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Healing the Children provides critical medical care to children all around the world. We envision a world where every child has access to medical care, regardless of ability to pay, insurance status, or physical location.
Karuna Deutschland is committed towards ending caste-based discrimination, dedicating efforts for poverty-alleviation, and ensuring equality in India and Nepal. Our mission is to serve individuals and families of the poorest communities in India and Nepal. The women and children as well as people from lower cast backgrounds come under the most vulnerable population in India and Nepal. The former "untouchable" castes are still suffering from social exclusion and violence and also form the largest chunk of 'ultra-poor' in these countries. It is extremely difficult for them to access healthcare, education, housing and a dignified livelihood. Dalit women and girls particularly are subjected to gender-based violence and exclusion. Although caste-based discrimination has no legal premises, the stigma attached to the lower castes in India and Nepal hinder their dignified participation in all spheres of life. They are pushed further behind by a variety of forces such as existing discrimination, inequality, poverty, illiteracy etc. Therefore, we endeavour to remove the root causes of discrimination, exclusion and poverty. We seek to run our projects and activities based on the principle of inclusion, justice, diversity and equality in order to drive a positive as well as holistic change at the community level. The foundation of our work lies in engendering a dignified life for the people; helping them build a better future for themselves as well as empowering them to take their destiny into their own hands. To elicit lasting solutions to the problems we intend to address, our approach is based upon self-help, self-determination and self-reliance at the community level. The principle of 'leaving no one behind' as mentioned in the Sustainable development goals is enshrined in our core values. Changes often happen at the local level. Creative and innovative solutions are pertinent to reach our goals. Our activities are thus built upon a wealth of local skills and knowledge. We seek to understand the vulnerabilities, strengths and needs of our target groups. Evidence based approach rooted in in-depth analysis, research of ground needs and realities is extremely important for us to promote accountability and responsibility. The four pillars of Karuna Deutschland's work are made of Education, Health, Dignified Livelihoods and Gender Equality. These four pillars are the key focus areas of the work carried out by Karuna Deutschland in India and Nepal. More information about Karuna Deutschland's activities can be found on our website.
Sukriti's vision is 'a society where there is equal opportunity for the disabled and where they can live with dignity and self-esteem'.
HANDS AROUND THE WORLD seeks to help vulnerable children around the world, encouraging enthusiastic and well-prepared volunteers to offer practical help, skill-sharing, support and friendship.
Mission To encourage girls of any age of any background to consider and pursue math and science-related studies and careers by introducing them to the world of science in fun and exciting ways Objectives To increase the number of women in math and science occupations (science, math, engineering & technology = STEM) To create a network of girls so that they meet one another and form future friendships that will encourage them to reach their potential To create a link between girls and real scientists and mathematicians so they can explore dreams and possibilities for the future To provide an outlet for professionals, with particular emphasis on females in math, science and technology fields, to work together, meet one another and contribute to this worthy mission To booster self-confidence of girls and women, especially those who may not have positive influences or economic advantages Vision We envision a balanced world where girls from any nation, any background and of any age know they have the possibility and choice to enter the world of math, science and technology and to realise that their future is full of possibilities
Our purpose is to reduce poverty, bring hope and solidarity to poor communities or individuals in France and worldwide. We bring assistance to families, children and young people but also to the most vulnerable (homelesses, migrants, prisoners etc.). We fight against isolation, help them to find employement and we ensure their social reintegration. We provide emergency responses but also long term support, development aid and we work on the causes of poverty. The action of Secours Catholique finds all its meaning in a global vision of poverty which aims at restoring the human person's dignity and is part and parcel of sustainable development. To do so, six key principles guide this action, both in France and abroad: Promoting the place and words of people living in situations of poverty Making each person a main player of their own development Joining forces with people living in situations of poverty Acting for the development of the human person in all its aspects Acting on the causes of poverty and exclusion Arousing solidarity The actions of Secours Catholique are implemented by a network of local teams of volunteers integrated into the diocesan delegations and supported by the volunteers and employees of the national headquarters. On an international level, Secours Catholique acts in cooperation with its partners of the Caritas Internationalis network. Key figures of Secours Catholique: 100 diocesan or departmental delegations 4,000 local teams 65,000 volunteers 974 employees 2,174 reception centres 3 centres : Cite Saint-Pierre in Lourdes, Maison d'Abraham in Jerusalem, Cedre in Paris 18 housing centres managed by the Association des Cites of Secours Catholique 162 Caritas Internationalis partners 600,000 donors Every year Secours Catholique encounters almost 700,000 situations of poverty and receives 1.6 million people (860,000 adults and 740,000 children). This daily mission led in the field by the local teams and delegations, with the support of national headquarters, pursues three major objectives which aim at exceeding the distribution action and limited aid: Receiving to reply to the primary needs (supplying food and/or health care aid, proposing accommodation, establishing an exchange and a fraternal dialogue, etc) Supporting to restore social ties (bringing together people in difficulty with an aim to reinsertion, encouraging personal initiatives and collective projects, establishing a mutual support helper-receiver of help relationship, etc) Developing to strengthen solidarity (proposing long lasting solutions, establishing a follow-up over the long term, encouraging collective actions carried out by people in difficulty etc.)
To support people around the world through the power of Rugby
Health Poverty Action's charitable purpose is 'to preserve and protect the health, through the provision of primary health care, of communities who receive little or no external assistance because of political instability and / or conflict'. Our Vision A world in which the poorest and most marginalised enjoy their rights to health. Our Mission We work to strengthen poor and marginalised people in their struggle for health.
Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TDH NL) prevents child exploitation by removing children from exploitative situations and ensuring they can develop themselves in a safe environment.
DTI's mission is to save millions of lives by advancing organ donations and transplantation training. ------ OUR COMMITMENT 1. Raise organ donations around the world 2. Improve society's quality of life 3. Support regenerative medicine ----- AT DTI, we advise and support public and private international entities of the health sector in the creation, development and strengthening of networks, programs, services and / or research in donation and transplantation of organs, tissues and human cells, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the people.
The Habitat International Coalition (HIC) is the global network for rights related to habitat. Through solidarity, networking and support for social movements and organizations, HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defense, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas.
Our two fold mission: To harness the power of dance and dance movement therapy to heal, empower and transform individuals into active citizens and change makers. To build the ecosystem for DMT for Change across Asia and create leaders and changemakers in the field, especially from underprivileged communities. KS's work addresses three Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Eradication of Poverty and Good Health and Well Being.The core of KS's work takes place in community settings. This consists of the conducting of Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) sessions for survivors of trafficking, survivors of sexual violence, people with mental illnesses and other marginalized communities. The NGO has created a unique, culturally contextualized module of DMT known as Sampoornata (fulfillment). KS's DMT-for-change model redefines a survivor's relationship with her/his body and helps her/him to overcome trauma, guilt, and shame. Sampoornata is designed to be a vehicle for empowerment: DMT process enables them to form a vision for their life and live with confidence and positivity. Along with this KS has developed its dance based module on sexual and reproductive health and rights that aims to install positive gender relations amongst adolescents. In this way, KS is contributing to the Sustainable Development Goal of Gender Equality. Women and girl children are empowered to overcome social stigma and restrictions and make independent choices. By encouraging women and girl children to seek employment, KS contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal of eradicating poverty. Another way in which the NGO contributes to this goal is through its 'childhood to livelihood approach'. Through this approach, individuals who have gone through the DMT process and who want to take it up as a profession go through a two-year Training of Trainers (TOT) programmed, after which they can be employed as Dance Movement Therapy practitioners. In this sense, they use the arts for economic progress. Additionally, the participants of the TOT programme go through capacity building, from which they get a range of skills that enable them to be employed in various other jobs. Most importantly, the TOT programme creates a new set of change makers from amongst the community. KS contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of Good Health and Well Being, not only by helping individuals overcome their trauma but also by working in community, institutional care and Health Care Settings. KS conducts DMT in marginalized communities, mental hospitals for people living with mental illnesses. . The activities and aims of the DMT sessions are specially modified to suit the clients. Sampoornata has contributed greatly to developing services that help expand our understanding of mental health and aid in the development of cost effective, sustainable services that are less intrusive and easy to replicate across populations. WORKING POPULATION: Kolkata Sanved believes that everyone has the right to live a life of dignity. Often there are many structural barriers that deprive marginalized communities of this basic entitlement. Therefore Kolkata Sanved aims to reach out to these communities to ensure their rights. This includes Working with children, youth and adolescence: Childhood is a period with potential the potential to influence developmental outcomes. KS work's work with young people include helping them optimal development outcomes. KS works with all categories of young people. Its general well being program is aimed at children in general whereas its direct intervention programs are aimed at children who are at risk. Groups falling within this category are 1. Children and youth living in: Red light areas Railway platforms Rural and urban slums Government and NGO-run shelter homes Children in conflict with Law School children 2. Working with survivors of trafficking exploitation and violence: Most survivors of violence undergo intense trauma, KS helps to empower survivors through their trauma based interventions so they can reclaim their lives. This works on fulfilling the goals of gender equity and good health and well being. In lieu of their work KS found that a lot of violence happens in the context of gender based discrimination. For this purpose KS launched the module on sexual and reproductive health and rights that enables adolescents to work towards the goal of gender equity. This unique model uses dance as a tool of education and awareness. 3. People living with mental illness (PLMI): KS works with people living with mental illness to help in the process of their recovery. Through its general well being program KS ensures PLMI are able to gain the life skills necessary for reintegration. 4. Secondary stakeholders and beneficiaries include, care providers, academy participants, researchers and stakeholders within the government sector. KS also reaches out to other civil society members through campaign.