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Sol es VIDA, Inc.

Ser un proyecto innovador y propulsor de valores y en el reconocimiento individual y colectivo de las inteligencias multiples y emocionales para la promocion de la autogestion y la resolucion de conflictos en las comunidades servidas.

Institute for Socio-Ecological Research

ISER Caribe is committed to working directly with local communities through a transdisciplinary approach by conducting participatory research and engagement. This is achieved by integrating efforts between government institutions, academia, civil society, and community organizations. Our team studies the interactions and dialectic relations between the environment and humans in order to develop alternate ways of managing anthropogenic and natural systems. Through our collaborative projects, we build the consensus that allows us to develop participatory actions, capacity building and horizontal knowledge transfer through local outreach activities and education.

Sisterhood Agenda

Sisterhood Agenda is an award-winning, tax-exempt nonprofit organization that creates and implements activities for women and girls around the globe for education, support and empowerment. Sisterhood Agenda promotes positive social change and has over 6,000 global partners in 36 countries. Global partners create an extensive sisterhood network to increase local organization capacity and unite women and girls. Sisterhood Agenda's SEA (Sisterhood Empowerment Academy), based in the U.S. Virgin Islands, attracts international participants. On global and local levels, Sisterhood Agenda addresses social, health, economic and cultural issues facing women and girls to promote positive life outcomes. Sisterhood Agenda's social impact is expanded through partnerships with agencies, individuals and businesses throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, India, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, and other geographic regions. Sisterhood Agenda maintains its social networking sites and blog at

Save the Children

To Relieve The Distress And To Promote The Welfare Of Children In Any Country Or Countries, Without Differentiation On The Ground Of Race, Colour, Nationality, Creed Or Sex To Educate The Public Concerning The Nature, Causes And Effects Of Distress, And Want Of Welfare As Aforesaid, And To Conduct And Procure Research Concerning The Same And To Make Available The Useful Results Thereof.

Friends of Humanity

Friends of Humanity SA is a Geneva-based non-profit organization supporting initiatives and projects in five essential areas: - Human rights and dignity - Education and training - Healthcare and medicine (including alternative medicine) - Environmental protection and conservation - Microfinance

Red de Fundaciones de Puerto Rico, Inc.

The purpose of the Red de Fundaciones de Puerto Rico is to enhance the ability of philanthropy and nonprofit organizations to improve the lives of vulnerable populations. Summary Hurricanes Irma and Maria have caused widespread damage in Puerto Rico. This fund will provide recovery assistance to help residents recover and rebuild. All donations to this fund will exclusively support recovery efforts from these storms. Challenge Record-breaking wind and rain have destroyed homes, and left millions without electricity or water. The most affected populations are the poor communities. Nonprofit organizations have stepped in to address needs that government alone cannot. Local nonprofit partners are have asked us to help fund their recovery efforts on the ground. Solution All donations to this fund will support recovery efforts for Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Initially, the fund will help nonprofit organizations meet survivors' immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. Once initial relief work is complete, this fund will transition to support longer-term recovery efforts run by local, vetted organizations in the Puerto Rican archipielago (includes the islands of Culebra and Vieques, as well as Puerto Rico). Long-Term Impact We believe that organizations that are deeply-rooted in local communities are in the best position to provide long-term support for survivors of natural disasters like Hurricanes Irma and Maria. By funding the relief efforts of local organizations, donations to this fund have the potential to build stronger response capacity so that these organizations are better equipped to face future challenges.

Intercambios Puerto Rico Inc

INTERCAMBIOS PUERTO RICO Es una organizacion sin fines de lucro de base comunitaria la cual promueve la integracion social de grupos marginados, incluyendo personas usuarias de drogas, sin hogar y trabajadoras y trabajadores sexuales. Trabajamos desde una perspectiva cientifica de reduccion de danos a traves de programas y actividades de servicios, educacion, abogacia e investigacion. EXCHANGES PUERTO RICO is a community-based non-profit organization that promotes the social integration of marginalized groups, including people who use drugs, homeless, and sex workers. We work from a scientific perspective of harm reduction through programs and activities of services, education, advocacy and research.

Programa de Educacion Comunal de Entrega y Servicio, Inc.

The mission of Project P.E.C.E.S., Inc. is to promote the educational, economic, and social development of southeastern Puerto Rico. The mission of the organization is directed to four programmatic areas: education, youth intervention and health, economic development, and community development with a special focus on youth development. Each goal seeks to strengthen the capacity of the southeastern communities- especially their youth - to resolve their own community problems. The Program for Community Education through Commitment and Service, Inc. (P.E.C.E.S., Inc.) is a non-profit community organization incorporated in the State Department of Puerto Rico, with federal tax exemption (501-C-3) and state tax exemption (101-6). The goals of Project P.E.C.E.S., Inc. are directed to four programmatic areas: education, youth intervention, economic development and community development. The objectives of P.E.C.E.S., Inc. are: To contribute to the economic development of southeastern Puerto Rico. To form leaders that participate in the social development of their communities. To improve the educational opportunities of southeastern Puerto Rico. To strengthen families and communities through programs directed to impact high risk behaviors. To prevent child abuse and neglect, high risk behaviors, and negative conduct through an integral program of prevention, counseling, orientation and social work. To reduce and prevent the abuse of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, AIDS, violence, and juvenile delinquency. To provide youth with positive alternatives, service opportunities, and leadership formation. Project P.E.C.E.S., Inc. is very proud of our following accomplishments: Operating the first licensed and accredited high school created especially for school drop outs. Preparing more than 600 community youth leaders throughout our 25 years of service in southeastern Puerto Rico. Administering the Natural Reserve of Humacao, based upon a contract of 15 years with the Natural Department of Resources, as an initiative to create employment and community economic development, as an ecological tourism business and as an environmental protection project. Project P.E.C.E.S. Inc. has established a Youth Development Center Winning the prestigious Tina Hills Award in 2003 for excellence as a non-profit organization

G-8, Grupo de las Ocho Comunidades Aledañas al Caño Martín Peña

The ENLACE Cano Martin Pena Project (ENLACE Project) is an innovative initiative that pursues the environmental rehabilitation of the Cano Martin Pena (CMP), a highly polluted tidal channel in the heart of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the social, economic, and urban transformation of its surrounding communities through participatory democracy, community organizing, and intersectoral partnerships that guarantee residents a central role and empowerment. Three institutions that work in close partnership were designed by seven communities adjacent to the Cano Martin Pena to facilitate the implementation of the ENLACE Project. The Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Cano Martin Pena (Fideicomiso) is a community land trust that is a private, nonprofit organization with independent juridical personality that owns and manages the 200 acres of land, collectively owned by its members, for the benefit of all the residents of communities located along the Cano Martin Pena. Its mission is to own and manage lands and other assets for the benefit of the residents of the Cano Martin Pena Special Planning District, in order to promote comprehensive and sustainable development, overcome poverty, and foster a healthy relationship between the urban environment, the city, and the communities. This instrument regularizes land tenure of approximately 1,500 families, preventing gentrification as an unintended consequence of the Cano Martin Pena ecosystem restoration project. The Corporacion del Proyecto ENLACE del Cano Martin Pena (ENLACE) is a government corporation with a limited lifespan, created under PR Act 489-2004 to implement the ENLACE Cano Martin Pena Project, whose main contents are included in the Comprehensive Development and Land Use Plan for the Cano Martin Pena Special Planning District. Through strong partnerships with private and public entities, and strong community participation in the decision making process, ENLACE implements projects and programs that transform Cano Martin Pena communities through socio economic development; improvements to their public space, infrastructure, and housing; as well as the environmental restoration of the Cano thorough its dredging. The G-8, Grupo de las Ocho Comunidades Aledanas al Cano Martin Pena, Inc. (G-8) is a community based non-profit organization that brings together 12 grassroots organizations from the Cano Martin Pena Special Planning District and the Cantera Peninsula as a strategy to unite with a common voice around the issues that are pertinent to all the neighborhoods along Martin Pena. The G-8 is a critical and effective partner that ensures participation in the decision making process and implementation of the ENLACE Project. Their mission is to promote the interests of the residents of each of the eight communities, and their assertive and effective participation in environmental restoration and community development processes, through programs, strategies, and activities aimed towards avoiding displacement, grassroots action, and comprehensive community development that improves the quality of life of the residents. The G-8 oversees the Fideicomiso and the ENLACE Project Corporation, and connects their work to the residents. The community leaders of G-8 do not make important decisions for the residents-instead, they create the conditions that allow the residents to decide and act themselves.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico Inc.

SPANISH: Ofrecer a los ninos, ninas y adolescentes esperanza de un mejor futuro y oportunidades para que se desarrollen a su maximo potencial. ENGLISH: Offer children and youth hope for a better future and opportunities for them to develop to their fullest potential.


In collaboration, promote efforts to improve the quality of public education, and broaden the access of opportunities to communities with high levels of poverty and inequality in Puerto Rico.

Multisensory Reading Centers of Puerto Rico, Inc.

Our mission is to provide access to effective literacy instruction for struggling readers, particularly students with language-based learning disabilities.