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Displaying 13–23 of 23

Fondation Energies pour le Monde

For more than 30 years, the Fondation Energies pour le Monde (Fondem) has promoted and developed access to electricity from renewable sources in order to improve the living conditions and incomes of rural populations in the developing world. Through its field experience and its expertise in technical and social engineering, Fondem is able to act at each stage of a decentralised rural electrification (DRE) project: feasibility studies, design and technical sizing, implementation of a demonstrator, impact or capitalisation studies etc. Whether it is a proven technology or an innovation, Fondem strives to implement solutions that are adapted to the local context, meeting the electricity needs identified with local stakeholders, and based on a viable economic model. Fondem believes access to electricity to be the backbone of sustainable local development of remote populations, contributing to many other SDG: access to clean water and sanitation, access to better education, economic opportunities and decent work, and gender equality.

International Institute for Environment and Development

3. The objects for which the Company is established are: 3.1 To advance the education of the public by all charitable means; 3.2 To promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by: 3.2.1 The preservation, conservation and protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources; 3.2.2 The relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities; and 3.2.3 The promotion of sustainable means for achieving economic growth and regeneration. In this context 'sustainable development' means development which meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.


Our mission is to create a society where basic human needs are met and individuals are empowered with equal opportunities to lead fulfilling lives. We strive to eliminate any form of deprivation and ensure that everyone has the chance to experience life to the fullest. Our goal is to empower individuals to make a positive impact and lead lives of significance.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

Save the Children

To Relieve The Distress And To Promote The Welfare Of Children In Any Country Or Countries, Without Differentiation On The Ground Of Race, Colour, Nationality, Creed Or Sex To Educate The Public Concerning The Nature, Causes And Effects Of Distress, And Want Of Welfare As Aforesaid, And To Conduct And Procure Research Concerning The Same And To Make Available The Useful Results Thereof.

International Federation for Intellectual Impairment Sport (INAS)

That Athletes With An Intellectual Impairment Across The World Have The Opportunity To Achieve Excellence In Sport And High-Level Competition

International Judo Federation

To spread the values of Judo throughout the world and inspire generations for a healthy life based on solid moral principles, to offer guidance and leadership for its stakeholders while preserving the integrity of the sport and of the athletes, as well as all its members and to organize entertaining events for fans

Alliance Publishing Trust

Alliance aims to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among philanthropists, social investors and others working for social change worldwide in order to maximize the impact of funding for social development.

Girl First Fund

The Girls First Fund imagines a world where girls and women can live in safety, dignity, and freedom, with meaningful choices about their lives, including if, when, and whom they marry. We know that without CBOs and community driven strategies, this vision will not be realized, so a primary aim of the Girls First Fund (GFF) is to radically expand resources to community-based organizations to deliver locally relevant, girl-led and/or -centered, gender-transformative strategies.