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L'Associazione I Buffoni di Corte Onlus opera dal 2008, con impegno e professionalita, sul territorio torinese e propone progetti educativi, ricreativi e formativi per persone con disabilita e non. L'esperienza educativa e favorita da laboratori riguardanti le piu differenti forme d'arte, pensati nella prospettiva di un'educazione volta alla convivenza e alla condivisione di tempi, spazi e modi; in questo contesto l'arte rappresenta un efficace strumento educativo, nel quale coesistono relazione, integrazione, libera espressione e rispetto delle regole. Ogni laboratorio, con modalita differenti, e indirizzato alla valorizzazione della persona e allo sviluppo della sua autonomia. Dal 2015, inoltre, per rispondere alle richieste delle famiglie sul "Dopo di noi" e per dare ulteriore valore alla missione de I Buffoni di Corte, e stato avviato il percorso di accompagnamento all'autonomia e alla residenzialita. Attualmente le risorse a disposizione permettono di soddisfare la domanda di 20 persone con disabilita, ma la lista di attesa e in continua crescita. L'Associazione persegue le seguenti specifiche finalita: interventi e servizi sociali per l'assistenza, l'integrazione e per i diritti delle persone con disabilita; organizza e gestisce attivita culturali, artistiche e ricreative di interesse sociale, incluse le attivita di promozione e diffusione della cultura e della pratica del volontariato. I Buffoni di Corte rappresentano un luogo di incontro tra arti, intese come strumento di formazione, integrazione sociale e di partecipazione tra gli individui, dove ognuno compie un percorso di ricerca e scoperta delle proprie abilita espressive ed artistiche, acquisendo anche una maggiore consapevolezza delle proprie capacita creative e relazionali. Ogni attivita proposta, con modalita differenti, e volta a favorire i processi di autodeterminazione ed e indirizzata alla valorizzazione della persona e allo sviluppo della sua autonomia. Il percorso di accompagnamento all'autonomia, inoltre, e finalizzato ad una buona indipendenza, personale e sociale, delle persone con disabilita, a garanzia di un loro diritto e prerequisito fondamentale per assicurare loro un'effettiva inclusione nella societa, in una futura vita fuori casa e, ove possibile, nel mondo del lavoro.

Sott' e' ncoppa

Sott'e'ncoppa is a voluntary association which manages, together with other four non-profit organizations, a real estate asset confiscated from criminal organizations, that is the Masseria Antonio Esposito Ferraioli. So, the Masseria is committed to bring back to citizens a real estate asset confiscated from criminal organizations, with the aim of creating a community network of families who raise sustainable, healthy, organic vegetables and fruits in social gardens, and of raising awareness of issues such as organized crime, sustainable economy and discrimination (epecially gender-based discriminations).

Foundation Orient Occident

Founded in 1994, the Fondation Orient-Occident's primary vocation is to be a bridge between the two shores of the Mediterranean. The vision of the Fondation Orient Occident is to work for the sustainable and responsible development of populations in precarious situations through education, professional training, culture and integration into the world of work. It focuses its action on two major areas of development: Territorial development (Education and citizenship, Vocational training, Solidarity economy, Entrepreneurship) Migration and interculturality (Intercultural dialogue, South-South migration, North-South Migration..) FOO's mission is to support the development of communities through transculturality (recognition and valorisation of all cultures) and social integration. For many years, the Fondation Orient Occident has been developing projects to support Moroccans and the most vulnerable migrants throughout Morocco. The Fondation Orient Occident currently has teams in 6 offices active in the cities of Rabat, Casablanca, Fez, Oujda, Tangier and Marrakech.

SO.LA.RE Onlus

The SO.LA.RE. Onlus was set up on February 2016 by a group of people with different work experiences and skills animated by the desire to put themselves at the service of those who have been "less fortunate". The activity of the Association is aimed at supporting the "new poverties": 1. families with lack of income because of the loss of work of one or more of its members; 2. unemployed young people in poor economic conditions, so called "NEET" (Not in education, employment or training). The action of the Association is not limited to mere economic contributions but tends to reactivate conditions, will and energies in order to start a "relaunch" process.


Non profit organization that helps weak populations: elderly, children or victims of natural disasters.

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation

IGLYO - The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation is the world's largest LGBTQI youth and student network, counting more than 100 Member Organisations in over 40 countries across the Council of Europe Region. IGLYO's mission is to strengthen the rights of LGBTQI youth, fight for equality and inclusion, and empower LGBTQI youth voices. IGLYO represents the diverse rights and intersectional needs of LGBTQI young people and works hard to ensure that their futures are bright. We achieve our objectives through international training and events, targeted capacity building programmes, intercultural exchanges and peer learning, thematic research and advocacy actions, online tools and resources, digital story-telling and campaigning, networking activities, and more. Since our establishment in 1984, IGLYO has been growing steadily with new Members joining every year. Our Members are organisations who represent and/or support LGBTQI youth and/or students, work with LGBTQI youth or issues, comprise mainly of LGBTQI youth, or have a specific department working for/with youth.

YFU Bulgaria

YFU Bulgaria's mission and aims can be enlisted as follows (non-extensive list): - promoting the development and affirmation of spiritual values, education, and culture; - supporting social integration and personal fulfilment - nurturing the traits for a new system of values and consciousness of world citizens in young people; - providing assistance in overcoming barriers to communication and helping quality professional realization; - expanding the opportunity for young people to rediscover the importance of family and homeland and its spiritual values and national traditions; - developing in young people the ability for initiative, civic and social responsibility; - promoting the development of a sense of belonging.

World Marrow Donor Association

We work with our members to ensure reliable provision of life-saving cells while promoting patient and donor care and safety

I Wish STEM company

I Wish is a volunteer led global initiative to inspire young females (aged 14-17) to explore a career in STEM. I Wish has evolved since its inception in 2015 from being a once a year Showcase to an all year-round showcase of opportunities in STEM. I Wish is now multi-faceted. It comprises of Showcase Events both in person and streamed virtually in addition to providing a STEM information resource for students and teachers campus weeks with 5 Higher Education Institutes, an alumni circle building stem bridges from primary to secondary and on to Higher Education and through our Survey a policy driver for government and stakeholders in STEM. The Showcase Events comprise: 1. a Conference Zone where the students hear from women and men forging careers in STEM, from groundbreaking researchers to entrepreneurs, data scientists and engineers; and 2. an interactive Exhibition Zone where the students can engage with STEM industries and higher education from leaders in their field like Dell, Trinity, ARUP, Aer Lingus, DIT to entrepreneurs and creatives working in STEM; 3. a Teach IT Zone designed as a resource for teachers; 4. a Create IT Zone demonstrating the creative side of STEM; 5. a Build IT Zone promoting female entrepreneurs in STEM. Since 2015 the I Wish Showcase Events have turned the heads of over 50,000 girls towards STEM and empowered them to become the next generation of thought leaders, innovators and game changers in our ever changing world.


Raise community awareness to overcome stigma and prejudice. Disseminate correct information to promote prevention and orientation towards treatment. Supporting people suffering from mental health disorders and their families in the process of recovering well-being and fullness of life.

Elina Svitolina Foundation

Elina Svitolina Foundation is founded by the best Ukrainian tennis player Elina Svitolina and since 2019 has executed its mission in Ukraine. Foundation focuses on popularization of tennis as well as the creation of favorable conditions for the development of youth sports and supports talented kids. The Foundation programs and activities: refugee program for tennis players, annual tennis camp for kids under 12, scholarships and grants for young tennis talents, training programs at international tennis academies, help talented children participate in international tournaments, sports equipment and apparel, mental health program. Up to 500 talented Ukrainian tennis players have benefited from our programs. The Foundation acts and supports United Nation Sustainable Development Goals - good health and wellbeing, quality education, gender equality. Since the war began we have not been able to carry out the operational activities of the Foundation in full, so in April 2022 a branch of Elina Svitolina Foundation was registered in Bulgaria. In the first days after February, 24 Elina Svitolina Foundation re-focused its efforts on helping young Ukrainian tennis players forced to go abroad. During five months, when the girls and boys were adapting to life in other countries, in temporary homes, they were under the full care of Elina Svitolina Foundation, which paid for their accommodation, food, training and provided the necessary equipment. The sportsmen trained at tennis academies and centers in France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland.