the dynamics of our center and the pleasure of working in the field of people empowerment. This approach allowed a lucid look at our organization; while showing the shortcomings and the limits, it has valued the quality and induces a search for an increased quality which makes it possible to develop a self-reflective and formative work on our own practices and our organizational pedagogical processes. These are quickly outlined the various philosophical and political challenges of our center.

International Institute for Environment and Development

3. The objects for which the Company is established are: 3.1 To advance the education of the public by all charitable means; 3.2 To promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by: 3.2.1 The preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources; 3.2.2 The relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities; and 3.2.3 The promotion of sustainable means for achieving economic growth and regeneration. In this context 'sustainable development' means development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Rural Urban Partnership for Africa, RUPFA in accronym

1.0 MISSION AND VISION 1.1 MISSION To alleviate poverty, reverse rural urban migration and promote self-reliance among the people. 1.2 VISSION Ensuring partnership of rural communities with the urban cities to reverse rural urban drift; by organizing income generation activities, community infrastructional development and community mobilization concept. 1.2 GOAL To promote environment promote and livelihood development for the relief of socio-economic problems and mismanagement of resources with the focus on women and children. 2.0 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY Rural Urban Partnership for Africa (RUPFA) is a Non-Governmental Organization in Africa headquartered in Accra, Ghana. It main aim is to fight poverty in our society especially at the rural communities and to be sure that well-being is for all. RUPFA Headquarter started in 2009 and took effect from 2010 with a management staff of four (4) and increased to twenty six (26) with volunteers at present, including ten (10) regional coordinators. Nos in the World, more than 360 management staff, volunteers, regional coordinators and others. We depend on individuals, business entities, corporate bodies, government, foundations, international donors, etc. For our work. We also operate in some countries : Malawi, Netherland, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Our major areas of operations are : 1) Community Development 2) WASH 3) Education 4) Food security 5) Climate change mitigation/Environmental Protection 6) Mission and Outreaches 7) Centre for Policy Integration and Resource Management (CPIRM) 8) General Health (nutrition, mental health, reproductive health, etc. 9) Shelters 10) General protection (child, GBV, PSEA, ...) RUPFA is registered with the number G-28, 582 of Registrar General of Ghana on 26th June 2009 under Companies Codes, 1963(Act 179) and the new number is CG172072015 of July 27, 2015 as well as our donars and/or as a member of World Association of Non-Governmental Organization-WANGO (USA), Institute of Cultural Diplomacy-ICD (Berlin, Germany) and World Water Council/Forum (Paris, France), Action Solidarite pour le Developpement Humain (ASODH France), Japan Water Forum (JWF), Global Cluster Protection, Human Rights Team (UNHCR as lead), UN Agencies with some of their clusters and work groups, Sun24 USA and more since 2012. It is particularly concerned with women, children, youths and the grassroots communities. The organization over the past Nine (12) years have been embarking on community development, climate change actions, WASH (water supply), Human Rights, educational and sensitization campaigns in communities, institutions and social groups throughout the ten (10) regions of Ghana, Malawi, DRC, Nigeria, etc. We have been organizing campaigns on Protection of Forest and Biodiversity, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies, Climate Change Education and Bush fires, Desertification and Drought related issues to the general public, Agricultural, GBV and PSEA activities that we are currently working on the report. However, a paper presentation was made on an international platform on March 10th, 2013 at an economic congress put together by Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin (Germany) and another presentation at International City and Civil Society Organisation at Istanbul (Turkey). Planted economic trees in some second cycle schools in the Greater Accra, Eastern, Northern and Volta Regions and have constructed community pipe stands in the North Tongu District to prevent people from drinking polluted water that is being shared with the livestock in the area and also developed small skill enterprise and income generation activities with small loans of GHc200.00-GHc1,500.00 covering over 200 people with women being 95%. Again we have been observing United Nations World Environment Day, World Water Day and World Forest Day on our own platform. We also engage Forestry Commission (FC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in our campaigns such as Protection of Forest and Biodiversity/Climate Change, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies across the country. We have involved the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies on different projects including Environmental Sanitation. We have strategically involved the youth in our environment protection through the establishment of RUPFA GREEN CLUBS (RGC) in Senior High Schools (SHS) and RUPFA GREEN FORUM (RGF) in the Universities. We have being partnering with Ministry of Food and Agriculture on projects on Agribusiness and Farming and also Electoral Commission on a project dubbed: The role of the Youth in Ensuring Peace before, during and after Elections, all towards our Good Governance and Human Right Campaign. As of today, RUPFA has been able to form partnership with various institutions and traditional rulers in its operations. RUPFA has regional coordinators across the nation and beyond. Today, RUPFA is working under those countries listed below and the headquarter is in Accra/Ghana.


Our mission is to create a society where basic human needs are met and individuals are empowered with equal opportunities to lead fulfilling lives. We strive to eliminate any form of deprivation and ensure that everyone has the chance to experience life to the fullest. Our goal is to empower individuals to make a positive impact and lead lives of significance.

Sufaraa Mirembe Charity Organisation Limited

Support the marginalised communities in Africa to over come the draw backs in health, education and socioeconomic status they are suffering from, through a community-based and human-centred approach. Depending mainly on income-generating projects from local resources, community members will be capable in the future to solve their own problems. That ensures the sustainability of development. We also raise Awareness about volunteering and create a sense of social responsibility throughout volunteering programs


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA)

1. To act as a leading organisation and a global voice for the rights of those who face discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics (SOGIESC). 2. To work towards achieving equality, freedom and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people through advocacy, collaborative actions, and by educating and informing relevant international and regional institutions as well as governments, media and civil society. 3. To empower our members and other human rights organisations in promoting and protecting human rights, irrespective of people's sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics and to facilitate cooperation and solidarity among ILGA regions and members. 4. To promote the diversity and strengths of persons of diverse SOGIESC around the world.