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Ecosystem Restoration Camps

Healthy ecosystems underpin everything that humanity needs, but 75% of our Earth is degraded. Climate Disruption, the biodiversity crisis, desertification, flooding, loss of livelihoods, poverty and hunger are directly linked to collapsing ecosystems. Humanity is degrading and depleting its most important resource: functioning natural systems. The need for addressing these crises and for a change to a resilient, regenerative and sustainable co-existence with our natural world is understood. Yet, worldwide, people feel powerless to turn the tide. In response, we are catalyzing a global movement to restore and rehabilitate our degraded ecosystems and change the way we live with nature through introducing regenerative productive systems. Ecosystem Restoration Camps ("ERC") is a global, inclusive, bottom-up movement. We catalyse action towards restoring and rehabilitating natural systems to maintain the web of life. We do this by facilitating the emergence of Camps around the world. Camps are living labs where local communities, lay people, experts and scientists come together to restore and rehabilitate degraded ecosystems. Camps empower local communities to restore their environments and livelihoods by providing them with the tools, skills, and knowledge to bring back abundance and increase their resilience. OUR VISION: We envision a fully-functional, peaceful, abundant, biologically diverse Earth brought about through cooperative efforts for the ecological restoration of degraded lands. OUR MISSION: To work together to restore ecological functionality, to build Research, Training and Innovation Centers for Ecological Restoration, to engage people in inquiry into ecological restoration, and train people in how to restore degraded lands in perpetuity. OBJECTIVES - To train people in techniques for restoring land and provide practical opportunities for people to practice new approaches to landscape restoration. - To build research, training and innovation centers to engage people in ecosystem restoration. - To manage a flow of volunteers of all ages to restore agricultural and natural ecosystems. - To increase the organic matter, carbon content and water retention capacity of the soil to stimulate large scale carbon sequestration. - To improve the livelihoods of farmers, landowners and local communities around the camps. OUR VALUES Restoring Earth positively impacts both livelihoods and communities. To ensure that our contribution to humanity is ethically sound, we have embraced a set of core values that guide the work of the Foundation: - We believe that all beings are equal and endowed with certain inalienable rights; - We recognise that without thriving ecosystems we are nothing and feel a profound obligation to preserve and restore degraded land where it may be found; - We are not self-seeking but rather committed to working together towards a collective outcome that is bigger than any individual, that benefits us all, and that benefits future generations; - We voluntarily, joyfully and with peaceful intent wish to restore basic ecological function so that all people and other living things can live together in harmony; - We willingly share our knowledge, our time, our expertise and our labour, making it as accessible as possible, knowing that we are doing the right thing; - We treat one another with respect and as equals in our shared endeavour, no matter how much or how little each of us may be able to give; - We believe in collaboration, and therefore work with organisations, experts, and local communities in partnership; - We work as a bottom-up movement, each Camp is an independent entity designed and organised according to its own local context, ensuring that the benefits are really felt by the local population; - We communicate openly and honestly celebrating our diversity, and embracing our differences without allowing these to impede progress towards our shared goal; - We act with open minds and hearts, prepared to learn new skills and methods for land restoration from those with knowledge and expertise in this area; - We strive to communicate the essence of our work to others such that together we can build a movement that restores resilient abundance to land and ecosystems that we have degraded. ERC Foundation works with an executive Board of Directors, a volunteer and financially responsible Supervisory Board and a strategic Advisory Council made by the world's leading experts in agroforestry, permaculture, regenerative farming, and ecosystem restoration. ERC is a supporting partner to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

The Educational Equality Institute

At The Educational Equality Institute, we are driven by the belief that every girl has the right to a quality education and the opportunity to reach her full potential. We are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of the girls we serve and in the communities where they live.


My mission is to provide for a destitute child care home in rural Mbale Uganda by providing vital necessities and education to build possibilities for their future. Our goal is to keep families together and to avoid more abandonment by empowering impoverished communities with self sufficeny programs that will help them become self-reliant. The major cause of child abandonnement is due to single parent homes and lack of finances to sustain a healthy life for the child. Mbale Child Care Foundation is the registered foundation I started working with. I hope to expand with another registred child care home, Mcanaan Child Care Foundation that's also in Mbale. Mbale Child Care Foundation is on borrowed land in a flood and land slide zone. I aim to purchase no risk land for them. I want to raise money through fund raisers and child sponsorship programs.


Founded in 1980, Medecins du Monde is an international medical solidarity NGO that works tirelessly to defend a fair and universal health care system. We are committed to providing care to the most vulnerable populations, to denouncing rejection, discrimination, and violations of human dignity and rights, and to campaigning for sustainable improvements in health policies for all.

Paris Basket 18 Eme

Paris Basket 18 aims to promote the integration of young girls from underprivileged neighborhoods through sport. Two types of projects are carried out by the club: - actions around the leisure practice of basketball and sports in general. - actions around a competitive basketball practice The aim is to create an original way of social integration of children and adolescent girls from underprivileged backgrounds, to promote the practice of femininity in order to fight against the cultural sexism that girls face in their daily lives, the appropriation by adolescent girls of a cultural object very marked by the practice of males goes in the direction of a redefinition of the social roles attributed to boys and girls. Le sport est donc l'outil grace auquel nous mobilisons les jeunes filles. En complement de cela, nous leur proposons un accompagnement plus global afin de developper leurs competences qu'elles soient scolaires ou sociales. Nous mettons en place de nombreuses activites afin de permettre a chaque jeune d'etre epanouie et a meme de faire face aux difficultes qu'elles vont affronter en etant le plus confiantes possibles. Un ensemble d'actions autour de l'accompagnement a la scolarite est mis en place: - de l'aide aux devoirs - une mediation entre les familles et les etablissements scolaires - un suivi psychologique des jeunes et/ou de leurs familles - des ateliers de paroles encadres par notre psychologue Les intervenants sont formes et suivis tout au long de l'annee par notre psychologue afin d'intervenir de facon la plus juste possible aupres des jeunes.

Futebol da Forca Foundation

Futebol da forca [football gives strength] is an independent international foundation, educational platform and community for purpose-driven football coaches. The organisation was founded in Mozambique in 2012 to work within football to empower girls with agency to make informed decisions and live a life they value. Futebol da forca engages, trains and supports voluntary football coaches to empower girls within football, while changing attitudes and norms that today prevent girls from reaching their full potential, in order for girls to thrive far outside the football field.

Bioteka - udruga za promicanje biologije i srodnih znanosti

Bioteka' s mission is to effectively connect science and society. As of 2010, when our civil society organization has been formed, we are dedicated to educating and raising public awareness on the importance of scientific discoveries and results, STEM, nature/environmental protection, sustainable development, public health, and related areas. We specialize in bringing scientific language, methods, and facts to the wider public. Our work includes educational (workshops, educational camps etc.), popular science (content creation, article writing, public outreach), volunteering and research activities, as well as initiatives for raising the public's awareness of topics in the field of natural sciences, nature and environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development. Bioteka continually promotes critical thought, science, modern teaching methods, active citizenship, sustainable development, and implementation of nature-based solutions. We cooperate with scientists, educational institutions, the private sector, and the public and have so far successfully carried out more than 75 projects of local, national, and international character and importance.

Olympic Refuge Foundation

We are shaping a movement to ensure young people affected by displacement thrive through safe sport Sport has the power to have the most incredible impact on young lives. We are uniting leaders, businesses, coaches and young refugees from across the world to create a team with purpose, a team like no other. We all share one goal - for displaced young people to find belonging through sport, and shape their own futures, their way. Having been through the unimaginable hardship of displacement, on this team they will find somewhere to feel at home again. Somewhere they can develop the skills to succeed in life and truly thrive. Sport can be the springboard for a future that didn't seem possible. Helping young people find their place in the world, find success in their dream career. Or even finding themselves at the Olympic Games. Together we can help them discover a future full of opportunity, fuelled by the Olympic spirit. Our work It is easy to take the feeling of home for granted. That sense of being safe, welcome and respected. For young people uprooted by conflict, persecution or disaster, sport can offer a safe haven. Sport can develop stronger ties in communities, provide opportunities to learn new skills, build networks and improve health. We want to ensure 1 million young people access safe sport by 2024. To do this we're focused on making an impact in three areas: Access - making sure more young people affected by displacement can access and benefit from safe sport, for instance, through our programmes of sport- and play-based activities and upskilling coaches and through the Refugee Olympic Team. Adoption - ensuring that the role of safe sport in supporting young refugees is widely understood and used, for instance, encouraging national governments to include safe sport in their refugee response frameworks. Collective action - mobilising multiple partnerships to create sustained change, and improving the way sport is used to support young people affected by displacement. Together we can achieve more.

Associacao Native Scientist

Broaden the horizons and spark interest in science of underserved children through science outreach educational programmes

YFU Bulgaria

YFU Bulgaria's mission and aims can be enlisted as follows (non-extensive list): - promoting the development and affirmation of spiritual values, education, and culture; - supporting social integration and personal fulfilment - nurturing the traits for a new system of values and consciousness of world citizens in young people; - providing assistance in overcoming barriers to communication and helping quality professional realization; - expanding the opportunity for young people to rediscover the importance of family and homeland and its spiritual values and national traditions; - developing in young people the ability for initiative, civic and social responsibility; - promoting the development of a sense of belonging.

Les Hijabeuses

This association aims at promoting access to sport, to act against all forms of discrimination, open spaces for reflection and discussion on the issue of access to sport, health and the fight against discrimination in sports. Thus, this association aims to promote education through sport, inform and act on the defense of rights related to the practice of sport.


The purpose of the Foundation is to raise public awareness by making distributions, granting other economic advantages or support individuals or organizations acting for the common good in the fields of environmental protection, science, culture and the arts. Distributions are to be made on case by case decisions and in a discretionary manner by the foundation board The foundation shall support organizations and projects which comply with its purposes as they are defined hereinabove. In particular, at present, such projects may refer specifically to the following activities: Cleaning-up and preservation of the oceans Protection of glaciers and polar zones Protection of endangered animal and plant species or species that are likely to be classified as endangered in the future Preservation of natural ecosystems, natural land, rivers and seas worldwide Promotion of sustainable development all around the globe Commitment to the development of renewable energy sources Spreading people's consciousness in regard to our planet's finite resources and their permanent destruction by man Other projects or missions may be added to the Foundation's activities anytime in the future. The Foundation shall be authorized to enter into all transactions for the purpose of and in accordance with its purpose. The charitable purpose of the Foundation is exclusive and irrevocable.