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ChildFund Korea creates a world where children grow up upright and enjoy happy life.
1.0 MISSION AND VISION 1.1 MISSION To alleviate poverty, reverse rural urban migration and promote self-reliance among the people. 1.2 VISSION Ensuring partnership of rural communities with the urban cities to reverse rural urban drift; by organizing income generation activities, community infrastructional development and community mobilization concept. 1.2 GOAL To promote environment promote and livelihood development for the relief of socio-economic problems and mismanagement of resources with the focus on women and children. 2.0 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE 2.1 BRIEF HISTORY Rural Urban Partnership for Africa (RUPFA) is a Non-Governmental Organization in Africa headquartered in Accra, Ghana. It main aim is to fight poverty in our society especially at the rural communities and to be sure that well-being is for all. RUPFA Headquarter started in 2009 and took effect from 2010 with a management staff of four (4) and increased to twenty six (26) with volunteers at present, including ten (10) regional coordinators. Nos in the World, more than 360 management staff, volunteers, regional coordinators and others. We depend on individuals, business entities, corporate bodies, government, foundations, international donors, etc. For our work. We also operate in some countries : Malawi, Netherland, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Tanzania, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Our major areas of operations are : 1) Community Development 2) WASH 3) Education 4) Food security 5) Climate change mitigation/Environmental Protection 6) Mission and Outreaches 7) Centre for Policy Integration and Resource Management (CPIRM) 8) General Health (nutrition, mental health, reproductive health, etc. 9) Shelters 10) General protection (child, GBV, PSEA, ...) RUPFA is registered with the number G-28, 582 of Registrar General of Ghana on 26th June 2009 under Companies Codes, 1963(Act 179) and the new number is CG172072015 of July 27, 2015 as well as our donars and/or as a member of World Association of Non-Governmental Organization-WANGO (USA), Institute of Cultural Diplomacy-ICD (Berlin, Germany) and World Water Council/Forum (Paris, France), Action Solidarite pour le Developpement Humain (ASODH France), Japan Water Forum (JWF), Global Cluster Protection, Human Rights Team (UNHCR as lead), UN Agencies with some of their clusters and work groups, Sun24 USA and more since 2012. It is particularly concerned with women, children, youths and the grassroots communities. The organization over the past Nine (12) years have been embarking on community development, climate change actions, WASH (water supply), Human Rights, educational and sensitization campaigns in communities, institutions and social groups throughout the ten (10) regions of Ghana, Malawi, DRC, Nigeria, etc. We have been organizing campaigns on Protection of Forest and Biodiversity, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies, Climate Change Education and Bush fires, Desertification and Drought related issues to the general public, Agricultural, GBV and PSEA activities that we are currently working on the report. However, a paper presentation was made on an international platform on March 10th, 2013 at an economic congress put together by Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin (Germany) and another presentation at International City and Civil Society Organisation at Istanbul (Turkey). Planted economic trees in some second cycle schools in the Greater Accra, Eastern, Northern and Volta Regions and have constructed community pipe stands in the North Tongu District to prevent people from drinking polluted water that is being shared with the livestock in the area and also developed small skill enterprise and income generation activities with small loans of GHc200.00-GHc1,500.00 covering over 200 people with women being 95%. Again we have been observing United Nations World Environment Day, World Water Day and World Forest Day on our own platform. We also engage Forestry Commission (FC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in our campaigns such as Protection of Forest and Biodiversity/Climate Change, Protection of Rivers and Water Bodies across the country. We have involved the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies on different projects including Environmental Sanitation. We have strategically involved the youth in our environment protection through the establishment of RUPFA GREEN CLUBS (RGC) in Senior High Schools (SHS) and RUPFA GREEN FORUM (RGF) in the Universities. We have being partnering with Ministry of Food and Agriculture on projects on Agribusiness and Farming and also Electoral Commission on a project dubbed: The role of the Youth in Ensuring Peace before, during and after Elections, all towards our Good Governance and Human Right Campaign. As of today, RUPFA has been able to form partnership with various institutions and traditional rulers in its operations. RUPFA has regional coordinators across the nation and beyond. Today, RUPFA is working under those countries listed below and the headquarter is in Accra/Ghana.
Our mission is to create a society where basic human needs are met and individuals are empowered with equal opportunities to lead fulfilling lives. We strive to eliminate any form of deprivation and ensure that everyone has the chance to experience life to the fullest. Our goal is to empower individuals to make a positive impact and lead lives of significance.
Support the marginalised communities in Africa to over come the draw backs in health, education and socioeconomic status they are suffering from, through a community-based and human-centred approach. Depending mainly on income-generating projects from local resources, community members will be capable in the future to solve their own problems. That ensures the sustainability of development. We also raise Awareness about volunteering and create a sense of social responsibility throughout volunteering programs
Our purpose is to reduce poverty, bring hope and solidarity to poor communities or individuals in France and worldwide. We bring assistance to families, children and young people but also to the most vulnerable (homelesses, migrants, prisoners etc.). We fight against isolation, help them to find employement and we ensure their social reintegration. We provide emergency responses but also long term support, development aid and we work on the causes of poverty. The action of Secours Catholique finds all its meaning in a global vision of poverty which aims at restoring the human person's dignity and is part and parcel of sustainable development. To do so, six key principles guide this action, both in France and abroad: Promoting the place and words of people living in situations of poverty Making each person a main player of their own development Joining forces with people living in situations of poverty Acting for the development of the human person in all its aspects Acting on the causes of poverty and exclusion Arousing solidarity The actions of Secours Catholique are implemented by a network of local teams of volunteers integrated into the diocesan delegations and supported by the volunteers and employees of the national headquarters. On an international level, Secours Catholique acts in cooperation with its partners of the Caritas Internationalis network. Key figures of Secours Catholique: 100 diocesan or departmental delegations 4,000 local teams 65,000 volunteers 974 employees 2,174 reception centres 3 centres : Cite Saint-Pierre in Lourdes, Maison d'Abraham in Jerusalem, Cedre in Paris 18 housing centres managed by the Association des Cites of Secours Catholique 162 Caritas Internationalis partners 600,000 donors Every year Secours Catholique encounters almost 700,000 situations of poverty and receives 1.6 million people (860,000 adults and 740,000 children). This daily mission led in the field by the local teams and delegations, with the support of national headquarters, pursues three major objectives which aim at exceeding the distribution action and limited aid: Receiving to reply to the primary needs (supplying food and/or health care aid, proposing accommodation, establishing an exchange and a fraternal dialogue, etc) Supporting to restore social ties (bringing together people in difficulty with an aim to reinsertion, encouraging personal initiatives and collective projects, establishing a mutual support helper-receiver of help relationship, etc) Developing to strengthen solidarity (proposing long lasting solutions, establishing a follow-up over the long term, encouraging collective actions carried out by people in difficulty etc.)
The CSDEA advocates transformational policies that lead to peacebuilding, health and good governance through advocacy, capacity development, reflective dialogue and research. The CSDEA also embraces a multi-stakeholder approach while networking with organizations that share similar values at the local, sub-regional, continental and global levels.
femLENS' mission is to visually educate and make technologically aware the most vulnerable and resourceless women of our society through documentary photography made accessible by mobile phone cameras and cheaper point and shoot cameras.
To harness the multiple benefits trees provide for agriculture, livelihoods, resilience and the future of our planet, from farmers' fields through to continental scales.
The IBC, International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation was founded in 1999 to provide input in improving the lives of the people suffering, especially the most disadvantaged section of the world population and this initiative turned into foundation, which is officially registered to Turkish Laws and Regulation as NGO permitted for international activities with registration number 4820. IBC's strengths upon three core elements; - General Assembly's and Board of Director's vision embracing all human beings without discrimination and awareness of the necessity for the civil society to actively contribute in the healthy development of the society itself. - Existing cooperation schemes with local, national and international actors and the willingness to improve and enlarge these ties. - IBC's organizational structure characterized by transparency and accountability, flexibility, open to communication and cooperation, functional and cross-functional working and considerable autonomy in decision-making. In the years, with the aim and intention to increase its effectiveness internationally, IBC became a member of ICVA International Council of Voluntary Agencies having its headquarters in Geneva on April 2003. On the 13th General Assembly held on March 2006, IBC was elected to the Board of Directors of the organization. IBC has applied to UN Economic and Social Council to have Special Consultant Status in order to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies in cooperation with other NGOs. The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to Member States and the United Nations system. "The Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations" of IBC has been approved on July 2006.
Our mission is to aid and support children suffering from poverty, sickness, lack of education or who have experienced physical or moral violence, by offering them the opportunity and the hope of a new life. It is an independent, lay organisation and is also designated an ONLUS (Non-profit organisation of social value). It operates without discrimination of culture, ethnicity and religion and upholds the United Nations rights of the child. The Foundation works around the world and is closest to the weakest and most neglected children offering them food, medicine, health care, education and programmes for social reintegration. In pursuing its goal, Mission Bambini is inspired by the following values: freedom, justice, truth, respect for others and solidarity.
Sisterhood Agenda is an award-winning, tax-exempt nonprofit organization that creates and implements activities for women and girls around the globe for education, support and empowerment. Sisterhood Agenda promotes positive social change and has over 6,000 global partners in 36 countries. Global partners create an extensive sisterhood network to increase local organization capacity and unite women and girls. Sisterhood Agenda's SEA (Sisterhood Empowerment Academy), based in the U.S. Virgin Islands, attracts international participants. On global and local levels, Sisterhood Agenda addresses social, health, economic and cultural issues facing women and girls to promote positive life outcomes. Sisterhood Agenda's social impact is expanded through partnerships with agencies, individuals and businesses throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, India, the Caribbean, United Kingdom, Africa, Australia, and other geographic regions. Sisterhood Agenda maintains its social networking sites and blog at
Taghyeer Organization/ We Love Reading Program is an innovative model that provides a practical, cost efficient, sustainable, grassroots approach empowering communities from low and mid income communities around the world to create changemakers through reading. WLR supports the activism of local volunteers to increase reading levels among children 2-10 by focusing on the readaloud experience to instill the love of reading for pleasure among children to become lifelong learners. We aim to create system change. We create changemakers by recruiting and training adults and youth from local communities to provide read-aloud sessions for local children in safe, public spaces. Each year, WLR volunteers read to tens of thousands of children in public parks, community centers, mosques and other faith-based settings, nurseries, refugee camps, and other locales. We serve diverse populations and communities irrespective of gender, religion, social status, disability, literacy level, educational experience, etc. The training is either implemented in face-to-face settings or via our online platform to allow reaching wider audience of people wanting to volunteer and become reading ambassadors.