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Displaying 25–36 of 198


Serbian Heritage Museum of Windsor is the only such museum in Canada and is dedicated to upholding its mandate of multiculturalism in Canada by preserving, celebrating and promoting the experience and contribution of Serbian heritage in the lives and communities of Canadians. The museum’s aim is to preserve the knowledge of Serbian immigrants to Ontario and Canada, and to promote the great contribution made by Serbs to Canada’s industrial, cultural, social and intellectual life. The Serbian Heritage Museum is a focus of local, national and international collaboration in programs and research that are accessible to individuals and organizations.


UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for people forced to flee their homes because of conflict and persecution. We lead international action to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.

Ecotrust Canada

Ecotrust Canada is an enterprising nonprofit whose purpose is to build the conservation economy. We work at the intersection of conservation and community economic development promoting innovation and providing services for communities, First Nations and enterprises to green and grow their local economies. Our work is varied and relentlessly practical. We send out a regular e-newsletter the "Conservation Economist", or updates can be viewed on our website at

Greater Victoria School District #61

Oak Bay High School is a part of the Greater Victoria School District. At present, the school enrolls about 1150 students in grades 9 - 12. Oak Bay High School is dedicated to the growth and development of informed citizens whose contributions to the world are tempered with respect, understanding and tolerance. We have developed a culture of excellence, innovation and student leadership over the decades. Our philosophy, programming and professional development are based on five educational pillars of excellence: Academics, Athletics, Fine Arts, Community Leadership and Philanthropy.

Second Harvest

Second Harvest is the largest food rescue program in Canada. Since 1985, Second Harvest has been picking up donated, excess food, which would otherwise go to waste, and delivering that food to community agencies in Toronto. Every day, Second Harvest delivers enough food to provide 20,000 meals to over 200 community agencies in Toronto.


Founded in 1967, WWF-Canada is one of the country's leading conservation organizations, enjoying the active support of more than 50,000 Canadians. We work to conserve species at risk, protect threatened habitats and address critical environmental threats. Using the best available scientific knowledge, WWF works to preserve the diversity and abundance of life in Canada and around the world. We find long-term solutions that benefit both people and nature, relying on the support of thousands of Canadians each year. Your support will help protect species at risk and the habitats they call home, like polar bears, tigers and whales; in regions, like the Arctic, the Great Bear rainforest and the sea; and find solutions to issues like climate change and overfishing. For more information please visit us at


The Pacific Post Partum Support Society (PPPSS) offers support to women and their families who are experiencing postpartum depression and/or anxiety (PPD/A), as well as to women who are pregnant and experiencing emotional distress. The Society's support program is based on a self-help/mutual aid model. Trained group facilitators and telephone volunteers support mothers attending PPPSS groups throughout the Lower Mainland of BC, and during public phone hours staff provide helpful information and understanding support to callers (Tel. 604-255-7999). PPPSS also offers information nights for partners; interactive talks at mother and baby groups; workshops, lectures and training programs for interested groups and professionals; and free information in print. Publications for sale dealing with PPD/A include "A Self-Help Guide for Mothers", "Un guide pratique pour les méres", "A Reference Manual for Group Facilitators", and "A Reference Manual for Telephone Support Volunteers".


The Vietnam Education Society was established in 2005 to raise funds to cover the cost of construction for new preschools and primary schools in rural Vietnam. Local authorities manage and operate the facilities, which are inspected by VES and our partner, East Meets West, on a regular basis. VES opened its first school in Vietnam in June 2007, a ten room school that serves close to 400 students in the small community of Cat Ne, Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam. A multipurpose room and early childhood development centre were added to the school. Since that time, VES has built three other schools and is currently (Spring 2013) working on plans for the fifth facility. VES also works with the Pacific Links Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping stop human trafficking along the border regions in Vietnam. VES provides 40 scholarships for at risk girls and sponsors a summer camp to provide these girls with support and life skills

Diabetes Canada

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Help us spread our message of diabetes management and prevention. The Canadian Diabetes Association works in communities across the country to promote the health of Canadians and eliminate diabetes through our strong nationwide network of volunteers, employees, healthcare professionals, researchers, partners and supporters. In the struggle against this global epidemic, our expertise is recognized around the world.


We provide compassionate care for individuals, their families, friends and caregivers facing a life threatening illness, extending through bereavement. Our services include a Palliative Care program, Bereavement Care program, Caregiver Support and Training.

World Marrow Donor Association

We work with our members to ensure reliable provision of life-saving cells while promoting patient and donor care and safety


Burnaby Hospital Foundation raises funds to support the medical equipment needs of Burnaby Hospital. Burnaby Hospital is a 300 bed, community based, acute care hospital caring for over 230,000 people every year. Our Emergency department is one of the busiest in the Province of BC and treats over 45,000 adults and 12,000 children annually.