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Sisterhood Agenda

Sisterhood Agenda is an award-winning, tax-exempt nonprofit organization that creates and implements activities for women and girls around the globe for education, support and empowerment. Sisterhood Agenda promotes positive social change and has over 6,000 global partners in 36 countries. Global partners create an extensive sisterhood network to increase local organization capacity and unite women and girls. Sisterhood Agenda's SEA (Sisterhood Empowerment Academy), based in the U.S. Virgin Islands, attracts international participants. On global and local levels, Sisterhood Agenda addresses social, health, economic and cultural issues facing women and girls to promote positive life outcomes. Sisterhood Agenda's social impact is expanded through partnerships with agencies, individuals and businesses throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, India, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, and other geographic regions. Sisterhood Agenda maintains its social networking sites and blog at

The Forgiveness Project

The Forgiveness Project works to build understanding and give people the opportunity to move forward from trauma and conflict, enabling both personal and societal transformation.

Action culturelle Alzheimer

The association develops and implements a methodology and a well-adapted support to enable people suffering from Alzheimer's disease or related conditions , from mild to moderate stages, to access cultural visits as well as workshops and artistic events. The structure trains and support museums educators from National Museums to lead the proposed activities. The association has created and implemented an innovative volunteer program to provide respite time for family caregivers through the mobilization of volunteers.

Les Fruits de Mer

Our mission is to study and share the unique nature and heritage of St. Martin and the Caribbean. We create books, films, events and exhibits that showcase wildlife and heritage.


femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.

La Banda de Musica

Our mission is to keep the children away from the dangers of the streets. La Banda de Musica helps underprivileged populations in a marginalised neighbourhood of Zaachila Oaxaca, south of Mexico, mainly by providing children with access to cultural activities and in particular to musical education. The goal is to help promote an original form of education, which includes social advancement, strengthening of ties , and a reduction of violence. To achieve this goal, we organize gifts of musical instruments. We raise funds to continue building the music school and pay the salaries of the local music teachers. We dispatch expert musicians or luthiers on site to teach and inspire students.. This exchange of skills will offer projects of lasting autonomy. The association is helping set up repair workshops for musical instruments, and needs tools to assist in the training of young people who can study music and repair their instruments as well. We also offer scholarships to young musicians who demonstrate an ability to study and wish to continue learning music at a university level. A symphony orchestra has been created and is the pride of the neighbourhood THE SANTA CECILIA ORCHESTRA. For the group of children involved, music means cohesion, education and hope.

Ora Singers

ORA Singers is an award-winning and critically-acclaimed professional vocal ensemble, recognised for its commitment to producing the highest quality choral music; continuing and enhancing the centuries-long tradition of choral singing in England. We do this primarily through performance, recording, commissioning and choral education. We believe that choral singing is truly at the heart of Britain's classical music tradition, and we are committed to showcasing its beauty, power and relevance to a modern and demographically varied audience. Building on our success of the last six years, we are developing a new vision of cross-cultural work that we believe will introduce British choral singing to a wider audience than ever before, both nationally and internationally. We will be collaborating with, and commissioning, extraordinary artists from other world music traditions, building musical bridges between different cultures. We are also continuing to expand our educational programme, which reaches out to under-privileged young people across the UK. We provide free mentoring and access to professional musicians and musical opportunities to aspiring composers from state schools. We were inspired to build this programme by the continual reduction of support for music education in our state education sector, and the knock-on effect this is having on young people's musical development and aspirations. We have always supported the creation of new work, commissioning over 50 new musical pieces in the last six years, and with a target of 100 new works in 10 years. We have become known for our creative and prolific commissioning programme, providing employment and exposure to a huge number of composers, and building a legacy of early 21st century choral music which will continue to be performed for hundreds of years to come.

Association Voix Libres

Voix libres is working in Bolivia to : - Prevent and eradicate child labour in mines, garbage dumps and streets - Fight against domestic violence - Serve human rights through integral development (education, training, micro-credits at zero interest, food autonomy) - Create a solidarity economy, in which the populations are entirely responsible for their own development, that corresponds to their real needs and a modernity rooted in the values of the communities. - Above all, to listen to the most forgotten, to encourage the expression of their talents and the development of their deepest identity


soutenir, accompagner, participer, et developper des projets de developpement a l'etranger portes par des acteurs locaux, ces projets d'aide seront prioritairement orientes vers les enfants et adolescents en grande precarite et difficulte sociale ; privilegier des actions s'inscrivant dans une logique de perennite des projets soutenus et d'autonomisation des acteurs locaux afin de permettre aux structures locales de prendre en charge durablement leur propre developpement.

Association Source Vive

Source Vive's mission is to bring support to families and relatives of children suffering leukemia and cancers in the greater Paris North area, at any stage of their disease. (each year, 2000 to 2500 children are declaring cancer or leucemia in France) Support consists of psychologist assistance (2 professionals), art-therapy sessions (1 professional), sport-health (1 professional) sessions and various activities (21 volunteers) such as gardening, cooking and games plays. All this is held in a dedicated 400 sqm+ location in the city of L'Isle Adam (North of Paris). The support is given in complement of and in coordination with the one local hospitals may be providing to the children and their families depending on the stage or importance of treatment. Hospitals may also call Source Vive directly for their support. Source Vive is as such supporting 75 families a year through a personalized and dedicated approach. This is a non-profit support; no financial participation is asked to families; this is free of charge and all financial resources come either from local and national subsidies or private donations. There is no limitation in time to the support provided to families (support length is average 3 years). The Source Vive location is mainly open on week-ends but many additional activities are created along the year to make sure children and families can benefit from a warm and dedicated attention through several experiences ( leisure park visits, horse riding, Christmas spectacle, etc...). Source Vive is also deeply developing in the support they can bring in the scholastic education of children who cannot go to school anymore due to treatments. They bring the support in coordination with local schools and can either bring the support in hospitals or at home for children where needed. Source Vive is also working closely with local other communities to make sure they can maximize synergies and join forces (sport associations, artistical associations, etc...). The association was founded in 1989 by Mrs Sylvie Brechenade who had to manage herself the leukemia of her 3 months children; she realized a lack of psychological support and excha,ge platform at that time and decided to create Source Vice as soon as her child had luckily recovered from the disease. 33 years after, she is still leading the way in the association, while making sure people will be ready to take over her action when time is needed.

Etablissement public du musee du Louvre

Former palace of kings, the Louvre has conveyed the history of France for more than eight hundred years. Designed in 1793 to be a universal museum, the Louvre exhibits Western works of art from the Middle Age to 1848, from ancient civilizations that preceded and influenced it and Islamic arts. Its collections are among the most beautiful and diverse in the world. The Louvre is conducting its main missions and meeting its ever-changing challenges: - conserving, enriching, and transmitting a unique cultural heritage to future generations; - proposing a diverse cultural program; - supporting education and training in art history ; - and encouraging dialogue between the different periods in history and civilizations to connect our wide range of visitors to a common history.

Centre Pompidou

The promotion and diffusion of modern and contemporary art.