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We have a beautiful mission: we want to cure every child's cancer. Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children's cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back!

Bioteka - udruga za promicanje biologije i srodnih znanosti

Bioteka' s mission is to effectively connect science and society. As of 2010, when our civil society organization has been formed, we are dedicated to educating and raising public awareness on the importance of scientific discoveries and results, STEM, nature/environmental protection, sustainable development, public health, and related areas. We specialize in bringing scientific language, methods, and facts to the wider public. Our work includes educational (workshops, educational camps etc.), popular science (content creation, article writing, public outreach), volunteering and research activities, as well as initiatives for raising the public's awareness of topics in the field of natural sciences, nature and environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development. Bioteka continually promotes critical thought, science, modern teaching methods, active citizenship, sustainable development, and implementation of nature-based solutions. We cooperate with scientists, educational institutions, the private sector, and the public and have so far successfully carried out more than 75 projects of local, national, and international character and importance.


Plan International Espana is an international development and humanitarian organisation which strives for a just world that advances children's rights and equality for girls. We focus our action to: - empower women, young and communities to make vital changes that tackle root causes of discrimination, poverty, exclusion and vulnerability; - drive change in practice and policy at local, national and global levels through our experience. - Work with young to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity; - support the safe progression of children from birth to adulthood. Plan International is committed to safeguarding of women and young people. We are an organization that works to defend, promote and protect children's rights in order to achieve societies that respect the rights of all children and enable them to have a life of dignity and a future full of opportunities. We are currently present in 77 countries around the world and we aim to ensure that our work provides lasting benefits to children, their families and communities. One of our main areas of work is the economic empowerment of youth, especially the most vulnerable adolescents and young people, so that they become resilient, acquire knowledge and skills for employment, have access to job opportunities and actively participate in the development of their professional careers. We develop programs aimed at economic security, through training in employability and entrepreneurship skills. o To this end, we seek the commitment of citizens and institutions, and build partnerships to: o Empower children, young people and their communities to generate lasting change that addresses the causes of discrimination against girls, exclusion and vulnerability. o Drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and international levels through our outreach, experience and knowledge of the realities that children experience. o Support children and their communities in adapting and responding to crises and adversity. o Ensuring the safe and positive development of children from birth to adulthood. For 83 years, its work based on social responsibility and transparency has cemented its reputation for ethical, effective and committed humanitarian aid in each of its projects. Plan International is a Foundation that has been working in Spain since 2010 on programs in Spain aimed at raising awareness and empowering Spanish girls and young women about their rights. In 2012, and as a result of the economic crisis and the transformation it brought to the labor market, Plan International started to implement insertion programs for groups at risk of exclusion.

Generation France

Generation France is a nonprofit that transforms education to employment systems to prepare, place, and support people into life-changing careers that would otherwise be inaccessible. Generation predominantly serves unemployed and underemployed young people ages 18-35, who are disconnected from the labor market and have struggled to find financial security.

Ora Singers

ORA Singers is an award-winning and critically-acclaimed professional vocal ensemble, recognised for its commitment to producing the highest quality choral music; continuing and enhancing the centuries-long tradition of choral singing in England. We do this primarily through performance, recording, commissioning and choral education. We believe that choral singing is truly at the heart of Britain's classical music tradition, and we are committed to showcasing its beauty, power and relevance to a modern and demographically varied audience. Building on our success of the last six years, we are developing a new vision of cross-cultural work that we believe will introduce British choral singing to a wider audience than ever before, both nationally and internationally. We will be collaborating with, and commissioning, extraordinary artists from other world music traditions, building musical bridges between different cultures. We are also continuing to expand our educational programme, which reaches out to under-privileged young people across the UK. We provide free mentoring and access to professional musicians and musical opportunities to aspiring composers from state schools. We were inspired to build this programme by the continual reduction of support for music education in our state education sector, and the knock-on effect this is having on young people's musical development and aspirations. We have always supported the creation of new work, commissioning over 50 new musical pieces in the last six years, and with a target of 100 new works in 10 years. We have become known for our creative and prolific commissioning programme, providing employment and exposure to a huge number of composers, and building a legacy of early 21st century choral music which will continue to be performed for hundreds of years to come.

PC Coup d'Pouce

PC Coup d'Pouce (PCCP), an association under the 1901 law, aims to set up development aid projects local, national or international level, in this case in recent years in Benin, Togo and Senegal. Its aim is to provide sustainable aid adapted to the needs of a population. We ensure that the project is monitored and runs smoothly, while promoting the community's development of the community. The projects are integrated into the development policy of the development policy of the host country. They are carried out by the local association in conjunction with its local partners and concern various fields of action, namely education, nutrition, women's empowerment and water and sanitation. The association supervises the entire project, is responsible for fundraisin, and carries out reconnaissance and monitoring missions in the field, which are necessary for the the project. The association refrains from taking political, religious or ethnic positions and/or demonstrations.

Association Voix Libres

Voix libres is working in Bolivia to : - Prevent and eradicate child labour in mines, garbage dumps and streets - Fight against domestic violence - Serve human rights through integral development (education, training, micro-credits at zero interest, food autonomy) - Create a solidarity economy, in which the populations are entirely responsible for their own development, that corresponds to their real needs and a modernity rooted in the values of the communities. - Above all, to listen to the most forgotten, to encourage the expression of their talents and the development of their deepest identity


The mission of Ayúdame3D is to create and provide 3D-printed prosthetic devices to people with limb differences, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The organization aims to promote a culture of inclusion, empowerment, and innovation, by leveraging technology, education, and community engagement. Ayúdame3D envisions a world where every person with a disability has access to affordable and functional assistive devices that enable them to live with dignity, independence, and full participation in society.


soutenir, accompagner, participer, et developper des projets de developpement a l'etranger portes par des acteurs locaux, ces projets d'aide seront prioritairement orientes vers les enfants et adolescents en grande precarite et difficulte sociale ; privilegier des actions s'inscrivant dans une logique de perennite des projets soutenus et d'autonomisation des acteurs locaux afin de permettre aux structures locales de prendre en charge durablement leur propre developpement.


To promote equality between trans* and cisgender people in all areas of society, in particular by fighting against exclusion and discrimination of any kind based on gender identity disorders; to promote research, development and implementation of medical and paramedical knowledge for trans* people, in particular: in the analysis and support of gender identity disorders, in the management of transition (hormone therapy, surgery, dermatology. .), in the medical and paramedical follow-up specific to trans* people throughout their lives (urology, gynecology, hormone therapy, psychotherapy...); to promote and support diversity and the inclusion of trans* people in the school, university, training, professional and artistic environments; to promote contact between trans* people and associations defending the interests of trans* people; to participate, with other associations, groups, foundations, etc., to participate, together with other associations, groups, foundations, etc., in international activities aiming at one or more of the goals defined in the present statutes; to represent and defend the interests of trans* persons on an individual or collective basis, excluding the regularization of their residence permits; to support any trans* person facing difficulties related to his or her gender identity disorder; the association has no profit-making purpose.

Each One for Society

Our mission is to close the unjustifiable gap between the refugees and newcomers' potential and their systematic demotion. Our objective is to change the narrative around their professional inclusion thanks to pragmatic and efficient solutions and by interests lining up. We want to show that recruiting refugees can become a norm for companies, as easy as recruiting locals while being an amazing value creation. For five years, we have set the basis to create a simple and scalable solution that is able to tackle massively the refugees' professional inclusion issue while answering companies' recruitment difficulties. We have then validated our proof of concept around two main programmes. Our offer to refugees consists in extensive support throughout the journey to resume a job. Depending on their needs, maturity and aspirations, each One offers to enroll them to a specific program with the dosage of each content (French lessons, live in France lessons, soft-skills workshops, networking events, etc.) that best suits them. To be more specific, here are the two complementary solutions we can offer: - The Society programs operated by each One for Society, hosted in top-notch universities, are the initial training programs for people who are not ready to directly recover a job. They last between one and 8 months and they include French lessons , soft-skills workshops , French cultural discovery trainings, and professional days. They are hosted in top-notch French universities across the country (HEC, Sciences-Po Paris - Bordeaux - Lille, ESCP, ESSEC, INSA Lyon -Toulouse etc.). - The All in One pre-recruitment training programs operated by each One SAS include French for professional use lessons, soft-skills workshops, corporate immersion and specific professional training. They are built thanks to our partnerships with top companies. In order to maximize the effectiveness and relevance of our different trainings, all the pedagogical contents have been created based on the needs expressed by the refugees. And in a logic of continuous improvement, they are regularly reviewed and adapted in light of the refugees' feedback. Through this complete accompanying path we created, we are able to tackle the main causes of refugees' unemployment and demotion while building a scalable system.

Associacao Native Scientist

Broaden the horizons and spark interest in science of underserved children through science outreach educational programmes