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Displaying 25–36 of 324

Greenlight for Girls, asbl

Mission To encourage girls of any age of any background to consider and pursue math and science-related studies and careers by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways Objectives To increase the number of women in math and science occupations (science, math, engineering & technology = STEM) To create a network of girls so that they meet one another and form future friendships that will encourage them to reach their potential To create a link between girls and real scientists and mathematicians so they can explore dreams and possibilities for the future To provide an outlet for professionals, with particular emphasis on females in math, science and technology fields, to work together, meet one another and contribute to this worthy mission To booster self-confidence of girls and women, especially those who may not have positive influences or economic advantages Vision We envision a balanced world where girls from any nation, any background and of any age know they have the possibility and choice to enter the world of math, science and technology and to realise that their future is full of possibilities


Our mission is to provide safe drinking water and hygienic sanitation to rural communities in Africa. By working in partnership with local organisations and communities, we empower people out of poverty; independently and sustainably. By having a strong working relationship with the communities in which we work, we listen to their requirements, provide them with tools, and engage them in the ongoing process. We ensure sustainability by running programmes alongside our projects, such as a Water Management Committee and a health education programme.

Fly The Phoenix

Fly the Phoenix believes that education, as well as daily food, are basic human rights. In order to combat the imbalances of these rights, we are creating sustainable, 25-year cycle, educational community programs. These are funded by our local income-initiatives, challenges and international donations through our registered charity, Fly The Phoenix.

Nepal Village Foundation, UK

The advancement of education for the public benefit, in particular among girls from poor families in rural Nepal who would not otherwise receive a formal education The prevention or relief of poverty in rural areas of Nepal by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient To develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially and economically disadvantaged communities of rural Nepal in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society

Kids Club Kampala

Kids Club Kampala (KCK) is a children's charity working to bring hope and love to vulnerable children and to transform poor communities in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. Founded in 2009, Kids Club Kampala was set up to overcome the lack of hope and self-esteem of children living in situations of extreme poverty, and works to empower children, women and whole communities to bring about sustainable changes through different development projects and supporting their basic needs. The vision is to see lives transformed, children and communities empowered and poverty reduced throughout the areas that we work in and further afield. Kids Club Kampala works with some of the most vulnerable and poor communities in the urban slums in and surrounding Kampala, Uganda, reaching over 4000 children and their families every week. We currently provide 250,000 meals each year for malnourished children, access to education for 700 children, sustainable income generation projects for 250 women, and children's activities and social support for up to 4000 children across 18 disadvantaged communities in Uganda. The objectives of Kids Club Kampala are: The prevention and/or relief of poverty in the slums of Kampala, Uganda through providing education, training, recreational activities and income generation projects To bring hope and love to vulnerable children To transform poor communities in Uganda To advance in life and relieve the needs of young people providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. To be community led and community driven To uphold the rights of the child Kampala's slums are notorious for drug and alcohol abuse and violent crime, poor sanitation and abject poverty. Many families often survive on just one meal per day and cannot afford to send their children to school. Out-of-school children are left unsupervised during the day whilst their parents try to make a living, and without a daily purpose or safe space to go these children become even more at risk. Many of the children that Kids Club Kampala work with have been abused, neglected, orphaned, street workers or simply abandoned. Kids Club Kampala has a proven track record of having a large impact in the communities that we work in. We are making a big difference by bringing hope and love into the lives of many vulnerable children in Kampala, and through changing the situations in which they live. The vision of Kids Club Kampala is to see lives transformed, children and communities empowered and poverty reduced throughout the areas we work in and further afield, and we are passionate about empowering these children and communities, letting them know they are loved and are worth something, and helping them to overcome their situations and poverty.


Our vision is a world where all children have equality of opportunity; and our mission is to enable socially and economically excluded children in Western Nepal to fulfil their potential by improving their wellbeing, supporting their development, and reducing the impact of discrimination and social injustice. We focus on improving access to health and education for mothers and children, and protection and support for children who live on the street. Our work benefits Nepal's poorest and most socially excluded specifically Children and mothers living in isolated rural communities Children and families living in urban slums Children living outside of parental care, including street and working children Child victims of abuse sexual abuse and exploitation We work in partnership with local communities, NGOs and the Nepali government, providing financial, technical and capacity building support in areas such as Social Mobilisation: engaging with communities to increase awareness and demand for services, such as healthcare and primary education; Advocacy: supporting local communities to address the rights of excluded children, families and communities; Local Capacity-Building: sharing skills, knowledge and experience to empower local organisations, children, families and communities to build their capacity to address their issues themselves ; Local Service Strengthening: working to increase the effectiveness, quality and accountability of existing services by identifying gaps, creating demand and providing technical support; Service Development and Support: supporting the development of services in situations where communities are beyond the reach of mainstream provision.


Empowering the poorest to create livelihoods, boost income and inspire permanent positive change

Tanzania Development Trust

The Trust Deed of 1975 says "The objects of the Trust shall be to relieve poverty and sickness among the people of Tanzania by means of the development of education, health and other social services, the improvement of water supplies and other communal facilities and the promotion of self- help activities." Interpreting the Trust Deed for the needs of the 21st Century we add: "In making grants, the Trust tries to promote equal opportunities and projects which improve the environment".

Be Enriched

Be Enriched works to develop community cohesion and reduce poverty by running community led initiatives that promotes education through participation. We aim to bring people in from the cold by increasing their confidence and teaching them new skills whilst reducing our impact on the environment. Our mission is to provide educational citizenship building activities through experiential training, mentoring and support for young people and communities in partnership with the communities they are in.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation (DSWF) is an adaptable and flexible, non-bureaucratic organisation responding promptly to conservation threats by supporting trusted, reputable individuals and organisations operating in the field. Lean on administration but generous on funding, the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation supports a range of innovative, vital and far-reaching projects throughout Africa and Asia, achieving real results for wildlife survival by: - sending undercover agents into the field to investigate illegal wildlife crime, training and supplying anti-poaching patrols - establishing nature reserves and other protected areas - working with governments to establish conservation laws and regulations - educating wildlife consumers about the plight of the animals they 'use' - teaching young people about endangered wildlife through art and school projects

The Forgiveness Project

The Forgiveness Project works to build understanding and give people the opportunity to move forward from trauma and conflict, enabling both personal and societal transformation.

Glad's House

Our mission is to provide the resources necessary to bring about a change where children and young people do not need have to take to the streets for survival or refuge, but identify and define their sense of belonging in their families and communities. It is characterized by our objectives: Wherever possible to mediate the reunification of, and re- establishment of the bonding between, the child and the family. Where not possible, we identify suitable alternative based care, primarily foster care. To enable the growth of children and young people living on the street into responsible citizens with genuine concerns for the welfare of other fellow human beings and the development of society in which they live; To provide interventions for change in the child's attitude, values, and outlook in life, from a hostile, aggressive, fearful, distrustful,insecure and exploited child to one conscious of the value of the dignity of the human person living in society with freedom-in-responsibility