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The Societys mission is to preserve the unique quality and character of the Squam watershed by protecting lands for present and future generations.
The Wild Steelhead Coalition is working to restore wild steelhead populations in their native watersheds to levels that provide self-sustaining runs and economic vitality to local communities.
To involve local people in the enhancement and protection of the South Santiam watershed for the social and economic benefit of its landowners, managers, and users.
To conserve, restore, and educate the public about the value of Orinda's creeks and watershed.
The Center for Whale Research is dedicated to the study and conservation of the Southern Resident killer whale (orca) population in the Pacific Northwest. Since 1976 the Center for Whale Research (CWR) has been the leading organization studying the Southern Resident killer whales in their critical habitat: the Salish Sea. CWR performs health assessments to ensure the viability of the whale population, informing elected officials of their ecosystem needs, and sharing the whales’ story with the world. Our 43 years of research has created the only long-term data set about the behavior, health, and social dynamics of the Southern Resident killer whales.
Wild Fish Conservancy seeks to improve conditions for all of the Northwest’s wild fish by conducting important research ( on wild-fish populations and habitats; advocating ( for better land-use, harvest, and hatchery management; and developing model restoration( projects. We are dedicated solely to the needs of wild fish, and don’t represent the interests of any specific user groups.
California Waterfowl is a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to conserve California’s waterfowl, wetlands, and our hunting heritage. Our goals include (1) generating sufficient abundance and dispersion of waterfowl throughout California and the Pacific Flyway; and (2) sustaining hunting through protection, opportunity, training, and education. California Waterfowl was founded in 1945 to influence hunting regulations and government activities that affect waterfowl in California. In the early 1980’s, we recognized that the challenges faced by our founders had greatly expanded. In 1985, California Waterfowl initiated waterfowl studies in partnership with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) to determine the factors that limit waterfowl populations in California and the Pacific Flyway. Study results provided the basis for targeted habitat enhancement projects that began in 1989. By 1991, the Association had begun introducing youngsters to hunting & the outdoors through educational outreach programs. California Waterfowl uses three core departments including; Conservation Programs, Fund and Membership Development, and Public Policy to accomplish our mission of conserving California's waterfowl, wetlands, and our hunting heritage. Conservation Programs, including waterfowl, wetlands, and education, focus on waterfowl population monitoring and the protection, restoration, enhancement, and stewardship of wetlands, riparian, and grassland habitats. To achieve our overall mission, our educational messages promotes to hunters and non-hunters alike, proper stewardship, responsible hunting as a link to nature, the outdoors, conservation, and a healthy and sustainable environment. Public Policy concentrates on legislative, regulatory, and administrative policy decisions that affect waterfowl, wetlands and our hunting traditions. The Fund and Membership Development Department’s objective is to enhance and promote California Waterfowl’s mission by increasing membership and funding support for the Association and the many programs that California Waterfowl offers. These departments act on the best available science, and when combined, these core strengths provide specialists in habitat, waterfowl population dynamics, political advocacy, and public education. This balanced approached allows California Waterfowl to serve as a single and strong voice for waterfowl enthusiast and conservationist alike. The delivery of our mission to our 18,500 members requires the use of extensive partnerships and a large network of active volunteers. California Waterfowl believes that people and wildlife both suffer when a “leave it alone” philosophy attempts to separate humans from nature. Instead, we believe that the best way to build stewardship values is to participate in nature, resulting in mutual benefits for both wildlife and humans. We maintain that this is why hunters have served as such strong leaders in the conservation of waterfowl and wetlands. California Waterfowl has protected, restored, or enhanced more than 430,000 acres to provide wildlife habitat for millions of birds and animals. Projects deliver the full range of habitat requirements for waterfowl and more than 200 other species of wildlife. Interactive programs have introduced more than 275,000 children to the wonders of the great outdoors. California Waterfowl finds its strength in a set of clear core values. These values define our organization and guide us in our hunt for a better California. Stewardship: Finding Common Ground California Waterfowl serves as a bridge to connect hunters and non-hunters, public and private interests, young and old toward a common goal of conserving and enjoying our natural resources. By building strong partnerships and family involvement, the Association is connecting with Californians of all interests to inspire stewardship of our wetlands and wildlife resources. Heritage: Hunter Driven California Waterfowl believes that hunting deeply connects people to the natural world and generates the knowledge and commitment to conserve our treasured resources. This passion for active involvement in nature motivates hunters to make vital investments in conserving California for our children and grandchildren. Education: Focused on the Future California Waterfowl stimulates youths and adults to value waterfowl and wetlands through unique outdoor exploration, hands-on learning, and active conservation. These experiences have the power to introduce new family traditions for getting outdoors and result in a legacy of abundant wildlife and healthy habitats for future generations. Advocacy: Results Oriented California Waterfowl is an influential force advocating for healthy wetlands, waterfowl, &the preservation of the hunting lifestyle. The Assoc. brings together passionate people who rely on science while taking innovative actions to benefit California.
The Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association educates, inspires, and engages the community to take action to keep wild salmon here for future generations.
The mission of Wild Salmon Center is to conserve the healthiest wild salmon, steelhead, and trout ecosystems across the North Pacific. We identify the strongest habitat and populations -- what we call "strongholds" for wild fish -- and preemptively protect them for the benefit of the people, wildlife, and jobs that rely on wild salmon to thrive.
The Friends of Hanauma Bay (FOHB) is a volunteer-based 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the conservation of coastal and marine environments, emphasizing stewardship of the natural resources of Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve.
Walker Basin Conservancy is leading the effort to restore and maintain Walker Lake while protecting agricultural, environmental and recreational interests throughout the Walker Basin.
Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s (CRK) mission is to advocate and secure the protection and stewardship of the Chattahoochee River, including its lakes, tributaries and watershed, in order to restore and conserve their ecological health for the people and wildlife that depend on the river system.